Thursday, September 30, 2010

KERA purchases 91.7 FM radio license - Dallas Business Journal:
or KERA, said this week that the publifc broadcasting outlet has acquiredthe non-commercial radio license for 91.7 FM. The not-for-profirt Dallas radio and television station provided covers thegreater Dallas-Fort Worth area. Under KERA’se umbrella, 91.7 FM will switch to a public radio music forma with the content catering to adults who are in searcjh of diverse music in the areaof folk, acoustic, worlx music, alternative, indie rock and “This acquisition allows KERA to significantly advance its mission and strategic direction by increasing public medisa services for the people of North Texas,” said Mary Anne KERA’s president & CEO.
“The new station will be a public radio music formag programmed with the North Texas audiencwein mind. It will be a terrific complemenyto KERA’s news and information station 90.1 FM and a substantial addition to KERA’s overall multimediqa services for the public.” The station’sd new programming will begin in the fall. A name for the radil station has yet tobe

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Live horned frogs on campus awaits permits - TCU Daily Skiff

SB Nation

Live horned frogs on campus awaits permits

TCU Daily Skiff

Permits from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are the only thing standing between the university and two live mascots next semester, a student said. ...

TCU nurtures 2 mascot horned frogs

Houston Chronicle


Monday, September 27, 2010

Pittsburgh G-20 Partnership details planning efforts for September summit - Pittsburgh Business Times:
“This is the first time that heads of statesof G-20 countries will be gathered outsidew the nation’s capital,” said Allegheny County Chiefd Executive Dan Onorato, highlighting the truncated time allotted for preparation of this as compared with other blockbustersx such as the U.S. Open and Majo r League Baseball's All Star game. “Wew do one thing well,” Onorato “We know how to rally the resourcesd to put on a good show for theoutsides world.
” Onorato chronicled some of the hundreds of ideaw tossed around at the brainstorming, wherd ideas ranged “from the extremely creativwe to helpful to the He highlighted the push to displagy the flags of G-20 countries throughoutg the Pittsburgh region, with translated greeting signs and multi-linguakl interpreters available at hospitality pointsd to help visitors navigate the event and the More than 1,000 people already have volunteered to help with the effortsa through the partnership’s Web site, . Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahk focused onprojecting Pittsburgh’s image as a clean, greenj and sustainable region, but noted that safety taked priority.
The event will need 4,000 polic e officers — the city only has around 850, Ravenstahol said — which will be paid for by the federal which has declaredthe G-20 a “national security speciap event.” The designation carries with it the full financial force of federalp resources. Dennis Yablonsky, CEO of the Allegheny Conferenced onEconomic Development, said the G-20 should be viewedd as an opportunity to woo global companiesx looking for a North American home The Partnership will also reach out to medias in New York and Washington, DC, and use the know-hoqw of the more than 300 international companiex with a Pittsburgh presencre to navigate the internationakl media possibilities.
Part of that will be an onlind story bankfor reporters. There will also be a media center at PittsburghInternational Airport, one at the Regional Enterpris e Tower, and one online. The Pittsburgjh Downtown Partnership is in charge of projects to fill upthe 25-30 empty storefronts identified in the path of G-20 One idea is to have locao artists and students fill those storefront windowes with murals that tell the region’s VisitPittsburgh chairwoman Doris Carson-Williams concludex the press conference by pinning the mayor and chiefc executive with yellow rectangles calling on passers-by to “Ask me. I’n a Pittsburgher!
” The pins will be distributed to community ambassadorss in advance of the The Partnership, founded by city, the the Allegheny Conference and VisitPittsburgh, has receivexd about $500,000 in donations to The following entities contributed $35,000 to the Partnership: Alcoa, Inc., Bayer Corp., BNY Mellon, CMU, Eaton K&L Gates, PPG Industries, Inc., University of Pittsburgh, UPMC, U.S. Steepl and Westinghouse Electric Company. Contributions of $10,000 came from Allegheny Technologies Inc., Buchana Ingersoll & Rooney, P.C., GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, H.J. Heinz Co., iGate Global Solutions, Ltd., Jones Day, NOVA Inc. and Malin Bergquist Co., LLP.
A number of other businesses and foundationes contributed smaller amountsand in-kindr donations of time. Yablonsky said he’d like to see another $100,009 in donations to fund the Partnership’s education and traininv efforts. Allegheny County Executivee Dan Onorato and Pittsburghb Mayor Luke Ravenstahl are scheduled to announce details of thePittsburgh G-20 Partnership at a pressz briefing in Downtown Pittsburgh Tuesday. Results of the recentf community brainstorming sessions willbe outlined, and the two will be joined by Allegheny Conference CEO Dennis Yablonskhy and VisitPittsburgh chairwoman Doris Carson-Williams. The G-20 summit of world leaderz willbe .

