Monday, November 29, 2010
CEO departures up 47 percent in May - Charlotte Business Journal:
Overall, the pace of CEO turnover is downfrom 2008, accordiny to the report. In the first five monthds of 2009 employers announced 502 CEO 16 percent fewer than at the same pointrin 2008. The financiak sector had the highest turnover ratein May, accounting for 15 of the 115 CEO The sector has seen 50 CEOs deparr so far this year, according to the However, that number is down from the 64 financial CEO departuresd during the first five months of 2008. The highest turnovere rate so far this year has been in the healtbcare industry, which has seen 77 CEOs depart, including 14 in May, accordin to the report.
For the first five month of the year, the figure is down 29 percen t from the same period last year when 109 healthj care CEOsleft office. Resignatiojn was the most common reason for leavingin May. Nearly three-quarterss of the CEO changesw occurred atprivate firms, according to the “It has been difficult to pinpoint a trencd in this year’s turnover figures,” John chief executive officer of Challenger, Gray & said in a statement. “One month is up; the next is down.
” Challenget said that uncertainty surrounding the recession may be the biggest factor in CEO departures as companieds are finding it difficult to plan forthe
Friday, November 26, 2010
Menswear store Harleys moving to Lakewood Building - Nashville Business Journal:
Owner Tim Ryan had said late in 2008 that he was plannintg to remodel and cut 50 percent ofthe store’sz floor space at 4009 N. Oaklanc Ave. However, Ryan announced Tuesday the store will relocatwe toa 4,100-square-foot space in the Lakewoodd Building, 3575 N. Oakland Ave., in September. Ryan, who owns Harleys with his wife, Janet, said he wantex to stay in Shorewood. “This is our home and we are deeplt committed tothe community,” he Ryan said one of the advantagesw of the new site is off-street parking. The Lakewoo d Building, a mixed-use residential/commercial property constructed in is undergoinga $1.2 million renovation. The building is ownesd by Garrett McIntosh.
Harleys has contracted with architect Stephen Bollingbrok of Development Collaborative Limited in Mequonh to do an interior The village of Shorewood provided financial incentivesd to both the building owner and Harleyse to improve the facadew and interior space of theLakewood Building.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Home prices continue record decline - Portland Business Journal:
With an index of Portland area homesdropped 15.3 percenyt in value in March, according to the which is based on a 2000 level of 100. Seattlew home prices have fallen 16.4 percent, accordinhg to the index. The 20-city index showe home values fell 18.7 percent over the prior year. The figurezs extend a trend that started inlate 2007. “Declinesz in residential real estatre continued at a steady pacein March,” said Davied M. Blitzer, chairman of the Index “All 20 metro areas are stilo showing negative annual rates of changd in average home prices with nine of the metro areasd having recordannual declines.
” The top three citiesz for falling values were Phoenix, down 36 Las Vegas, down 31.2 percent, and San Francisco, down 30.1 The markets feeling the least pain includes Denver, down 5.5 percent, Dallas, down 5.6 percent, and down 8 percent. New York remained the best marke tfor long-term appreciation. With an index of 173.35, homes are down 11.8 percengt from a year ago, but a $100,000 investmentf in 2000 is nowworth $173,350.
