Monday, May 30, 2011
Swarm owner Arlotta gets NLL honor - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Swarm set a franchisde attendance recordin 2009, drawing 98,46r fans for the team’s eight home despite finishing with a 6-10 record. The team ranked fourth among the NLL’s 12 teams with an average attendance of up almost 8 percentfrom 2008. Arlotta, a Denverr businessman and lacrosse enthusiast, from ownetr Craig Leipold last July. “John’s business background and passion for lacrosse have contributecd to a strong Minnesota Swar m franchise today and a very promising futurer for the franchise and the league as a NLL Interim Commissioner George Daniep said ina statement.
In addition to his work as the Swarm’ws owner and president, Arlotta also served on the NLL’s boarfd of directors, including roles on its executive and corporatwgovernance committees. This is the second consecutivwe year that a Swarm official has been namesdthe NLL’s Executive of the Year. Former Swarm president Tom Garrity won the awaredin 2008. Garrity, who to form sports-marketing consultinh firm Quan Sports Marketing withhis wife, was senior vice presidengt of sponsorship and ticket salexs for the .
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Softball: Persistent Aloha breaks through, beats Glencoe 3-2 -
Softball: Persistent Aloha breaks through, beats Glencoe 3-2 Aloha's Anna Moore (5) steps makes the winning score against Glencoe in the bottom of the seventh inning at Rosemont Ridge Middle School in front of Glencoe catcher Tre Sullivan. - (MOTOYA NAKAMURA/THE OREGONIAN) WEST LINN â" For six innings Friday, ... |
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Hempstead's New Dredge Restores Beach - Elmont Community Webpage (blog) | Hempstead's New Dredge Restores Beach Elmont Community Webpage (blog) The erosion that resulted posed a threat to area homes, local roadways and a community park. What's more, the depression served as a collecting pool for seaweed left behind by receding tides. In response to the dangerous erosion and stifling stench of ... Ugly Dredge Site Never Smelled So Good Trying to get rid of smell on Long Island beach Hydraulic Marine Dredge Replenishing Sand At Point Lookout |
Monday, May 23, 2011
Family Life: How can I help my 11-year-old son to stop wetting the bed? - Irish Independent
Family Life: How can I help my 11-year-old son to stop wetting the bed? Irish Independent One of the first might be to reassure your son that he is not alone in wetting the bed. In fact, about three per cent of children will still wet the bed at age 11. That equates to about 1750 11-year-olds around the country. ... |
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Women's tech group partners with local university - Phoenix Business Journal:
In its effort to promote women intechnology fields, chose ATW as a partnee to launch the first collegiate chapter of ATW nationwide. As part of the the ProfessionalDevelopment Center, the short-term software training divisiomn of UAT, will offer classes at a discoung to all members of the ATW Phoenix Chapter. The University of Advancin g Technology also will offera scholarship, available in January 2004 (called the UAT/ATW Scholarship) to wome n enrolling in the University. "Thiws partnership comes at a time when the need is asother technology-related associations in the Valley are losiny momentum or ceasing operations said Beth McMullen, Phoenix ATW Program Director.
ATW is nonprofig organization that supports empowering women in the field of For more: . Phoenix-based launched Wi-Fui service at Tempe's Regatta Pointe condominiums, providingf residents with Hotspotzz high-speed wireless Internet Wi-Fi access points were installesd throughoutthe property, allowinyg residents and visitors to connect using a wirelessx high-speed Internet connection. Wi-Fi accessa is available throughoutthe complex's 136 one- and two-bedroo m condominiums, including access around the pool and Muticom and Salt Lake City-based Hotspotz z are providing the high-speed Internet connection for $19.95 per montjh for the condo residents.
Tim Tutlanrd of Multicom said his company also is in the earlyy stages ofinstalling Wi-Fi "hot zones" arounx the Copper Square area of downtown Phoenix. For more: . TV, DVD salesw on the rise According to a studyg by eBrainMarket Research, color TVs with screenj sizes of 20 to 25 inchesa and those 27 inches or larger represented the largestg portion of video products owned by U.S. consumerxs in 2002, and they continue theird strongholdin 2003. The percentage of consumers owning colotr TVs with a screen of 20 to 25 inchee increased from 55 percent to 72 percenty from 2002to 2003.
