Thursday, August 26, 2010

House overrides 'guns in bars' veto - Nashville Business Journal:
The vote was 69-27. Bredesen’s office immediatel y released a statement saying that he had expecte dan override. “He’s disappointed with this action butthat doesn'g change his belief that we can exercisd our Second Amendment rights and common sensee at the same time,” spokeswomanj Lydia Lenker says. “He believes guns and bars simply don'ty mix, and this legislation doesn’tg provide the proper safeguards to ensursepublic safety. Governor Bredesen stands by his decisiohn to vetothe bill.
” Bredesen had vetoed the bill flankedx by law enforcement officials who said the new law woulx create more issues than it Some restaurateurs were also opposecd to the bill, saying it would hurt businessd in an already struggling Randy Rayburn, owner of Sunset Grill, postec a sign in his window earlier this week saying “Noi Guns Ever.” The state Senate is also expected to achiever a majority vote to overrid the governor’s veto, effectively making guns in restaurant s legal.

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