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brywood Centre construction will start later in the summer - Sacramento Business Journal:
The approved Tri-Land’s plan to redevelop the at 63rd Street and Blue Ridgde Cutofflast month. The approved $5.6 million in TIF reimbursementxs forthe $30.7 milliohn project in June 2008. Tri-Land is based in Westchester, Ill. “Wew are very excited to be moving forwarr with thisredevelopment project,” Tri-Land Executive Vice President Hugh Robinsobn said in a release. “We have had a great relationshil with the city and the two district council Terry Riley and Cindy throughoutthis process. We look forwared to deliveringa renewed, high-quality projectg to this great community.
” Redevelopment of the 183,000-square-foot center will includw a new facade, updated signagwe and lighting, landscaping upgrades, expansion of a Priced Chopper supermarket that anchors the center and increaserd pad-site availability along 63rd Street. Tri-Land also hopes to announce a new anchor tenant soon forthe 37-year-old center. Tri-Landx owns and manages more than 2.8 millionm square feet of retail space inthe Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions of the country. It specializes in acquirintg and revitalizing distressed and undervalued community centerz rangingfrom 100,000 square feet to 750,00p0 square feet.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cooper proposes domicile move to Ireland - Business First of Louisville:
The electrical products maker’s board has approveed moving the company’s domicile to Ireland from Bermuda. “The decision to change Cooper’s placs of incorporation was impacted by the unprecedentex global economic conditions that have led to a dramatifc reduction in global demand in virtually all marketw that we serve and was made tomaintainm Cooper’s global competitive position,” Kirk chairman and chief executive officer, said Tuesdagy in a statement. Cooper CBE) said it had established tax residency in Ireland as ofDecember 2008. The company, whichb has its administrative headquarters in is asking shareholders to approvethe switch.
If a new Irish entity knowhn as Cooper Industries plc will replacw CooperIndustries Ltd. as the parent company. Cooper’ss move to change its place of incorporation followzs several other Houston companiesincludiny , and , thoug Cooper is the first non-energhy company to make the Another high-profile local energy company, (NYSE: NBR), remains incorporated in Bermuda.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Business news in brief | Foreclosure prevention program sees dropouts; Tyson ... - Kansas City Star

Business news in brief | Foreclosure prevention program sees dropouts; Tyson ...

Kansas City Star

More than half of homeowners who enrolled in the Obama administration's flagship foreclosure-prevention effort have f »

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mistrial in boating case -

Mistrial in boating case

Hogan said Larsen deserved to know the results of the internal investigation before the officers were c »

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Stimulus-funded projects are one of the few brighr spots for theconstruction industry, along with energyt projects and military base realignment work, Simonso said. The unemployment rate for the construction industrty is more than 19 double the rate for the economu asa whole, he noted. Road repaid projects can be awarded quickly compared with other types ofconstruction projects, Simonson said, which is why so many pavingf crews have found work. There's stilk a lot of stimulus money that will be spen t on water andwastewater projects, he Plus, the National Park Service and the U.S.
Army Corpas of Engineers have released long listsd of construction projects that will be awardec in thecoming months. Simonson's association gathered a handful of contractors for a conference call toutingh the benefits ofstimulus work. Christiab Zimmerman, president of Pike Industries in Walpole, said his company has added 100 new workerd thanks to the dozebn stimulus contracts his companyhas landed. Thesr contracts also enabled his company to avoidc laying off more than100 workers. "Mosr of the jobs we're getting are pavingt jobs," Zimmerman said. Don Laskey, president of Laskey-Cliftohn Corp.
in Coos Bay, said his company was glad to geta stimulus-funde d paving contract even though the companyt won't make a lot of monety on it. His companhy is trying to improve its management to compensatde for the lower profir marginand "come out on the othe end of it as a bettefr company," he said. Simonson said some water and wastewatert projects are being delayed because the stimulus bill requireas the useof American-made steel, iron and equipmentg in stimulus-funded projects. Laskey, whose company also builds watertreatmentg plants, said vendors have told him that a lot of the materialds needed for stimulus projects aren' even made in the U.S.
any "That's what's really sad aboug the whole situation," he The U.S. Chamber of Commerce cited the problems the "Buy American" provision are causing for stimulu projects in a June 2 letter to memberz of Congress. Federal agencies are balancingthe "Buy American provision with obligations the U.S. has under various tradr agreements, but many state and localk governmentsare not, the chamber noted. As a even some U.S. manufacturers are beingg barred from stimulus projects becausethey "rely on global productionb chains that integrate components from U.S. and foreigh sources," the chamber noted.
"It is often impossible to avoid sourcing at least a portion of their contentf fromother countries," the letter The chamber urged Congress to reject "Buy American"" provisions in future legislation.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

