Saturday, March 31, 2012

Portland-based TMT said last week it was temporarilysuspendint construction, citing the credit crisizs for its inability to financde the project. It also said it would redesign the project and lop off 10 storied that would havecontained condominiums. The towee is under construction at Southwes Park Avenue and SouthwestMorrisonn Street. While the banks, pension funds and insurance companiesx that finance major construction projects have tightenelending standards, Park Avenue West seemzs to pass the “middle of the fairway” meaning it had a solifd shot at meeting its financial goalws when it opened. It has an anchod tenant for about half the availableoffice space, and Nike Inc.
ies set to turn the ground-level retailp space into a Niketown. Its developer is also generallty well-regarded for a solid track recorf thatincludes , which opened in 2000, 805 S.W. the last major non-residential addition to the downtownm core. TMT founder Tom Moye remains active in the compant as a figurehead leader of the firm while his Vanessa Sturgeon, runs day-to-day operations as the company’ss president. With a stable of tenantsx and an experienceddevelopment team, Park Avenue West was well-positionedr to succeed.
Scott Madsen, a principal with who is responsiblee for leasing spaceon TMT’s believes TMT made a well-reasoned decisioj to delay and reconsider its mix of office, retai and residential space, given that capitalp markets have dried up. “We will turn the Markets do return,” Madsenn said. “There’s going to be a building that will represenr what the market will bearand that’sd office.” In January, Stoel Rivea said it would take nearly 160,000 square feet of office space in Park Avenue West, a headline-generating announcement for the commerciak real estate world.
The lease has many escape clauses, and if Stoelk Rives exercised that that could give prospective lenders But there’s no indication that’s Stoel Rives declined to discuss the leases or its conditions, saying through spokeswoman Laura Hine that it is workint with TMT Development and is considering all its “We haven’t decided what we’re going to do,” she said. The firm now occupiews 11 floorsat , 900 S.W. Fifth and was to move to its new buildingin 2011. TMT said that even with the constructiom delay, the tower will open just threemonths late, in Novemberr 2011.
Lenders generally don’t consider law firmsw to be reliable long-term anchor tenants, said Bruced Korter, managing director for , a pension-backed real estate investment firm in Washington Capital declined to finance Park Avenue West becausr the deal was too big and too complex for its Despite that, Korter said the credit crisisd was likely a factor in TMT’s decision to postpons the project. Weakened by billions of dollars worth offailecd mortgage-related investments tied to real estate, banks and lenders have evaporated and those that remain have tightened theirt lending criteria. The effect has devastated the constructiob industry.
The of Americqa predicts a nine percenyt drop in nonresidential construction in following an already steep dropin 2008. The declinee is driven by weak demand and weaker access to the industryassociation said. There are any numbef of factors a lender considersa before committing toa $200-plus million project such as Park Avenude West. Among them: leasing market conditions, local occupancy rates and the experience of the development The market for Class A office space in Portlanc remainsfairly tight, at about 6.5 percentg in the first quarter, accordingb to Grubb & Ellis. But unemployment is above 12 percen and it is beginning to show in theoffice market.
Regionally, the vacancy rate is about 12.6 percent and absorption is negative, meaning therwe is more office space available now than ayear ago. “Therd are a lot of things theylook at,” said Neldaa Scott Newton, vice president in the .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dawson will lead TMC Charitable Foundation - Kansas City Business Journal:
The health system said Wednesday effective Monday, Dawson will take on the role of executived director of the and will continue to serv as the medical centers’ vice president for strategic businesxs development, a position he has had sincre August 2007. Dawson succeeds John Marshall, who left about a montgh ago “to pursue other Truman Medical Centers spokesmabn ShaneKovac said. Marshal l started at the foundation inAugusgt 2007, coming from his role as development director of The Salvation Army of Greater New During his tenure with the Dawson has helped secure a $7.5 millionn grant for 170 new beds at the Hospitap Hill location.
He also is organizingy the development of a capital investment fund that will help createran endowment. “I am lookingy forward to enhancing the integration between TMC and thecharitabls foundation,” Dawson said in a news release. Dawson’s career includews experience inseveral industries, includingt senior living, hospitality, convention/destination attractions, entertainment and Truman Medical Centers includes two acute-care and . It is part of the nonprofitf , which also includes TMC Behavioral Health, a number of primary-care practices throughout Eastern Jacksom County and management ofthe .
TMC Hospitalk Hill is the primary teaching hospital for the and specializesin asthma, bariatrics, diabetes, women’s health and trauma

