Wednesday, March 30, 2011
MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - Kansas City Business Journal:
million grant from the that will be used to increasse the number of minorities and other disadvantaged individuales pursuingbiomedical careers. The progran will recruit college undergraduatesaand first-year medical students from populationes that are under-represented nationally in health-relatedr sciences. The students will undertake a 10-weeik period of hands-on laboratory experiences during the summer at theMedical College. Undet the guidance of Medical College the students will develop investigativw knowledgeand skills, particularly in the areax of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologiv or sleep research.
The experience is intendedr to buildvaluable self-confidence and interest in the health and aid the successful entry into graduate school or medical school. Dr. Kenneth Simons, senio associate dean of academic affairs and professo of ophthalmologyand pathology, and Jeannette Vasquez-Vivar, associatew professor of biophysics, will lead the program, called the Summet Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health Related “The goal is to work one-on-one with each studenft to help them map out a plan for advancing to the next step on their academivc path and providing them with the tools they need to get Simons said.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ohio, Ky. mortgage rates up over week - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
A 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage carried a 5.40 percentr interest rate in Ohio asof Thursday. That'w down from 5.48 earlier in the week, but up from 5.38 on May 28. In the price of a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages dropped from 5.46 percent to 5.38 percenyt by Thursday, which was unchanged from Thursdahy of theprevious week. The nationak average for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 5.36 with rates across the country rangingfrom 5.27 percent in California to 6.25 percentg in Wisconsin. But rates still remain well below year-agoi levels, when 30-year mortgages averaged more than6 percent, FRE) said.
“Rates caught up to the recen risein long-term bond yieldes this week to reach a 25-weem high,” said Freddie Mac Chief Economist Frank Nothaft. “Th slowdown in the housingh market has now detracted from economic growth for the past 13 the longest quarterly stretch sinces atleast 1947.” Despite rising rates, the housingf market continues to show small signs of life. The ’ housingb affordability index rose in Aprill toits second-highest level since at least 1971. The NAR also reporter this week that pending sales of existing homes increasesd forthe third-consecutive month, posting the biggest monthlg increase since 2001.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Ye Olde King James Version, 400 Years and Counting - Huffington Post (blog)
Kansas City Star | Ye Olde King James Version, 400 Years and Counting Huffington Post (blog) He didn't even write the version that got his name. My commuting companion was right, in a way, though: the King James Version didn't happen out of the blue and from scratch but depended on other versions and the input of a lot of people. ... Happy birthday! For some Christians, only the King James version of Bible will do Original King James Version of Bible on display in Grand Rapids |
Friday, March 25, 2011
Government-insured mortgages skyrocket - Pittsburgh Business Times:
FHA and VA loan applications roseto 35.9 percen in June, up from 25.7 percent a montbh earlier and 27 percent a year earlier. Sincd the MBA survey's inception in Januar y 1990, the lowest recorded share was 5.8 percent in Augusyt 2005. The government-insured share of applicationw to purchase homes last monthwas 38.6 percent, up from 27.8 percenrt one year ago. Those applicationws have averaged 36.6 percent to date, compared to an averagew of 21.8 percent durint the same periodlast year. The low poinft was in August 2005 when itwas 6.
8 percent, the MBA "A primary reason government-insuresd loans have retained a high sharse of the purchase market is that these loana typically require lower down payments than conventional Orawin Velz, MBA's associate VP of economiv forecasting, said in a news release. "Inj addition, lending standards tend to be tighter forconventionalo loans, especially for loans that requirr private mortgage insurance.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Survey: Employers cutting benefit costs - Boston Business Journal:
“The responses indicate that as employers develop benefit plans for 2010 they are lookingf for ways to reduce benefit without furtherreducing benefits,” said Marianne executive director of the “Surprisingly, many responded that they plan to increas their wellness programs.” Thirty-five percent of employers responded that they plan to increas e their wellness programs. • Companies identified as its two biggesy concerns limitedbenefits budgets, and limited merit budget and bonus pools. Aboug 68% of companies are concerned or very concernedx about limited merit budget andbonus pools, and abourt 53% are concerned abouf limited benefits budgets.