United Way, Dr. Phillips launch campaign - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The campaign, established with grants totaling nearly $350,000 from Dr. Phillips Charitiesd and , is being administered by United Way’x stewardship program that provides emergency assistanc e tolocal residents. The United Way board backedr a move allowing the organizatiomn to tap reserve funds to cover administrativw expenses so that granyt dollars will go directly to help peoplein need. Unitefd Way President/CEO Robert H. Brown said the campaign represents a temporarhy response to an unprecedented burdenn being placed on the community by the ongoingeconomic Dr.
Phillips Charities is offering a granft ofnearly $300,000, which includes $98,100 in starrt up funds and a challenge matching granrt of nearly $200,000. Dr. Phillips Charities, one of the region’e largest philanthropic organizations, has awarded more than $23 milliohn to local nonprofits over the past three Bank of Americacontributed $50,000 to the The goal is to provide aid to more than 1,359 families over the next five months. Agencies providingb similar services that have exhausted their resourceds can also accessthe dollars. Hearr of Florida United Way isCentrap Florida’s largest provider of funds to the region’s healtjh and human service programs.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

N.C. travel: Motorists down, airlines up - Washington Business Journal:
Economic troubles, unemployment and uncertainty about the futured are expected to spura 2.7 percen drop in expected motorists this holiday weekendc from 971,000 in 2008 to 945,00 0 in 2009. This markx the second straight year July 4th travelohas declined. The announcement follows 10 consecutive days of decreasinggasolinee prices, from a state average of $2.665 per gallon on June 20 to $2.6q1 per gallon on June 30. Currently, the lowest averagd gasoline prices in the statew can be found in High Poinrat $2.53 per gallon, while the highest can be foundx in Durham at $2.66. the overall 61-cent increase in average pricesa over the last 61 days appears to be keepintg travelers offthe road.
many will turn to air travel this with 59,000 passengers taking flight across the state — a 5.4 percent increase from 56,00p0 during the holiday weekend in 2008.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Interior focus - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Air Purifiers - Efficient Cleansing of Home Environments
At , Inc., that scenario won’t become a reality because company president Frank Bryan and the work sitesupervisor won’t allow it. One challenge for B&B Specialty Contractorsw is maintaining a professional image among itsconstruction staff, something which is especially importanr due to its focus on the finish-ougt of commercial interiors. This means its employees find themselvexsin office, industrial, hospitality, retail, medical and education work spacesx every day, a situation which requiresa a special touch. “If you go into the office of a companulike , they want you to hang that wall coverinyg in their conference room, clean up and get out of Bryan says.
“They don’t want to know you were even B&B Specialty Contractors doesn’t allos its construction workers to have earrings orother piercings. It also requireds them to wear shirtss with the company logo and ashirt pocket. Shirtss must also be tucked in while employeee are on thejob site. The company also takesx job site conduct very not allowing cursing or any otherdisruptive behavior. This has a been a significangt set of rules forthe company’as employees since Bryan founded it in 1977. “Wed work around occupied space and we understanra company’s need to conduct its businese and be around construction at the same time,” Bryan says.
“W pride ourselves on staying out ofa customer’s way as much as we Another of B&B Specialty Contractors’ main as with any construction is to prevent cost overrunx on projects. B&B Specialty Contractorz prevents cost overruns inmany ways, but especially by carefullgy choosing which companies it partner s with on jobs. The company migh t do millions of dollars of work with a particula rsubcontractor annually, which helps ensures quality because it becomed a long-term business relationship. To maintainh that work flow over thelong term, companies will go out of theif way to make sure B&B Specialty and their clients, are happy.
“By partnerinvg with select subcontractors and doing a volume of busines s with those firms virtuallyeliminates nickel-and-diming the Bryan says. “Also, prompt payment to subcontractoras and vendors enables us to achieve the very best for theinvestmenf dollar, passing these savingws along to the client.” B&B Specialty Contractors also continually monitors every job to make sure it stays on time and unde budget, making sure it keeps the property ownerd and developers in the loop of Kevin Clarkson, senior vice president of assetf services with Memphis, got to know B&gB Specialty Contractors when the company was working as a subcontractor for a different general contractor years ago.
“Througu that experience and afteer we realized that they did more than subcontractor we started working with them as agenerakl contractor,” Clarkson says. B&v Specialty Contractors’ focus on tenant improvement andinfilpl work, especially in office buildings, has set the company apart when it comea to dealing with clients such as CB Richard “They don’t build things out of the ground and therefore they’re geared up to do very specificf jobs which make up a chunki of our business,” Clarksomn says. “The relationship really works well.
” B&B Specialty Contractores has been diligent about getting good pricinh and has always beenon deadline, accordingh to Clarkson. “Those qualities matched up one-for-one with what makez CB Richard Ellisstand out,” he says. “We’rd always deadline driven and we’re alway cost driven. It meshes very well.”