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Resource Bank gets cease-and-desist order from regulators - Portland Business Journal:
The $166 million San Francisco bank gota cease-and-desisty order from the and the Californiaz Department of Financial Institutions on May 29. The bank was orderedr to pay particular attention to its lending policees relating to construction loans as well as loans made to bank The bank said the order was based onthe bank’ condition on Sept. 30, and that it has already made some progress on meeting theregulators demands.
“Ne Resource Bank currently has high levels of capitaloand liquidity,” Vincent Siciliano, president and CEO, said in a “Like many financial institutions, we are facing a challenginhg economic climate that resulted in under-performing loanss in the real estates construction and development sector. “We are workingt with borrowers to reduceour problem-loan exposure and have made significant Siciliano said. The bank raised almost $15 million in a stoc k offeringlast September. As of March 31, the bank said its risk-basex capital ratio was 18.
97 percent -- almost double the 10 percen t benchmark of a bank considered well In addition to bringing on Sicilianoas CEO, the bank also hiree Bill Peterson as chief credit officerd and Charmaine Detweiler as chief financiap officer. The bank’s board also recently elected Mark Finseeas chairman. He has 25 years of experienced insocial finance. New Resourc Bank, now serving 2,000 clients, opened in October 2006 to promotee green businessesand practices.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The is requiring health care providers and many othe businesses to identify and respondto “red of identity theft. So, if a medicakl practice determines that fraudulent use ofsomeone else’sa health insurance card is a potentialo problem, checking photo ID mighft be a way to respond throughy the so-called Red Flags mandated by the Fair and Accurate Credity Transactions Act of 2003. Any business that regularly defers paymentd for goods and servicess or arranges for the extension of credit is subject to the including retailers, phone companies and utilities.
Accordint to FTC guidance for healthcare “You are a creditor if you regularly bill patients aftere the completion of including for the remainder of medical fees not reimbursed by Providers also are covered if they establish payment plans. The arguex that the medical community already guards againstr identify theft through the privacy and securith mandates of the Health Insurance Portability andAccountabilityg Act, or HIPAA. The FTC contends that the Red Flags Rule complements HIPPA by ensuring if recordsare stolen, no one can use a falsre identity.
According to the FTC, businesses coveref by the rule mustdevelop “reasonabl policies and procedures” to identify, detect and respondd to red flags. Businesses also must addresse how they will stay current withthe ever-changingy threat of identify theft. Noncompliance can lead to a fine of as muchas $3,50 a violation. lawyer Martie Ross said the Red Flagsz Rule mandates sensible safeguards for a significan t threat to healthcare providers. “This is good businesds practice, is what it is,” Ross Dr. Ted Epperly, president of the Leawood-based , “I think it’s an important thing to Epperly said.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vanderbilt names new CFO - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Sweet, 38, comes to Vanderbilt from , where he was dean of administratioj and finance ofthe school’s Faculty of Arts and which encompasses Harvard College, the Graduate School of Arts and the School of Engineering and Applieed Science and the Division of Continuing Education. Priot to that, he was executive vice presideny of finance and administration and chief financial officert at and was responsible forthe college’s finances, capitalp markets management, information human resources, facilities, research administration, businesss operations and investment management.
Sweet also was a principal with and spent five yeard as a nuclear submarine officer in the Navy before earning his master of business administrationfrom Harvard. Sweeyt succeeds Lauren Brisky, who retired from Vanderbilt in The appointment is expected to be approve d by the Vanderbilt Board of and will be effective inlate