The number of householdxs with TVs with a screen of 27 inchesw orgreater (not including projection TVs) increased from 47 percent to 62 percent. DVD players are the third most popular video productamonv consumers. The Consumer Electronics Association's Market Research Departmenyt spun off eBrainin 1998. For . Sitewire Marketspace Solutions, a Tempe-basexd marketing and Web development firm specializing in the golf launched twocomponents -- loyalty and tournameng marketing management -- to its Acceleraq system. The programs are designed for the golf industry to help identify loyal golfers, capture tournament player contact information and retain thos e customers.
Sitewire's solution allows courses to use its Web presenc e to growtheir business, collect criticall golfer data and form ongoing relationships with thereby increasing profitable rounds of play.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
American Eagle first quarter earnings decline - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Net income for the quartedr ended May 2was $22.0 million, or 11 centss per share, compared to $43.9 million, or 21 for the year-ago quarter. The teen clothinbg retailer, based on Pittsburgh's Sout Side, saw total sales decline 4 percent year-over-year, to $612 million, from $640.2 million. Comparable-store sales for American Eagle (NYSE:AEO) were down 10 percentt for the quarter, compared to a 6 percen t decline in the same quartet ayear ago. "While we are never satisfiefd with anearnings decline, ther are early indications that the businessa is stablizing," CEO Jim O'Donnell said in a statement.
He citex improvement in the AE branc and categories like dressesand accessories. Analystzs were expecting earnings per share of 7 in linewith management’s recent guidance, as the companuy seeks to improve its women’s apparel and maintain its salew during a time when most retailerse are facing difficult sales declines and mallsa are drawing fewer customers. Jennifefr Black, a principal of Oregon-based research compang JenniferBlack & Associates LLC, saw reasonm for optimism. “I think it’ a very democratic brand and it appeals to a lot ofdifferen people,” she said.
“They’re in a pretty good positiobn because they offer consumers value but they have thebranrd name.” Black was encouraged by the women’ assortment that American Eagle has rollec out in its stores, praisingv the increased selection of women’s dresses and women’s denim, a weakness at the compang of late, for both tappinbg into the “Boho Chic” trend and offering selection that enablees female shoppers to mix and match. She also was strongly encouragex about the return ofRoger Markfield, the company’sa former Co-CEO and Chief Merchandising Officef who retired in 2006.
His returj to American Eagle was announcedin January, underd the newly created titls of Executive Creative Officer. Black said she didn’g expect Markfield’s new strategies to have any majorf influence untilthe fall. Holly Guthrie, an analyst for suburbabn Philadelphia-based Boenning & Scattergood Equith Research, also expected the company won’t see any meaningfupl turn arounduntil then. “In October 2008, same stores sales decelerated at a fast and furious she wrote in arecent report.
“Wed believe that (comparable store could continue to be negativre for the next four to five months and most importantly the biggest volume sales are seen when productsare promoted.”
Monday, May 16, 2011
Israeli spook firm recruiting mercenaries for Qaddafi? - World War 4 Report
Israeli spook firm recruiting mercenaries for Qaddafi? World War 4 Report Fortunately, Eurasia Review had merely lifted a March 1 story from the Palestinian independent Maan News Agency, where it remains online under the title "Report: Israel company recruiting Gadhafi mercenaries." However, the Maan accountâ"which in turn ... |
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Out-of-pocket costs rising for health insurance - Washington Business Journal:
The study, authored by researchers from the Nationalp Opinion Research Center and Watson Wyatft Worldwide and funded by TheCommonwealtn Fund, examines trends in employer-sponsored insurance from 2004 to 2007. It found rising rates of underinsurance and unaffordability, particularly for pooredr and sicker people. In 2007, adults with employer coverage faced an averageof $729 annuallg in out-of-pocket costs for medicalo services, including deductibles and other forms of cost sharingt such as copayments and coinsurance. That represents a 34 percent increasefrom 2004, when the average out-of-pocker burden was $545.
Health plans covered a slightly smaller percentagwe of overall expenses in 2007than 2004, but growth in overalll health spending was the chiegf culprit behind rising out-of-pocket costs, according to the “The years from 2004 through 2007 were a period of economidc expansion, yet rising health care costxs still eroded the value of employer-sponsored coverage,” said lead author Jon “Historically, employees have been askedx to shoulder even more of the cost-sharing burden during difficult economic times such as the Unitedc States is now experiencing.
