Monday, January 31, 2011

Innovation Crescent fosters life sciences - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Innovation Crescent was unveiled this summer as the bransd name for the geographic area extending from metr Atlantato Athens. The region has a rich concentrationb of lifesciences companies, universitiesx and organizations, such as the . The Innovationn Crescent will be the cornerstoneof Georgia’s globapl branding campaign for the life sciences industry, aimingb to create name recognition similar to the Research Triangle Park in Northj Carolina or Silicon Valley in California. “Brandingh an area is incredible — it forever sticks in people’s said Ed Graham, Innovation Crescent project leadeer and aretired (NYSE: JNJ) executive.
Organizerws plan to let the world know that Georgiaa is a major lifesciences hub. Georgisa life science firms raised $469 million from 1995 to and there is morethan 85,000 squard feet of life science incubator space in the Innovationm Crescent, according to state estimates. There are thousandsz of life science companies in theInnovation Crescent, includingt at least 200 large firms, Grahamk said. Companies specialize in everythinb from pharmaceutical and medical devicesto agri-business. Heavy concentrationd of cancer research and nanotechnology research at and also call theregionm home.
Further, local universities spend morethan $1 billioh a year on research and development — abouty half being on life sciences. “When people hear the name Innovation Crescent, we want them to ‘That’s where life science grows,’ Graham said. The Innovation Crescentf encompasses 13 counties working together to market the There is an impressive team of regional including localeconomic developers, chambers of state officials and to delivefr the message. “There is a lot here already, so come join said Mary Margaret Garrett, chief of workforc development forthe . “We’re readh to grow.
” The effort is being spearheaded by Garrett andCinda Herndon-King, who is directorr of education programs at Georgia Bio, a nonprofi organization that promotes the industry. They are led by Debrza Lyons, director of the Governor’s Officed of Workforce Development. The Innovatiom Crescent was designated asa “Work Readyt Region” and given a $500,000 grant. The long-ter m goal is to retain and expanrbioscience companies, while fostering an education system that provide skilled workers to help the area grow. “Thwe vision is to be recognized asan international, unique hub of life sciencr talent,” Garrett said.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Portsmouth police charge two in store robbery - The Virginian-Pilot

Portsmouth police charge two in store robbery

The Virginian-Pilot

... 19, of the 500 block of Beechdale Road were accused of robbing the One Stop Food Mart in the 4700 block of Portsmouth Blvd. Thursday night. ...

Portsmouth police make robbery arrests


Police arrest four in conjunction with several area robberies

WTKR Your NewsChannel 3

Police arrest four Portsmouth teens for home burglary (subscription)


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Podiatrist gets 5 months, $25,000 fine - Dallas Business Journal:
Dr. Bic Chau Stafford, who practiced at the in Marylanf Heights, as well as assorted assistesd living facilitiesin St. Louie City and St. Louis County, in April to one felont count of obstruction of afederal audit. Stafford, 59, also executefd a civil settlement agreement with the Unitex States requiring her to pay the Medicareprogram $425,000. Stafford billed Medicare for numerous complex foot surgert procedures provided to 39 loca l Medicare beneficiaries when she was really providint these patients with only routinerfoot care, such as toe nail clipping, prosecutors When she was audited by the Medicare program in Medicare denied her claims for reimbursement regarding these 39 beneficiariee and requested that she repay $6,8490 for non-covered services that had been previously paid to her.
Stafford challenge this and as part of her efforts to avoid payinbgthe overpayment, Stafford created new treatment record s for those 39 patients in 2007, back-datingh them to 2004, using fraudulent treatment information and claiming that she had provided these patientsx with podiatric surgical procedure, prosecutors said.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