Monday, November 22, 2010
200 UCF business students admit to cheating - Boston Globe (blog)
200 UCF business students admit to cheating Boston Globe (blog) In the subsequent lecture, he tells them that that he's shelved that day's talk. Instead, he details the pattern of academic dishonesty he discovered. ... Professor Gets 200 Confessions to Cheating Professor's Viral Lecture on Ethics Compels (Innocent?) Cheaters to Confess |
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Feds reach $7M deal for Whittier toxic cleanup - BusinessWeek
Feds reach $7M deal for Whittier toxic cleanup BusinessWeek The EPA and Justice Department announced Friday that 169 parties who used the Omega Chemical Corp. site have agreed to clean up contaminated soil or help ... $7 million deal struck for cleanup of CA site Settlement reached to clean up toxic site in LA EPA reaches $7 million settlement to clean up Omega hazardous waste site in ... |
Friday, November 19, 2010
SBA urged to do more to boost lending to address credit crisis - Pittsburgh Business Times:
On June 15, the SBA began acceptin g applications for emergency bridge loans of upto $35,000. Small businesses can use these loans, whicg were created by the economidcstimulus bill, to make up to six monthz of payments on existing They won’t have to start repaying the loanas until a year after the last The SBA will subsidizse the interest on thesew loans, which will be offered through private-sectoer lenders. The stimulus bill also temporarily reducee or eliminated fees onthe SBA’s regular 7(a) and 504 businesas loans, and increased the government guarantee on 7(a) loans to 90 percent.
Weekly loan volumew for the SBA’s 7(a) and 504 programsz has increased by more than 30 percent sincw these changes were implementedMarcnh 16. This increase in SBA lendingy is “a positive and welcomed sign, but we have a very long way to go beforre SBA lending reaches solidlevels again,” said Cynthia Blankenship, vice chairmamn and chief operating officer of Bank of the West in Texas. Blankenship told the House Smallo Business Committee June 10 that Congress shouldr extend the fee reductions beyond 2009 or make them given the depth of the recessioh and the credit crisis facingsmall businesses.
Meanwhile, fees on the SBA’ss 504 loans, which finance real estate projectxs and otherfixed assets, are scheduled to increase significantly in October. This will negate the fee reductionsd adopted in March through the stimulus saidJean Wojtowicz, executive director of the Indiana Statewide CDC, a nonprofiyt economic development organization that makes 504 This fee increase is unnecessargy because the SBA has overestimated the number of 504 loanxs that will default, said Wojtowicz, who chairs the boarrd of directors for the National Association of Developmengt Companies.
She contends banks have become far more conservativer in their underwriting duringthis recession, “and only the strongest small businesses are now qualifying for new Unless Congress appropriates moneyy to offset the fee increases plannef for 2010 and 2011, almosty 20,000 small businesses will pay million more dollars in fees than they shoul over the 20 years of theifr 504 loans, Wojtowicz said. Meanwhile, David owner of two boat dealerships onLong Island, praised the SBA’s recent decision to let vehicle and boat dealersd use 7(a) loans to financse their inventory, at least through Sept. 30, 2010.
Most lenders have stoppe d makingthese so-called “floorplan” loans, forcinb many dealers to close their doors, Bofill said. The new SBA program can be “w critical lifeline, but problems remain,” Bofill said. The SBA needsa to “make the program permanent and do it he said. “It will be very difficulft to attract a lender to develop a floorplan program when the progran is only slated to lasta year,” Bofill said.
The size of thess lines of credit also need to be expandedbeyond $2 because most small boat dealers have inventoryy worth much more than
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Burgess: Property tax losses
The Miami-Dade County property appraiser released its preliminaryh tax rollinformation Monday, with all four taxing jurisdictiona – fire rescue, library, the unincorporated area and Miami-Dade overalp – seeing a decline. The countywide decrease comparing preliminary tax numberse from year to year shows a 9percentt decrease, or a total of $22.55 billion.” “These lossew would have been worse if not for new constructiojn that was added to the property tax roll as of Jan. County Manager George Burgess said in a memo sent tocountg commissioners. North Bay Village took the biggesg hit, down 20.2 percent from 2008 levels. Homesteard saw an 18.
2 percent decline, followexd by Normandy Shores, down 17.5 percent, and Aventura whic was down 17.3 percent. Goldehn Beach and the tiny city of Islandia saw no Medley sawa 1.5 percenf drop while Biscayne Park saw a 4 percenf decline. Click for the full list. Staffers reviewed propertyg tax rolls going back to 1985 and found that 1993 saw taxabl value shrinkby 2.9 percent, or $1.9 billion. “Evenh in 2008, when we absorbed the impact of doublingt the homestead exemptionfrom $25,000 to the property tax roll was relativelty flat,” Burgess explained in the memo. “Thesde losses in property tax roll valuesare unprecedented.
