Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tween hires exec at Value City majority owner as CFO - Business First of Columbus:
De Aguiar had been president of , the entit formed from private equityfirms , and that boughf an 81 percent stake in the Valuer City chain from (NYSE:RVI) in January. Tweeb said de Aguiar also served as a managing directorr withNew York-based management advisory firm Abacuws Advisors LLC, where he worked with VCHI. Priod to that, de Aguiar was a senior officer of Rocky Hill, Conn.-based , which went out of business in 2002. The industru veteran also has spent time atHoffman Ill.-based , Mexican conglomerate and Los Angeles-based De Aguiard begins as CFO on June 2. Tweeh (NYSE:TWB) runs 582 Limited Too stores and 282Justice outlets. The company in fiscal 2007 recordeeda $52.
6 million profit on $1.01 billion in sales.

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