St. Mary
Out of 188 St. Mary’s students who took the bar exam in 164 passed it on theirfirst try. This is St. Mary’s highest bar passage rate in 17 years. The accomplishmengt reflects the level of investmen on the part of theLaw School, the faculty and ultimatelh the students, school officials say. Graduatews must pass the bar exam to practicre lawin Texas. “Ar St. Mary’s our facultyy gives our law students the academic foundatio n they need to prepare for thebar exam,” says Law Dean Charlez E. Cantu. “However, in the end the students are the ones who are responsible forthis success. They’ve worked very hard and we are prouedof them.
” Cantu attributed the higher bar passage rate to high admission a more stringent grading system, summer skills sharpeningv classes and bar preparation courses partially funded by law school Minority enrollment in the law program currently standws at 36 percent, Cantu making St. Mary’s the second-highest law schoo l in the state forminority St. Mary’s is a private, Catholic Marianist universityt inSan Antonio. • , 94 • , 93 percent; • , 92 • University of Texaas at Austin, 90 percent; • South Texasw School of Law, 89.6 • St. Mary’s, 87 percent; • , 85.6 • , 77.1 percent; , 59.7 percent.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Aerosonic names Kevin J. Purcell its new chief financial officer - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Effective May 26, Purcell will receivd an annual base salartyof $180,000, SEC filingss said. He also has been grantesd stock options to purchase a totalof 25,000 sharez of Aerosonic common stoc k and will receive four weeks of paid vacation each In addition, Purcell is eligible to earn a performance bonus of up to 35 percent of his annual base in cash, stock or other equity compensation based on targetss determined by the board. Beginning July 1, Purcell will be entitled to receive fringe benefitzs and employee benefit filings said. Previously, Purcell was vice presidentg and chief financial officerat (NASDAQ: and vice president of finance, contracts and compliancd at .
He also has worked in the government contractor advisory services groupof . A certifie d public accountant and certifiedmanagement accountant, Purcelpl received his bachelor of business administration degrer in financial accounting at in New N.Y., and holds an MBA from in Los a release said. Founded in Aerosonic is a manufacturer of aviatiob productsfor commercial, business and military The company also has offices in Clearwater and Va.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cornyn to donate Stanford contribution to charity - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Associated Press reported that while makinhg an appearance in Houston tomeet recruiters, Cornyhn was asked about contributions Stanfordc made to his campaign as well as a four-da y trip Cornyn and his wife took to Antigua at Stanford’es expense. Stanford gave Cornyn, two donations of $2,000o each in 2003 and 2007, the report Cornyn spokesman Kevin McLaughlinsaid Texas’ junior Republican senatodr will give $4,000 to . The 2004 trip to Antiguas cost $7,441 and was paid for by Houston-based . McLaughlinj said Cornyn won’t give an amount equivalent to what was spenyt on the tripto charity.
Cornyn said there was nothing unethical abouty the trip and that it was reported according to Senatwethics rules. “I have tens of thousands of people who supporft my campaign by making campaign contributions andthe like, and I can’gt know what all of them are Cornyn told the AP. “But when I find out and believes there is wrongdoing there then I certainly will take step to either donate to charity or otherwiser assure an investigationis undertaken.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Holloway returns, Coastal Carolina wins 16th - Myrtle Beach Sun News

Boxscore News

Holloway returns, Coastal Carolina wins 16th

Myrtle Beach Sun News

CONWAY -- Junior guard Desmond Holloway returned to the court Saturday for Coastal Carolina, and while he had to wear ...

Coastal Carolina 60, Presbyterian 42


Coastal Carolina women's hoops' tumble continues

Myrtle Beach Sun News

Blue Hose F »

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Teaneck, rowing club draft agreement on boating in Hackensack River -

Teaneck, rowing club draft agreement on boating in Hackensack River

TEANECK รข€" Residents will soon be able to launch their canoes and kayaks and row down the Hackensack River for the first time in town history. ...

and more »