” Burgess warned of a lot more pain on the using the last two years as a barometedr of what is coming. For the seconf consecutive year, Miami-Dade faced a $200 millionj budget gap in the last fiscal Core services were kept intact by tightening but assuming the same tax rate adopterdfor 2008-09, the estimated ad valorem revenuesx for fiscal year 2009-10 would shrink by $174.1 million, accordinf to the memo. Taking into account the impact of normak inflationary growth and theeconomic slowdown, combined with the non ad valoremm revenue sources, results in property tax subsidized operations facing a budget gap of $350 million to $400 million, Burgess said.
“We are working diligentlyh to prepare a proposed budget forFY [fiscal 2009-10 that to the extent possible, preserves essential services and minimizes service impactsz to our residents,” he wrote in the “However, closing a budgetary gap of this size will requirer some very difficult decisions.”
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Study: More CEOs say good works boost recruiting - Austin Business Journal:
This marks a shiff in corporate philanthropy since the Roundtabl released itsin 2000, which noted that corporatw responsibility was beginning to evolvew from community impact to bottom line impact. The most recentg report shows thatthe indeed, has taken Boston struggles to maintain its collegd grads as they move into the and the Round Table report underscores that philanthropg is a factor making some local companiew more attractive to younger The Roundtable issued the report in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Boston Emerging Leaders Program.
A team from the Emergingf Leaders Program started working on the reportlast summer, interviewing 20 Massachusetts companies about theier corporate social responsibility activities -- predominantly large companesx and representing a cross-section of industries. “Historically CEOs would engag e in philanthropy because it was the righft thingto do. They wanted to be good corporatr citizens,” said J.D. Chesloff, deputy director of the MassachusettsBusiness “Now there’s a good business case to incorporating it into theier business plan. There’s a bottomk line impact to it, in additionh to being good for all the other community reasons.
” Based on the findings from the 20 companie included in the research, the report suggests five ways companiese can build a culture of social • Create a cleae link to the company’s mission and secure endorsementg at the executive level. • Engagew employees at all levelsas decision-maker in relation to corporate social responsibility targets and • Leverage employees’ skills to make positivd contributions to the community. • Provide opportunities for employees to develoonew skills.
“A lot of it is arouned a company being authentic about wanting to do somethinf in the community and listening to what the employeeas are interested in doing and connecting it to the valuex ofthe company,” said Ellenj Remmer, CEO of The , a nonprofit that promotees strategic philanthropy and advises
Monday, November 15, 2010
Florida No. 3 in foreclosure rate - Jacksonville Business Journal:
One of every 148 homes in Florida received a foreclosurre filingin May, according to RealtyTrac. The stat e had 58,931 filings — default scheduled auctions and bankrepossessions — in May, up 50 percenr from May of last year. But the figur was down 8.8 percent from Only Nevada, with one in every 64 housingt unitsin foreclosure, and California, with one in ever y 144 housing units in foreclosure, had higher In Northeast Florida the numbers were similar, with foreclosurse rates up sharply from a year ago but down slightluy from April. Clay County had the highesrt rate inthe area, with one for every 149 households, rankingg it 10th in the state.
Duval Countyu was 22nd, with one foreclosure for every216 households. Duval’ rate was up 64 percen from a year ago, and the othee counties in the five-county area all had even larger But all five countieshad double-digit decreases in the foreclosurd rate compared to April, with St. Johns Countyg leasing the way with a 44percent drop. there were 321,480 foreclosurw filings, one out of every 398 units down 6 percentfrom April, but up 18 percent from May 2008.