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Condo 'neighborhood' sketched for E. Gay St. - Business First of Columbus:
will propose to builsd 250 condominiums at East Long and East Gay street s in a layout designed toevoke Chicago'd Lincoln Park or New York'sd Murray Hill venerable enclaves. The company expectse to deliver its conceptualplans Nov. 21 to the city's Downtown "It's a much differentr product than what's been built in the downtowj byanybody else," said company President Jeff Edwards. the proposal calls for garden- and townhouse-stylwe condos to be densely developed alony severalcity blocks. "Everyone kind of jumps up and down andthinkw it's wonderful that (projects are) going Edwards said. "I frankly think we should be going outbecause there's so much vacant land downtown.
" , an affiliatw of the developer. has spentt nearly $7.8 million since March acquiring about 60 percent of theprojectt site. It paid an additional $350,000 in September for a propertyy along the northern edge of Long Street that will servse as a construction staging The company still needs to get about 10 percent of the or less thanan acre, under contract before its and Multicohn Construction divisions can start working on the development, Edwardse said. The developer plans to builr the condos over four to six with the first buildings scheduleds to opennext "We have the luxury to react to the marketplacew based on what's accepted," Edwards said.
"We laid out the whole project butthat doesn't mean we can't vary on If approved, the project would mark the largestr condo project undertaken downtown since the city launche d its urban housing development initiative in 2002. Real estatw consultant Ken Danter said he expects the projectt will attract a different buyer from those drawnn tothe office-to-condo conversion projects that have dominated the downtownb housing market. "It broadens the marke t considerably to where more people in the suburbs will feel comfortablse moving into that kindof environment," said the presidentr of "(It) creates that village-like feel you get in Germah Village or the Shortg North.
" Edwards plans to begin sellintg one-bedroom garden condos in the $120,000 range. A three-bedroomj townhouse of 2,600 square feet woulrd head intothe $450,000s. Danter said thosew prices, at or beloq $200 a square foot, widens the downtown market, wherew some recent housing has crept intothe $250-a-square-footr price range. "We've been encouraging people for a long time to come in at a broadeeprice point," Danter said.
The project's eastern edge would sit inside theDiscovery District, whichh has landed a few housiny projects in recent years, includiny 88 apartments planned for the formef Seneca hotel building at South Grant Avenuer and East Broad Streef and the 44-unit Terraces on Grant southg of Town Street. The lack of development in that section of downtown surprisesa the president of the Discovery District Development Corp. because of the nearby cultural andeducationaol institutions. "I would think those developingg any sort of downtown housing wouldx see that asa plus," said Chuck Wickert, a seniot vice president.
Wickert said Columbus Statd Community College and the have begun expandinbg westward toward North Fourth Street to fill in some of the expansd of parking lots near where Edwarda plansto build. "Eventually, it's all going to get he said. Edwards lookes at two other sites beforre choosing EastGay Street. "o figured if we were going to work on a projecftlike this, we needed it to be of a size to creatd a neighborhood," he said. "Therse aren't all that many locations where you can tie up this amounof ground.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Edison wins approval for solar panel installation - Boston Business Journal:
During the next five years Edisonwill install, own and operatre 150 solar panels that will generate 250 megawatts of power. Edison was also granted the abilityt to solicitother solar-power companies to install similar pane l arrays and sell the powe back to Edison, up to an additional 250 Edison says the 500 total megawatts makes the projectf "the largest photovoltaic program ever “The program will create hundreds of neighborhood solard power plants, strengthen local grid reliability and produce hundreds of new green jobs to bolster Southern California’s economivc recovery,” Chairman and CEO Theodore F. Craverd Jr., said in a statement.
The firsr Edison site has already been completed on the roof of a distributio warehousein Fontana. According to Edison, it is the largesf single rooftop solar photovoltaic array inthe nation. Both Southerhn California Edison and its parent EdisonbInternational (NYSE: EIX) are based in

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tanga, Central Lines Surely Need Revamping -

Tanga, Central Lines Surely Need Revamping

Despite the rehabilitation of the road network, including construction and elevation of major highways and feeder roads to tarmac level all over the country, that has helped facilitate movement of both goods and passengers, the importance of a modern ...

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Ruling on Coyotes move could come Wednesday - St. Louis Business Journal:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfield Baum struggledc to stay on taskat Tuesday’ss hearing as attorneys representing Balsillie, Coyotes owner Jerru Moyes, the city of Glendale, the and other professionakl sports leagues delivered hours of oral arguments over bankruptcy code, anti-trustg law, relocation and other legal Baum and the myriad of attorneys delver into obscure bankruptcy provisions and past relocations by teama including the Oakland Raiders, San Diego Quebec Nordiques and Baltimore Colts.
Baum focused on whether Balsillie will have to pay the NHL a relocatioh fee on top ofhis $213 millio offer to buy the financially strapped Coyotes from Phoenix trucking company owner Jerr Moyes. The relocation fee could totakl as muchas $100 million, court documents indicate. Baum appears read to rule that the NHL has the rights to the Hamilton market and if the Coyotes aremoveed there, Balsillie will have to compensatr the league for loss of an expansiob opportunity. The city of Glendale presses Baum to consider legalp claims and costs that would accompany a move to That could offset an offer as lowas $140 millionh by parties wanting to keep the team in city representatives said.
Glendale officials said they wouldd make a claim for as muchas $500 milliohn if the team breaks its leas e at the city-owned Arena. Arena concessionaire Aramarj Corp. also could make a claim. Moyes and Balsillie’s attorneys argued that a lease claim is subjecf to various monetary caps and that the couryt can discharge lease terms and penaltiews in order to maximize the team’s value for creditors. Moyeas said a decision could come Wednesday and has urged the courtg to hold an auction sale for the hockey team onJune 22. The NHL and Glendale say the sale should be put off until August and the league said it will financre the Coyotes into next seasonn ifneed be.
Glendale attorneys also pressed Baum to find out how much money Moyes may have takenm out ofthe team. They point to the fact the Coyotez spend money leasing private office space at Westgate City Cente instead of usingarenas offices. Moyes spokesman Steve Roman saidthe city’s speculatiom that Moyes is profiting from that arrangement is Moyes and Westgate developer Stevw Ellman split joint assets, including the Coyotes, in 2006 with Moyeas taking over as team The Coyotes have lost more than $300 million sincee moving to Phoenix from Winnipeyg in 1996.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cincinnati-area firms win Ohio incentives - Houston Business Journal:
, a maker of marketinyg simulation andplanning software, receivef $1.1 million from the Innovationm Ohio Loan Fund, at an annuall interest rate of 1 percent for the first year and 8 percentt for five years. The Cincinnati-based company will use the loan to develo p a new generation of its Emerging Marketplacwe software and buycomputer equipment. The $2.2 millionj project is expected to creates 36 jobs and retainm10 jobs. Two local firms also received Job Creatiohn Tax Credits forexpansion • , a supplier of labeling systems for the beverage was awarded a 45 percent tax crediyt for five years for a $1 million expansion projec t in Mason.
The company expects to use the worthabout $52,700 over its term, to createw 25 jobs and retaihn 118. • won a 45 percenrt job credit, for a six-year term, for a $170,00p0 expansion project at its regional office The credit is valued atabout $119,75 over its term. Advantage expects to create 33 positions andretaim 65. The company, headquartered in Wash., provides energy management consulting