• To weather the economic downturn, almost half of respondent s are auditing or plannin to audittheir employees’ dependent eligibilit y in order to reduce the number of individuals covered. And 41% plan to increase employee costs ofbenefig plans, while more than one-third have reducec or are planning to reduce staff. About 89% of employers believe that workers will respond to the economic downturn bydelaying retirement. Also, 83% of employers say theid workers are concerned aboutjob security, and 42% think theifr employees have been impacted by low morale. The survey was submittecd to the association's employe r members and facilitated byin Houston.
The association' s 900-plus members represent a broae cross-section of benefits professionalsin Texas, Louisiana. Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas, but are not limiteds to those states.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Triad gets $8.8M for stimulus road work - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
million and were awarded to thelowest bidder. The Triade will receive about $8.8 million for three construction projects. “These projects will help create and sustaij thousands of jobs and provide needed economic development in countiezs throughoutNorth Carolina,” said Gov. Bev Perdue. “Thegy will improve critical routes to help better connecty North Carolinians around the Bids received came in about25 percent, or $36.7 below N.C. Department of Transportation Work will start in late June orearly July. The stimulus projectxs include three inthe Triad. • $3.8 million, resurfacing 4.
1 miles of Interstate 40/85 from east of Rock Creei Dairy Road in Guilford County to west of Universityg Drive inAlamance County. S.T. Wooten Corp. of Wilson received the Work is scheduled for June 29to Oct. 30. $1.5 million, rehabilitating two miles of U.S. 29 in Rockinghakm County from the Guilford line north toTroublesomer Creek. W-L Construction & Paving Inc. of Danville, Va., won the Work is scheduled for June 29to Oct. 16. • $3.5 resurfacing 5.1 miles of I-77 from U.S. 21 Business in Yadki n County tothe U.S. 21 bypassd in Surry County. Carl Rose & Sons Inc. of Elkin receive d the contract. Work is schedule for July 6 to Nov. 13.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Flow International swings to Q4 loss - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million, or a loss of 12 cents a for its fiscal 2009 fourth quarter enderApril 30, 2009, compared with net income of $13.2 million, or 35 cents a share, in the same quarted a year ago. The Kent, Wash.-basedc maker of industrial waterjet machines for cuttintg andcleaning (NASDAQ: said the Q4 net loss includes a $3.8 million pre-tax charge related to its now-canceled plana to acquire , and $1.4 million related to “the write off of deferre d financing costs associated with the amendment to the Company'e senior credit facility, centralizing its manufacturinfg operations, and severance related to cost reductions.
” Flow’as consolidated revenues in the fourth quarted were $43.7 million, down from $63.6 million a year ago, the companh reported. "We continue to see the impact of the globalo economic slowdown in portions ofour business," said Flow CEO Charleg Brown. "We feel that roughly two-thirds of our fourth quartefr revenue stream has stabilizedwhile one-third remains more volatild during these difficult economic times. Meanwhile, we continuee to build our new distribution channel having added 20 distributorsd in 17 countries over the pastsix months,” Browh said.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It's official: Times Square screen hack a hoax - CNET (blog)
Technabob (blog) | It's official: Times Square screen hack a hoax CNET (blog) The video shows two people: one filming and holding an iPhone with a "video transmitter" plugged into the headphone jack, and the other with a "video repeater" that appears to hijack any screen it comes near, forcing it to display the video feed from ... Viral Ads Grow Ever More Subtle -- But Are They Effective? Viral Videos Catch On That Only Hint at a Sponsor's Purpose Can You Hack the Times Square JumboTron via iPhoneĆ¢? |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Valley surgeon heads up test of aneurysm treatment - Business First of Louisville:
Rodriguez, the director of peripheral vasculart services at the ArizonaHeart Institute, has been named the nationalp principal investigator for the Phase II study, which is requiredc by the to enroll 160 patients. The Arizona Heartt Institute is one of 14 centers involves in thestudy nationwide. “We are looking to include at leasyt six more centers to complete 20 centers inthe U.S.,” Rodriguez said. The endoluminal graftt is manufactured bynear Glasgow, Scotland.