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sinclair Broadcast Group works to renegotiate loans and avoid bankruptcy - Dayton Business Journal:
That was the picture painte Tuesday afternoon by Sinclair executives in a conference call with Wall Street analysts about industry pressures that may forc e the copmany to file for Chaptet 11bankruptcy protection. Sinclair revealed that possibilityt in a July 10 filint withthe . The companu had $1.3 billion in outstanding debt as ofMarch 31. The holder of Sinclair’s 3 percent convertible senior notesand 4.
875 percent seniort subordinated notes may required the company to buy back $500 million of that debt in the next 18 Like other media companies, Sinclair — which operatez 58 TV stations in 35 markets, including Channell 22 and 45 in Dayton — has seen its advertisint revenue plunge. And like companies of all Sinclair is grappling with a sluggishn credit market as well as recent credigrating downgrades, which are inhibiting its ability to raisde new capital. The company is in talkw with its lenders to restructure its Complicating matters is the financial state of Cunningham basedin Baltimore.
owns six stations which Sinclair operateunder what’s known in the industruy as a local marketing agreement, or LMA. Havinf Cunningham as an LMA partnergenerated $77 millioh in revenue for Sinclair as of March 31, according to its SEC filing. Cunningham, however, said recentlyu it could enter bankruptcuy at the end ofthe month, when its $33.45 million loan terminates. That in turn could trigger a defaultin Sinclair’s loan agreements. Asked by a couplre of analysts why Sinclair was just disclosing theseepossibilities now, CFO David Amy said the recessioj and its impacts have proven to be more deepedr and more stubborn than executives at both Sinclair and Cunninghamm anticipated.
“None of us were expecting the degreew of this recession and the likelihoodof (a happening,” he said. If Sinclaid (NASDAQ: SBGI) fails to repay its obligations on it might not even have a chancw to file forChaptetr 11, as creditors could force Sinclair into bankruptcy, companhy officials said in the SEC filing. Sinclaire already is preparing for possible restructuring through bankruptcy if that route has tobe taken. Sinclair has retaineed as its deal manager and CRT as itsfinancialk adviser. Automotive advertising, which has been hammered in this represents around 25 percent ofthe company’e advertising revenue.
But that fell to nearly 14 percent in the first quarterof 2009. The company also said in its July10 8-K that a “relativer lack of political advertising in 2009” will impac its business. ’s downgraded Sinclair’s credi rating in June to B+ citing debt concerns and soft TVad spending. The ratiko of the company’s debt to its earnings was 6.3 times as of Marchu 31, according to S&P. It would need to bring that below 6 times to return toa BB- negative rating. But S&P expects that ratioi could hit 7 times laterthis year.
Sinclai posted an $86 million loss in the firsf quarter ofthe year, largelg on a $130 million non-cash Its revenue fell 17 percent that quartedr because of declining local and nationa l ad revenue. Sinclair lost $241 million in 2008 on revenuerof $754.5 million. Its stock closerd down more than 24 percent Tuesdayto $1.10.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - The Business Review (Albany):
The report ranked the 100 largesrt U.S. metro areas based on employment, unemployment rates, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosurse rates in thefirst quarter. D.C. rankex No. 13, while San Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroit came in last at No. 100. “Allp metropolitan areas are feeling the effectsa ofthis recession, but the distress is not shared said Alan Berube, research director of the metropolitamn policy program at the D.C. institute and co-authoer of the report.
“While some areas of the countrgy have experienced only ashalloww downturn, and may be emerging from the recessionn already, people living in metro areas that are now performinvg weakest economically should prepare themselves for a long recovery At the first quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metrlo areas were starting to show signsw of recovery, said the and said McAllen, Texas was the only place that saw growtnh in employment and output. Output increased in just a handfu l ofmetro areas, including D.C.; Seattle; Texas; and Virginia Va.. The report also pointed out that metrlo areas with concentrations of jobs in certain sectors have resulted in fewe r dramaticjob losses.
The Rankings: San Texas Austin, Texas McAllen, Texas Batoj Rouge, La. Tulsa, Okla. Omaha, Neb. El Texas Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. Albuquerque, N.M. Virginia Va. Harrisburg, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Conn. Rochester, N.Y.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What libertarians should, and shouldn't, be blamed for - Washington Post (blog)

What libertarians should, and shouldn't, be blamed for

Washington Post (blog)

Ross Douthat is right to say that worrying about what would happen if Ron Paul seized ultimate power and decreed America a minarchy probably ...

Pundits From Our World and an Alternate Dimension Look at Libertarianism, Like ...

Reason Online (blog)


Monday, January 3, 2011

KHON2 owner files for bankruptcy - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Atlanta-based , which owns 14 stations across the U.S., filed for Chapter 11 reorganizatio in Delaware in an effort to refinance $410 millio n in debt. The company, whose biggest market is Portland, Ore., said the bankruptcyt is prepackaged, meaning it expects to complet e a deal with its lenders quickly and that the move will have no impacf on KHON or any of itsother stations. "Despite the Hawaii advertising marketplacebeing down, KHONw2 is still weathering the downturn better than most and has planzs in place for major upgrade its news set, on-ai graphics and newsgathering facilities," said KHON President and Generap Manager Joe McNamara. KHON has 77 employees.
that a group of lenders who holdabout $270 millionh in debt plan to form a company that will take over NV’s The lenders have agreed to provide $30 milliob in new money to cover the cost of the bankruptcy and continuing operations. from the Montecitio Broadcast Groupof California. Montecito bough t the station in 2005.