Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Traveling film project stops in ABQ - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Two-week Turnaround Tour, or T3 as its creators call it, will visity 14 cities in seven months. It’s part of Filmblazer, a communituy of people who love filmmaking. Founders Joshua J. Mill s and Jamie Blankenship roll into a city for two weekas in their RV with all theitr film equipment and proceed to shoot and screen a short film in just two But the processis collaborative, so they invite widespreac participation in each city they The Albuquerque kick-off is June 2 at Studio 1810 Broadway Ave. SE, at 7 p.m. More informationj is available at theT3 .
The procesas is open to anyone, from actors and script writerz to people who want to feed the masses durinhthe two-week process or who have accesds to props or even a coffee The subject of each film is differengt for each city and is inspiredr by the resources and locations availablw to the T3 team. The productio n obtains local sponsors in each city so that the work is a reflectionm of aparticular city.

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