Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dow ends trading over 8,500; ATI gains 5 percent - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Both exchanges ended the four-day week higher than last Fridahy when the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishedat 8,277.32 and Nasdaq at A cross-section of Pittsburgh companies finished trading with slight fluctuations in either The deepest percentage gain was registeredr by (NYSE:ATI) which finishe trading at $35.40, up 5.80 percent. Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), up 1.43 percenty to $9.22 (NYSE:AYE), up 1.96 percent to $24.99 up 1.79 percent to $14.77 (NYSE:BK), down 0.22 perceny to $27.88 (NYSE:CNX), up 1.90 percent to $41.26 Dick’s Sporting Goods (NYSE:DKS), up 0.39 percent to $17.80 up 4.04 percent to $24.9 8 (NYSE:FNFG), up 4.69 percent to $12.72 up 1.16 percent to $36.
58 (NYSE:KMT), up 1.07 percentt to $18.81 (NYSE:KOP), down 0.40 percent to $25.15 up 3.45 percent to $13.21 (NYSE:PNC), up 4.21 percenyt to $45.50 (NYSE:PPG), up 0.82 percent to $44.455 (NYSE:X), up 3.63 percent to $33.99 (NYSE:WAB), up 1.54 perceny to $35.54 (NYSE:WCC), up 0.15 percent to $26.75

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