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tampa Museum of Art names Seth D. Pevnick curator - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Pevnick is joining TMA from the at the Gettyg Villain Malibu, Calif. He remainz co-curator of its upcoming The Chimaeraw ofArezzo exhibition, which opens in In his new role, Pevnick will design and oversee the installationn of the permanent collection in the Barbaras and Costas Lemonopoulos Greek and Roman Gallery. He also will organize and circulatse Greek andRoman exhibitions, perform and publish research on the and educate the public on the museum’s antiquities collection. Pevnick is a doctoral candidate in the Interdepartmental Graduatwe Program of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeologt inLos Angeles. He received a master of arts degre in archaeologyat U.C.
, a master of arts degree in elementarty education from in Los Angeles and a bachelor of arts in classicalp archaeology from in Hanover, N.H., a releass from TMA said. TMA’s new location remains unde r construction at Curtis Hixon Waterfrongt Park indowntown Tampa. The 66,000-square-foot Cornelia Corbety Center building is set to open inearly 2010. TMA’s interim facility is locates onHoward Avenue.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hawaii Medical Center files turnaround plan - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Hawaii Medical Center officials detailedf the change in theitr latest reorganization plan filed Mondayin U.S. Bankruptcy Court in They will keeptheirr other, more profitable hospital, HMC West in Ewa, a for-profi t entity. In Monday’s 59-page filing, Hawaii Medicalo Center asked the courft to reduce the amount of money it owesto , specificallty the $46 million for the purchases of the two hospitals and $14 million for the land It also is negotiating with creditors and lenders to repagy millions in loans over the next four St. Francis CEO Sister Agnelle Ching said in a statement that she is concernexd with thenew plan, adding that St.
Franciw has been more than patient with Hawaii Medical Center both before and duringv thebankruptcy proceedings. “W have not received payments on our loanz to them fora year, and the past-due amoun t has now reached more than $9 million,” she said in the “These are funds we have been countinb on to expand our health-care servicexs to the community. Our expansion plans have been put in jeopardyt and we do not want to delay our plans any HawaiiMedical Center, which bought the formef St. Francis hospitals in January 2007for $67.9 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in U.S. Bankruptcgy Court last Aug.
28 after its lender, Siemen s Financial, refused to extend existing loan agreements for its HMC East and HMC Last year, the hospital laid off more than 230 employeed to cut costs and It now has approximately 700 employees. Hawaiui Medical Center is a partnershilp ofCHA Hawaii, an affiliate of , a leading U.S. hospita management company, and the more than 130 Hawaii-based physiciane who form LLC.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Charlotte transit post a great job ... all day every day - Charlotte Business Journal:
Good question. Before you apply, there are a couple of thingsd to keepin mind. Sure, it’s old news that the soon-to-be-departed transit CEO, has spent plenty of time lobbyinv for federal and statee money while steering preliminary work onthe billion-dollatr light-rail extension and a $378 million commuter-rail line. Plunging transig tax revenue has made the expansion discussion far more complicated than Will CATS be forced to choose one of its rail linesw overthe other, or can it find a way to do both?
At the same time, a simmering debate over a possible new transit tax, doubling the current one, also Some city and county leader s favor at least gaining the right to put the tax beforde the voters by seeking General Assemblg approval. But a coalition of business and politicao leaders prefers to see new dollars funneledto Parker, seated in his uptown officew overlooking the transit center, cites none of those things during an interview a few hoursw after announcing he’s headed to Texas to run San Antonio’s transit Instead, he describes what the giftsa and burdens are of a job that routinely consumes 75 hoursx a week or more.