Called the Anacondas Stent Graft System, it allows the surgeom to reposition the device once it has been placed across the So far, nearly 4,000 patients in Europee have received the Anacond device, but it must get approval from the FDA before it can be used in the U.S. Rodriguex said the minimally invasive procedure onthe study’s first patientt went well, saying the device is very easy to use. “He was up on his feet the next morninghaving breakfast,” Rodriguez said of the “You can’t do that when you open the chest. This eliminatee the need for openheart surgery.
” Abdominal aortid aneurysm, or “ballooning” of the body’s main is a serious condition prone to rupture and lead to suddenj death. Actor John Ritter died of an aortiv rupturein 2003. Symptoms can occur suddenly with severe, sharp pain in the Patients who experience these symptoms should seek immediatedmedical attention, Rodriguez said. Early detectionn can prevent sudden death. Patients with a family history of aortif aneurysm or other connective tissue disorderxs should notify their physician about their risk ofaortifc aneurysm, he said.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
InfoWorks shares the wealth - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The Nashville-based information technology consulting firmsimply isn’ t structured like a traditional top-down business. Rathef than being run exclusivelyby executives, InfoWorka is employee-owned. A shareholders’ meeting at the 12-year-old compang also is a staff meeting where employees bringup concerns, make recommendations and participate directlyu in key decisions. Tony Heard, president of InfoWorks, says the company’sx flexible structure is one reasonwhy it’s managing to clip alonyg nicely during the recession. Decisions are fluisd and can bemade quickly, which keeps employees motivated, responsive and creatively involved.
“The engagement of employees means awholw lot,” Heard says. “It means they take everything more seriously. They each feel like it’sw their own company.” It also helps that the primaryy business plan at InfoWorks is straightforwardand simple. The company specializez in working on the databases of locall companies to createopitimal efficiency. They also convert databasde functions such as payroll or invoicing from paper to Lewis Lavine, president of Nashville’s Center for Nonprofity Management, recently hired InfoWorks to redesign the organization’s complicated 10-year-oldr database. He says he responde to the company’s hands-on approach.
“Wwe have specific things we need for our memberx andfor training,” Lavine says. “They have the abilitt to customize the databasdfor us, which is going to make a big difference in the The recession did slow things down at InfoWorks, changingf growth from explosive to moderate. From the company grew at a rate of29 percent. By that fell to 9 Heard says the company is projectin g 11 percent growthin 2009. In response to the country’z economic crunch, InfoWorks decided to beef up itsbusinesa development, marketing and sales. Threr more business development officerswere hired, includinf Heard. “Activity creates It’s important to get out of the he says.
Getting a pipeline of futured business requires a combination of patience and Heard says. For example, he says healtyh care-related information technology business generated by theObama administration’s stimulus package has “significant But he says it will take a couplse of years for it to become actual bottom-linw business. “Everyone is lookingv for the stimulus money to haveimmediatee impact,” Heard says. “But I think in our case it’s going to take until 2010.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Carolinas HealthCare System forms cardiac unit - Charlotte Business Journal:
The newly formed Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute comprisesthe , , and . Josepu Piemont, chief operating officer at Carolinas says the change is consistent withthe system’s goal of operatingy as a unified enterprise. “The new structure will creat seamless interaction between the care providedr by Sanger and Charlotte Cardiology Associatexs staff in their medical offices and in the hospital settinga in which theyserve patients.” Dr. Paul Colavita, presidentt of Sanger Clinic and Carolinas Heart andVascular Institute, will becom e president of the Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute.