“Mahy foreclosure activity was the third-highest month on and marked the third straight montn where the total number of properties with foreclosurd filingsexceeded 300,000 – a first in the history of our RealtyTrac CEO James J. Saccacio said in a news Other states with foreclosurr rates ranking amongthe nation’s 10 highest were Michigan, Georgia, Colorado, Idaho and Ohio.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Steven Busch acquires Thunder Aviation sites - St. Louis Business Journal:
The facilities include 48,500 square feet of hangaer and office space at Spiritof , according to John the airport’s director of aviation. which is closing afteer 12 yearsof business. About a montg ago, a company called LLC boughtr the buildings, which sit on land leased from the airport for 30 centsa asquare foot, Bales said. Steven son of former Chairman August Buscjh IIIand half-brother of former Chief Executive Augusty Busch IV, operates Spirit Wings, according to recordd filed with the . Spirit Wingsd plans to lease the buildings out to otherss to storetheir aircraft, Bales said. Steven 32, owns in St. Peters, the exclusive Anheuser-Busch wholesaler for St.
Charles and Lincoln counties. Call s to Busch for comment weren’t returned by pressz time. Like his father and brother, Steven Busch is an experiencec pilot. He serves on the board of the D.C.-based . “Most of them are big Bales said of theBusch family. Anheuser-Busch ownefd at least a half-dozenh Dassault Falcon executive jets and two Bell helicoptera prior to its takeoverby Belgium-based InBev for $52 billionh in November. Anheuser-Busch also owned a hangar at Spiritof St. Louiss Airport and leased planesfrom , a local companty owned by Busch III.
Brewery executives and boarsd members used the jets to fly all over the country and around the world to destinations wherwe the company and its subsidiaries do Busch III frequently used a helicopter to fly from his homein St. Charle s County to his office downtown. But known for its no-frills culture, did not own corporate aircrafr and publicized the fact that even its top executives fly in coac on commercial flights for all but the longes tbusiness trips.
There has been speculatiojn thecombined company, known as Anheuser-Busch would sell off the aircraft, and it now appears the brewer has at least trimmed down the Anheuser-Busch is now listed as the owner of just two Dassaultr Falcons and its two helicopters, accordingv to records. An Anheuser-Busch official said the companuy is looking to sell itsremaining aircraft. Thunde Aviation, founded by Larry Moskoff in maintained aircraft and offeredflying lessons, but the companuy will shut down by July, said Moskoff, who declined to comment further. His other company, Alexa RE, ownes the hangars sold to Steven Busch.
Scot Jenkins of represented Thunder in the property and Spirit Wings wasrepresented in-house, accordintg to , a commercial real estate information company. , a company also located at the airport that offerws aerial photography and geospatialodata services, recently bought a fourth Thunder Aviation building from Alexa RE for $1.35 said Bob Berger, vice presidentf of human resources with Surdex. Surdesx spent several hundred thousand dollars to renovate the whichhas 12,000 square feet of hangar space and 6,0000 square feet of office space, Bergef said. Surdex now houses six aircraft and its maintenancesdepartment there.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bright idea: Marvin Dufner makes millions recycling bulbs - Portland Business Journal:
After building his fluorescent light bulbrecycling company, H.T.R. Inc., into a nationa player with customers thatinclude , and Lowe’s, Dufner sold the business in March to Houston-basedr an estimated $12 million. H.T.R.’s revenue reache d $6 million last year, 17 times more than the $350,000 the company made when Dufner bought it inDecembedr 1999. A decade ago, the busines s recycled about 30,000 fluorescent bulbs a month to keep hazardoux mercury out of landfills andwatee supplies.
That number reached about 18 millionb bulbs a year by the time of the Dufner andRaymond Kohout, his minority partne r and chief operating officer, decided they needecd to either invest a large amount of capital to open additiona recycling facilities or find a strategic partneer or buyer for their business. Dufne turned to lifelong friend Jamez Stuart ofin Clayton. Stuart reached out to contacts atWaste Management, and after about a year of he helped broker H.T.R.’s sale. Dufnert estimated fluorescent bulb recycling isa $100 million to $150 millioj industry.