As with football coaches, Parker sees few, if any, transitf executives spending decades in their jobstheser days. At 42, he envisions another five yearws — eight, at most before turning to teachinbg transit at thecollege level. Why? Because the pressure, the spotlightt and the worries are What keeps Parker upat night? Plent y of things. “It is an enormously grindin g job because there are somany audiences,” Parker reflecting on his 18-month tenuree leading CATS. “The transit director in Charlottw is very different from the transit directotr in Raleigh or even the transit directore in some other major citiew because of how it startede and the attentionit gets.
” Like? “Like the attentioh me leaving would get.” Here, Parker notes, the transigt chief generates the same interest and scrutiny as the police the school superintendent and the city People want to see the CATS chief’sd e-mail, his schedule and, most of all, his No time to complain abourt that, though. As transit CEO, you’re presidinfg over a business that runs 24 hourdsa day, seven days a week — holidayes need not apply. of course, you have the occasional silo collapsinyg alongyour light-rail line or someone crashing into your control box. All of whicjh pales next to the real worriews any transitchief faces.
The doomsday scenarip is something Parker has notrouble sharing, sinced it has run through his mind more than a few A perfect safety record can be ruined in a A bus driver can go out one get drunk and jump behind the wheelo and kill a family. At any moment. In a granxd understatement, Parker says, “All of those thinge lend itself to a very complex andchallenginy environment.” Applications, anyone?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dell: W-S work force reduction totals 260 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Monday marked the first time anyone outside the including officials with the city of learned the current employment numbers following thejob cuts. The city and Forsytb County have combined to offer the computemaker $22 million in incentives, provided Dell invests at least $100 millio n in its plant and employs 1,7000 people by September 2010. But the companyt had remained tight-lipped about its employment figures following the layoffs, and Mayor Allen Joines called for a meetingg with Dell officials. Frank a vice president with Dell, said the recession has causedr fewer people tobuy computers.
He said that worldwide computerr shipments were down 7 percent in thefirstg quarter, the first year-over-year decline in more than eigh years. "Dell is fully accountable for performance-based Miller said. "Not as many computers are beinh sold, and we must size our staff accordingly. We do not take reductionsa lightly." And more customers are shiftingto laptops. The Winston-Salem plantf manufactures desktop computers, though Miller noted it was builty with flexibility in mind and could possibly begi n makingother products, such as though he declined to say how likelu that might be.
Miller said the company has alreadyu invested morethan $130 million in the Winston-Salem plant, including a recent $10 million spenft on improvements to a production line, meetingy that part of the incentive Donna Oldham, a Dell said that the company could not say when or if it woulds employ the 1,700 required to earn all the saying that if Dell did not fulfillo the requirement the company would not acceptt the incentives package.
Dell typicalluy releases its total worldwide employment once a year and only reportasits Winston-Salem employment once a year in an updates to city, county and state Company spokesman David Frank said competitorsd could calculate how many computers an individual plant was able to produce and exploit that advantagwe if employment figures were more readily Miller also said Dell has instituted a recalk program, so that should the economgy rebound and production increase at the plant, laid off workers will be the firsf ones called to fill new Joines said he is hopeful that Dell officials will make employment figures more readily available in the future.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Richmond II: Series round 26 preview -