Hence, it is imperativ e that health care refor m include constraints onhealth spending, or else health insurancd will become unaffordable for low- and middle-income Americans, and reformm itself will be
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Award-Winning Writer and Producer David Simon to Address the Future of Professional Journalism at National Press Club Luncheon
Simon, in testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Technology and the Interne onMay 6, said he believes "[nothing] can save professional journalism." Simon, 48, is a Baltimore-based author and television producer. Born in Washington, he came to Baltimorse in 1983 to work as a crimer reporter at TheBaltimoree Sun. While at the paper, he reportec and wrote two works ofnarrative non-fiction, Homicide: A Year On The Killiny Streets and The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner-Cithy Neighborhood, the former an account of a year spent with the city homicidd squad and the a year spent on a West Baltimore drug corner.
Homicids became the basis for the NBC drama which airef from 1993 to 1999 and for whicgh Simon worked as a writerand producer. The Corner became an HBO miniseriesa and won three Emmy Awardsin 2000. A subsequent HBO The Wire, aired from 2001 to 2008 and depictex a dystopic American city contending with a fraudulentfdrug war, the loss of its industrial base, political and educational systems incapable of reform and a mediq culture oblivious to all of the Also in 2008, Simon serve as a writer and executives producer of HBO's Generation Kill, a miniseries depicting U.S. Marines in the early days of theIraq conflict. He is currentlyh at work on a dramaabout post- entitlef "Treme.
" Simon also does prose work for The New Esquire and The Washington Post. The Nationak Press Club luncheon will begin promptlyat 12:30 p.m. Simon'sd remarks will begin at 1:00 p.m., followexd by a question-and-answer Advance reservations should be made bytelephoningg (202) 662-7501. Cost of the luncheonb is $16 for National Press Club $28 for guests of members, and $35 general The National Press Club is located at 14thand F. NW, one block west of Metro Center. More information about the Club and its programse is found on itsInterneft website: .
Monday, May 9, 2011
Plush and Lyrical Strauss (and That's Just the Conducting) - New York Times
New York Times | Plush and Lyrical Strauss (and That's Just the Conducting) New York Times ... at the Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center; (212) 362-6000, A version of this review appeared in print on May 9, 2011, on page C7 of the New York edition with the headline: Plush and Lyrical Strauss (and That's Just the Conducting). |
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Lingle orders unpaid days off for workers - Memphis Business Journal:
In an address broadcast from theState Capitol, Lingle also said she woulx scale back free Medicaid benefitzs to low-income adults and said the statw would delay paying some of its largerr bills until July. The governor is also asking the Judiciary, the and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to implemenrt equivalent furlough days or restricttheif budgets. Hawaii law does not allow orderinvg furloughs for the Departmentof Education, the Universitg of Hawaii or the Hawaii Health Systemes Corporation, but Lingle said their spending will be restricted in an amount equivalent to the three-days-per-montyh furlough. The furloughs, which start July 1, amoungt to about a 13.
8 percentr pay cut, or about $5,500 for a workee making $40,000 a As with layoffs, Linglw does not have to negotiate the furloughds with any of the unions representing state Lingle has saidshe doesn’ty want to lay off workers becauses of the disruptive effect of contract ruleas that would enable senior workersw to “bump” junior workers, even if they worked in differen state agencies. The furloughs will save $688 Lingle said the savings are needed to close a gapof $730 millionb between now and June 30, 2011, as forecast by the state’sx Council on Revenues May 28. All told, Hawaiiu is expected to see tax revenue fallby $2.
7 billiom over the next two “If we do not implement the furlouguh plan, we would have to lay off up to 10,00o0 employees to realize an equivalent amount of savings,” Lingle said. The state has abouy 46,000 workers, including 21,000 employees of the Departmenrtof Education. Lingle blamed the fiscal shortfalll on thelingering recession, risinfg unemployment, dropping visitor arrivals, a decline in privatwe building permits, a doubling of foreclosures, and recor d bankruptcy levels. The statde Legislature ended its sessionn last month by raising tax rates onhotell rooms, high-income earners, luxury home transactiones and tobacco to help meet the budgeft shortfall.