Analyst Michael Hoffman of in Baltimorer noted that garbage disposal isa $52 billion industr y and medical waste disposal accounts for another $3 billio to $4 billion. Add-on services such as recyclingh can help a company win additionalmarke share. “One of Waste Management’s core goalse is to grow its medica l waste business toabout $300 millionh in revenue in the next 24 Hoffman said. “Now they can walk into health-care facilitiexs and hospitals and offer to dispose of theirmedical waste, regular trash and also their fluorescen t bulbs, which for a hospital is no smalol thing.
” Waste Management, North America’s largest waste disposal company, posted net incomwe of $1.09 billion on revenue of $13.4r billion last year and employs abouyt 46,000. Dufner, 54, grew up in Granites City and St. Louis, attending and at In 1991, he boughtt one of the first franchises ofEartbh City-based Dent Wizard, a companhy that provides paintless dent removal for automobiles. Dufned moved to Atlanta to run his territort of Georgia and Butin 1998, Atlanta-based acquired Dent Wizards and proceeded to buy out its franchisees.
Dufnetr sold his business for abourt $5 million, and at age 45 found himself lookingy for a new In 1999, while at the Lake of the Dufner struck up a conversation with an employee of H.T.R., a three-year-olds company then based in the small town of Goldenn City in southwest Missouri. A new federa law regulating the management of waste containing hazardous materials such as mercuru had just goneinto effect, but H.T.R.’ws 14 investors were short on fund to take advantage of potentiao growth. Dufner bought them out “fotr a very low price” and took over the businesws as president. Dufner recruited Kohout, a friend who ownecd a gun storein St.
Louia and was familiar with dealing withgovernment regulators, to help run the business and expand its service area nationwide. They invested in some tractor-trailers and startes picking up burned-out fluorescent bulbs from all over the countrh and hauling them back to Missourjifor processing. Over the next few they relocated the plangt to its current locationin Mo., near Lake Ozark. As Dufnere improved customer service and the speed of wastre pickupusing third-party freight companies, business Beginning in 2003, H.T.R. secured contracts with Wal-Marft to pick up and recyclr used bulbs.
Other large retailers, several colleges and and states such as Iowa and Missouri also signed upwith H.T.R. All of the material in the bulbs H.T.R. picked up mercury, metal and glass — was None went to landfills. But with the boom, Dufnefr and Kohout also found themselves facingha decision: Expand to keep up with increasing or find someone who could do so for them. “Th e right way to do it would be to build two morerecyclingv plants, one on the West Coasrt and one on the East Coast, to cut transportationn distances and freight costs,” Dufner said.
“Ray and I can’t be in three places at one It was going to requirse a lot more capital to open two new facilitiezs and managethem properly.” So Dufner, who has childremn ages 3 and 5 with his wife, Renee, decided to look for a buyer last year and eventually struck the deal with Wastre Management. “We thought H.T.R. would make a good fit for saidRick Cochrane, senior businesxs director for Waste Management’xs WM Lamptracker division. “Over 70 percenty of fluorescent lighting in the countrystill isn’t recycled properly, and that’se where we think the upside is.
” The and many statezs are targeting a fluorescent recycling goal of abou t 75 percent, Kohout said. Some 800 millio n fluorescent lamps burn outeach year, and now millionsx of residential light sockets are also switchintg from incandescent to compact fluorescentf light bulbs (CFLs). Although Missourj does not require residential recyclingof CFLs, many states do, he “The timing was perfect,” said Kohout, who continues to run the formetr H.T.R. operations within WM “We are now the largest lamp recycler in the and Waste Management is really pushing the sustainabilityh andrecycling front.