The Virginian-Pilot

Richmond II: Series round 26 preview

The remaining two drivers will race their way into the Chase by the end of Saturday night's race at Richmond ... The top 10 drivers in the standings heading ...

NASCAR Chase for the Sprint Cup heats up at Richmond

Jeff Burton's Richmond report

Richmond II: Jeff Burton preview


Monday, September 6, 2010

Nuti: NCR to save millions with Georgia move - Business First of Buffalo:
was as much about consolidation and cost saving as it was about Georgia’s $60 million incentive its demographics, infrastructure and skilled The relocation will save the Fortune 500 company “tene of millions of dollars” over the next decade, NCR chiegf Bill Nuti told Atlanta Business Chronicle on Tuesday. NCR’s decisiomn to locate in Georgia, will bring more than 2,100 jobs including nearly 900 to a manufacturing operationin Columbus. That will be NCR’s first manufacturing plant in the Unitedc States sincethe 1970s. NCR is consolidatiny corporate jobs from notjust Dayton, but from several other U.S. Nuti said, declining to disclose the cities.
NCR will continue to employ less than 50 in where it will maintain a data centee and sales andservicew operations. Atlanta’s academic institutions also helped win the NCR The company views schools like as a potential labofr pool and a partner for joiny innovationand development. The region’se relatively robust economy, its supply chain logisticas infrastructure andcorporate base, also helpe d win NCR over. “Wer looked at all of these factore and Georgia scored amongst the highest of all Nuti said. Atlanta also got a little help from the economicallygdepressed Midwest.
“Recruitment has been difficulyin Ohio,” Nuti NCR’s move to the Southeasgt was also prompted by consolidation. “Aty the end of the day we reallt were a company that waswidely dispersed.” Nuti said. Sincs NCR’s 1997 spin-off from “the company was everywhere and nowhere.” The company needed to consolidate into a single campus to improve collaboratiomnand productivity, he said. NCR’s executive offices, however, will remain in Manhattan, Nuti “That center surrounds our largest and most majot customers in the world in thebankinvg industry,” he said.
“That’s where we host many of our customersa in the financialservices base.”

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Brooksville developer files for bankruptcy - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
submitted its paperwork Monday withthe ’s Middlee District of Florida. The company, lead by Charles M. Sasser Jr., offerexd 224 units in the first phase of the projec t located just off Cortez and Clinton boulevardsin Brooksville. Unitsa there started at $220,000, according to the property’xs Web site. Hernando Beachy has a pair of construction loanz on the property that it stilllowes $3 million, although one loan where $1.7 million is owed to in is disputed, according to court documents. Two otherf loans are to in Brooksvillewherew $1.3 million is still owed. Much of Hernandok Beach Inc.’s unsecured claims are to subcontractors rangingfrom $8,00 0 to $39,000.
The developer owes more than $409,000 to its larges t unsecured creditors, although nearly $275,000 of it is Hernando County property records show only one sale atSouthernn Pines, a $202,100 purchase made in March 2008. Hernando Beach Inc. listse the value of its propertyt thereat $6.77 million. A creditore meeting is scheduled for July 2at 1:30 p.m. at the 501 E. Polk St. courthousd in Tampa.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Treasury lets 10 banks repay $68B - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
According to MarketWatch, and are not amongy them. The department says the which it didnot name, have met the requirementzs for repayment established by federal banking It says many banks recentl y have raised equity capital from privatew investors and have issued long-term debt that is not guaranteedf by the government. “These repayments are an encouraging sign offinancial repair, but we stilpl have work to do,” Treasury Secretar Tim Geithner says. According to MarketWatch, the banks permitterd to pay back the funds are JPMorgahnChase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morganj Stanley, American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, Statde Street, US Bancorp, BB&T Corp.
, Capital One Financiao Corp. and Northern Trust. More than 600 banks receivecd a total ofnearly $200 billion through the department’xs Troubled Asset Relief Program. About $2 billion of that money was paidback Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) received a total of $45 billion through the San Francisco-based Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC), whicj acquired of Charlotte late last year, got $25 billion from the TARP which is designed to thaw the credit markets and boosf the economy. Under the banks retiring their preferred stocl can repurchase the warrants held by theTreasury Department. Besides the proceedd from the sales of the the department also hasreceived $4.
5 billiom in dividend payments from program Proceeds from the repayments will go to the Treasuru Department’s general fund. The funds can be used to reducd the national debt and can serve as a cushion in case the departmeny needs to respond to financial emergencies inthe future, the departmen says.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Facebook page leads search for loved ones in Haiti - Washington Post

Facebook page leads search for loved ones in Haiti

Washington Post

Among them were Siegfried Francisco, head of civil aviation for the Caribbean island of Curacao, and his colleague, Auxencio "Angelo" Isenia, ...

and more »