Thursday, March 8, 2012

William Boyd Printing site sold for $1.3M - The Business Review (Albany):
Ltd., an affiliate of Cos. in Cliftom Park, closed on the $1.3 millioj purchase on June 3. Cass Hill intendsz to convert theformert 1.3-acre industrial site at 39-498 Sheridan Ave. into an office/retail/residential project. The propertyt is located behind the Suites onChapel Street, near the hearr of the city’s entertainment district. Tony Sabatino of representee the seller. Cass Hill was represented by Eilee n Lindbergof /Albany. Marc H. president of Cass Hill Development couldn’t be reached for Cass Hill owns severalproperties downtown, including a 30,000-square-foot office buildingf on Monroe Street across from the formef printing plant.
Boyd Printing filed for Chapter 11 bankruptchy protection inSeptember 2005. A federal bankruptcy judge in March 2008 approved the sale of the buildingse to help satisfythe company’s Some of the company’s assetsa were purchased by Carl Johnson, an officerf at Boyd Printing, who opened a separate corporation, in Colonie. Previous deals for the Sheridan Avenue property fizzles before Cass Hill signed a purchase contracttlast year.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mass. seeks bids for $157M in energy stimulus - Boston Business Journal:
The agency is preparing a comprehensivee application on behalf of municipal and private entitiesa to send to the to receive its sharw of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant some $157 million. The DOER is soliciting projectsdfor submission, and estimates about 72 projects will receive Projects must be “shovelo ready,” or ready to begin within 120 days of receivingh stimulus money. They also must work towardx energy efficiency, alternative energy or greenhouse gas emissionreductionn standards. Some of the projects eligiblr for funding include combined heat andpower systems, districft energy systems, waste energy recovery or high efficiency industrialp equipment.
Stimulus dollars will pay for up to 50 percentf ofapproved projects. Proposals must be submitted to the DOER byJune 30. “ I encourage businesses, municipalities and others to come forwarrd with proposals for putting this federal funding to work here in said DOER Commissioner Philip Giudicee in a preparedwritten statement. “Increasinh investment in these innovative energy technologies will move us furtheer along the path to a clean energy futurethat Gov. Patrick is blazing for Massachusetts.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

ADP reports 532,000 May job cuts - Nashville Business Journal:
Payroll firm ADP reported Wednesday that companiesx inthe U.S. cut an estimated 532,000 workeras from payrolls last ADP also revised higher its estimate of cuts in Aprioto 545,000 from the previous estimate of 491,000. The ADP reporg noted losses across all sizes and categories of businessezs with large business payrollsdeclining 100,000, mediumn businesses shedding 223,000 jobs and smallk businesses cutting 209,000 employees. The goods-producinh sector lost 267,000 jobs while the service-producingt sector declined by 265,000 The Labor Department is due to release its jobs reporyton Friday.
The average analyst estimate for that report of government as well as privatee payrolls is a lossof 520,000 payrolk positions and an increase in the unemploymenyt rate to 9.2 percentf from April’s rate of 8.9 On Monday, The Institute for Supplyg Management announced that its factorg index rose to the highest level since last Septembee as new orders posted their first gain sincr the recession began. On Tuesdayy the National Association of Realtors reported that pending sales ofexistinfg homes, or contracts signed but not closed, rose 6.
7 percenyt in April, the largest increase in six

Friday, March 2, 2012

Taste of Greater Taunton event returns for 19th year - Taunton Daily Gazette

Taste of Greater Taunton event returns for 19th year

Taunton Daily Gazette

By Christopher Nichols The Taste of Greater Taunton returned to the Silver City on Thursday night for its 19th straight year. The event â€" held at the Holiday Inn in Taunton â€" featured dishes and food and drink items from 30 restaurants and vendors in ...

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