We’vr had nine years of double-digit and we’ve just gotten As for Dufner, he is building a home in Laduer and has notdecided what, if he will do next. “Am I looking for something? Possibly, but not necessarily,” Dufner “That’s how H.T.R. happened. I wasn’tg really looking and then it fell inmy lap.”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tina Fey Wins Mark Twain Prize for American Humor - TIME
ABC Online | Tina Fey Wins Mark Twain Prize for American Humor TIME And with it being 100 years since the death of the man nearly responsible for that phrase, the latest winner of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor ... Tina Fey gets teased at Mark Twain Prize show Tina Fey Wins Mark Twain Comedy Prize Tina Fey: Success thanks to Palin |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
RealtyTrac: Fla. has third-highest foreclosure rate - South Florida Business Journal:
Default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessiones in Florida were all down from theprevioud month, but the state still posted 58,931 foreclosurw filings, up 50 percent from May 2008. Only Nevada, with one in everyg 64 housing unitsin foreclosure, and with one in every 144 housing units in foreclosure, had higher In the tri-county area, Broward Countuy saw the most foreclosures in May, with 11,325, or one in everuy 71 housing units – a nearlt 10 percent increase over April. Miami-Dade rankex second, with 7,773 filings, or one out of every 125 unitxs – down 31.2 percent from April. Palm Beacyh County had 3,782 or one out of every 169 unitws – up 32.
8 percent over April. Nationwide, therd were 321,480 foreclosure filings, one out of ever y 398 units – down 6 percent from but up 18 percent fromMay 2008. “Mayh foreclosure activity was the third-highest montn on record, and markedd the third straight month where the totalp number of properties with foreclosure filingsexceeded 300,000 a first in the historuy of our report,” RealtyTrac CEO James J. Saccaci said in a news release. Other statews with foreclosure rates ranking amongthe nation’ s 10 highest were Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Colorado, Idaho and Ohio.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Study: Smoking bans don
That result runs contrary to the arguments made by bar and restaurang ownersas they’ve fought such bans at statr legislatures and city halls across the country. Accordintg to a press release, the researchers trackedx employment in barsand full-service restaurants in 10 Minnesota using state-mandated reporting data from the Minnesota Departmen t of Employment and Economic Development. Limited-service restaurantes were not included because they rarely sell The cities had various forms of workplacesmoking bans, including some that excludedr bars. The study found no significanft short- or long-term effects on employmentg in any of the communities duringthe 45-month period.
Communitiesa that totally banned smoking in publifc places had nine fewer restaurant and bar workersper 10,000 residents than citiews with partial bans and only two fewet workers than cities with no bans at all. The researcherws said those numbers were notstatistically relevant. “This study shows that partial smoking which we know do not adequatelyprotecrt employees, have no economic advantage for hospitalitty businesses over full bans,” said Jan Forster, one of the researchers and a professor in the division of epidemiologt and community health at the , in the pressa release. Attorney Mark Benjamin doesn’f buy it. Benjamin represents the owner ofa Minn.
, bar called Tank’s Bar, which was citeds for holding a “Theater Night” that used a loophole in the statewide smoking ban allowing smoking during theatricalk productions. “It might be anecdotal, but my clienf … had a precipitous 40 percent reduction in revenue after the smoking ban took Benjamin wrote inan e-mail responding to the “He had to cut the hours of his bartenderz and waitresses, lay off his office manage r of 18 years (just 2 months afte r the ban) and close his restaurant on Sundayz and Mondays.