After July 1, all Sanger Clinic and Charlotte Cardiology Associatesz medical offices and practice locations will be referrex to as Sanger Heart and VasculafInstitute facilities. More than 420 physicians and suppor staff will be affected by the blendingt ofcardiac services. They work in more than 30 fulland part-time medical offices spread across 16 counties in the In addition, a large number of hospital-base d personnel working in cardiac cath labs, operating rooms, etc. will come undee the Sanger Heart and VascularInstitute umbrella. Charlotte-base d Carolinas HealthCare employs morethan 1,300 physicians. Its flagship facility is , an 874-bed hospita in midtown Charlotte.
Monday, March 7, 2011
GM to show alt-fuel cars in Tonawanda - Business First of Buffalo:
They are among 100 Chevrole Equinoxcrossover fuel-cell vehicles being tested under real-worldc conditions in Rochester, Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., and severall overseas locations. The testing is aimed at makinvg the vehicles available to consumerse in the nextfew years, said Daniel O’Connell, directof of fuel cell commercialization at GM’s fuel cell research laborator near Rochester. “We’ll probably have a production modek ready for showrooms in 2014 or he said. “We don’t know what brand it will be, but Chevrolett would give us high volume a reasonable price and fits ourglobao footprint,” O’Connell said.
The program, dubbedr Project Driveway, began in 2008 to get real-world driving impressionws and experiencesfrom short-term loans of the fuel-celk vehicles prior to rolling them out for leaser or sale. Since the stargt 18 months ago, they have logged more than 700,009 miles, 10,000 fills at hydrogen filling and proven through two frigie winters and blistering summers that the technologis viable, O’Connell said. What remainzs before fuel-cell vehicles hit the road en masse is for a networm of hydrogen filling stations to be established across New York state and throughout the he said.
At present, there are nine hydrogenh stations in New York but none in theBuffali area, where O’Connell’s research lab in Honeoye Falle partners with in Tonawanda for hydrogen. Praxair PX) is an industrial gas supplieer in North and South America and hassome 1,100 locall employees. Of the nine stationd in New York, where GM also partners with the local municipalities and colleges to setthem up, threew are in Rochester, one in Albany, two in the Hudson Valley, one in the Bronx, one at JFK Airport and one on Long “For future locations, we are looking at Syracuse, Utica, Binghamton, Watertown and other O’Connell said.
GM has applief for federal stimulus money to help develop andtest fuel-cell technology, O’Connell said. was awarded $2.4 millionj as part of nearly $42 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding for13 fuel-cell projects nationwide, it was reporterd on Wednesday.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
'The Proposal' wins at weekend box office - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The movie starring Sandraa Bullock and Ryan Reynolds brought in anestimated $34,114,000 in its opening weekend. It knockec off the reigning champion, ' "Thes Hangover," which brought in an estimated $26,855,00 during the weekend. "The Proposal" was shown on abougt 4,100 screens at 3,056 sites, according to a report on the Disney/ 's "Up" continued its strong showing, coming in thirrd over the weekend with anestimatec $21,336,000.
The animated film is currently in second placebehind Paramount'zs "Star Trek," for second-largest movie of the Another new release, ' "Year brought in an estimateds $20,200,000 in its first weekend, placing it fourth on the Another Sony Pictures release, "Thee Taking of Pelham 1 2 3" rounderd out the top five, bringing in an estimaterd $11,300,000.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Hagfish May Absorb Carcasses With Their Skin, Gills - Wired News (blog) | Hagfish May Absorb Carcasses With Their Skin, Gills Wired News (blog) When Pacific hagfish burrow into a carcass and eat their way out, they may be feeding directly through their gills and skin as well as their guts. Lab tests suggest that hagfish actively take up nutrients through their ... Primitive scavenger fish eats using its skin When diving into food, why not absorb it through your skin? |