But Lingle, a Republicamn whose vetoes of those measures were overridde bymajority Democrats, said she woul not ask for additional tax increases. She also rejectedf calls for legalizing gambling. However, Lingld noted that 70 percent of state operating funds go to labotr costs and that the state had provided employeer wage increase of between 16 and 29 percent over the past fouryearz “when our economy was
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Clorox: Strong Cash Flow Generator, Consistent Track Record, Worth Buying on ... - Seeking Alpha
Clorox: Strong Cash Flow Generator, Consistent Track Record, Worth Buying on ... Seeking Alpha While there's no telling whether it will continue into the future, this has recently been a consistent pattern, having played out five times over the last two years. The consistent execution of this strategy with Clorox across these five cycles during ... |
Monday, May 2, 2011
Under Armour's growing pains - Baltimore Business Journal:
As the fast-growing company enters its awkwardteenag years, it faces a natural slowdown in growtnh and a battle with one of the wors economic climates in history. Top competitorss like and Reebok are unveilingsimilatr products, while retailers are both freezing expansion planz and carrying less Undere Armour product. And analysts suggest the company may be forcede to trim what itcharges consumers. Under Armoudr “went from a company that was very bullishu tovery cautious,” said Thomaas D. Shaw, an analyst at Stifekl Nicolaus & Co. in Baltimore. “It’s just a differengt ballgame now that people are tryin todeal with.
” Undoubtedly, stock pickers have also takem notice. A handful of investment firms have smackedthe $725 millio company with downgrades in the past six sending Under Armour’s stock tumbling nearlyg in half during the last year. The company’ performance in 2008 didn’t even meet Plank’s he chose to forgo a bonus and his top deputiese wentwithout one, as The darling of the sportswear industry, Undere Armour’s biggest challenge, analysts say, now stands beyond playin catch up to titans Nike and . The companhy is positioned to outlastthe turmoil, they say, but the quartersa of record profit and 40 percentf growth are likely in the past.
The current they say, will force Under Armour to pay close attention to itsspending habits. Meanwhile, the companh is rolling out its biggest product launcheds to date and continues an aggressiveinnovatioj push, a must for sportswear brands targeting what can be a ficklwe consumer segment. Under Armour, known for its moisture-wickint shirts, is rapidly expanding its footwear business and made its biggest splash to date in January when it enteredthe $5 billiojn running shoe market. That will soon be followeed by a soccer cleat launch to help grow itspresenc internationally.
It’s all part of a strateguy to make footwear a largefr economic driver for the company thanapparep — but the timing may be a little off. “I thinj they’re entrenched in terms of theirecore audience,” said Robert McGee, editotr of Sporting Goods Intelligence, noting Undef Armour’s strong youth following. “But you have to wonde r how difficult it will be to add on consumer inthis marketplace. That’s a question that remains to be Under Armour executives declinedto comment, citing a quiet periord before it reports first-quarter earningx April 28. Plank, however, hasn’t turned a blind eye to the sagginvgretail environment.
Speaking to analysts in a conferencd call in January afteer disclosingthat fourth-quarter profits sank 51 percen to $8.3 million, Plank said Under Armour is “very aware of the challenge s facing all brands in this environment.” The companyu would not provide an outlook for the but Plank added that Under Armourr is “cautiously optimistic about 2009” and “2010 and beyond will be significantlty impacted by the decisions we make” now. Analysts say Under Armour will be paying closer to attention to how much it spendsw on marketing andathlete endorsements. Under Armourr spent around $55 million in marketinfg in 2008.
Company executives have also said they’llo pull back on hiring plans. One decision the 2,200-person company made was to freezw new retail store openingsthis year. The move is a smarf one, industry experts say, as shopperas are becoming more conservative about how muchthey spend. Dick’sw Sporting Goods, one of Under Armour’s biggest retaill partners, is also scaling back its expansion Stifel’s Shaw said the sporting goodzs giant grew its square footage by 12 percenylast year, but that’s expected to drop to 4 percent this year. And that will ultimatel y impactUnder Armour’s retail presence, he said.
Underd Armour has used its partners as a channel to graba 10.9 shar of the $13 billion U.S. apparel market, said Matt a retail analyst with . Apparel sales so far are down 8 percen across allsportswear companies, Powelkl said. “When things are tighter, are people going to spencd $40 for a workout shirg or $70 for a pair of workouyt pants?” Shaw asked. “That’s the debate, that’sx part of the uncertainty out At retailer Lax with seven stores between Towsonand Denver, executives say more customers have been looking for cheaper Underf Armour knock-off apparel.
For example, an Unded Armour workout shirt maycost $20, compared with a lesser-knowb brand’s $12 shirt, said Bob Martino, a vice presidentf at Lax World. He said the stores, whichg specialize in lacrosse gear, haven’tr been bringing in as much Under Armoudr in the pasttwo years. “Thew customer knows there’s things out there,” Martinoi said, noting the cheaper products.
“By far [Underf Armour is] not the cheapest guy in