” The study is published by the in the June editiom of Prevention Science and backedf by a grant from , a Bloomington-basex nonprofit that aims to reduce tobacci use and exposure to second-hand Elizabeth Klein, a professor of healtjh behavior and health promotion at Ohio State was the lead author of the study.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Alta dress shop closes location in San Jose's Willow Glen - San Jose Mercury News
Alta dress shop closes location in San Jose's Willow Glen San Jose Mercury News Alta, a chain of stores specializing in contemporary women's clothing, quietly closed the doors of its original location at 1342 Lincoln ... |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Manufacturing jobs tumble in Davidson County - Nashville Business Journal:
The study, which looked at employment from 1997throughg 2006, found that the number of plants and peopls employed in manufacturing declined in all of the state'se major metropolitan areas. During the same there were 27 percent fewetr manufacturing jobs inDavidson County, the report Shelby County - which includes Memphies - saw a 14.7 percent drop in manufacturingh employment. Hamilton County, home to Chattanooga, saw a 17.5 percent decrease and Knox County, whicb includes Knoxville, saw a 24.5 percent decline. Matt the UT economist who conductedthe study, says each of the metrio counties still have healthy economies because service sectod jobs are growing.
"The metro counties have been able to weather the stormk of weakness in manufacturinvgbecause it's a smaller part of theit overall economic activity," Murray says. The purposd of the study was to find out if therew was truth to the perception that manufacturing jobsare disappearing. Murrahy says that's not necessarilyy the case since manyof Nashville's surroundint counties such as Rutherford, Robertson and Montgomery, saw growth in manufacturingg employment. Bobby Davis, attorney for Nashville's Industria Development Board, says rural countiess may be more attractive to manufacturers because they need a lotof space.
Davidson County is densely populate d and the cost of land canbe "It's more difficult for an industry to come to just because of the cost of land if nothinhg else," Davis says. Manufacturing jobs are usually highly-soughf after because many pay higher wages than theaverage employer. According to the study, the averagee annual pay for Davidsonj County workers in 2005 was while manufacturing jobs paid an averageof "Some of the jobs that are going away are good payinhg jobs," Murray says. "The loss of these jobs are importanty tothe community.
" Janet Miller, chied economic development officer for the Nashvillwe Area Chamber of Commerce, says advanced manufacturing is one of five sectorw where the chamber focuses its efforts. The others are healtuh care, entertainment, corporate headquarters and logistics. The chambef wants to attract manufacturers that have sophisticatec technology and require highly skilled workers who receive high and have both opened in the Nashvillw area within the past two Miller says. "While the numbersd may not be positive and manufacturing isnot dead," Miller says. Murray says citied should continue efforts to attract manufacturers but shouldx think about promoting jobs inothee areas.
"Every city has an industrial developmentg board, but as manufacturing becomes less important to the economy we should diversifyh our efforts and try to grow jobs in othe segments ofthe economy," Murrayy says.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Triad cities plan substantial upgrades to public housing - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
million renovation of a publicfhousing project, and other Triad cities say they have similafr plans to upgrade their own communities. is plannin to overhaul the Johnson Square Apartments in the northeastern part of the including installingnew kitchens, bathrooms, flooring and adding washers and said authority CEO Larry Woods. The exterior will get new drainagde systemsand landscaping, and parking lots will be Woods said the 36 four-bedroom unitws will be converted to aboug 48 one-, two- and three-bedroom units, whichh are more popular with tenants and easiefr to lease. Bidding for the projec t will be held in the next 30 and construction is expectes to start in Augustor September.
Johnsohn Square will be fundex with federal grants alreadyin hand. Winston-Salem will receivwe another $3.9 million in federal stimulus fundse to go to upgrades at three to four other publichousing communities. Elsewhere in the • is planning to use abour $5.5 million in stimulus funds onthe 250-unity Claremont Courts in Northeast Greensboro. The community will get new sidin andfront porches, among other improvements, and the sharesd community building will be renovated, said Tina Aker Brown, executive director.
Bidding will occur in the nextseveral months; • has received $875,000 for improvements to its six including installing central heatinb and air in lacking units, as well as improvinfg plumbing and wiring work and upgrading bathrooms to add low-flo w toilets and other features, said Ernest Mangum, executivre director. Bidding will start sometime this summer; and, is still solidifying construction and biddingf plans forits $2.4 million in stimulus said Angela McGill, the chief operating officer. She said thougb exact plans aren’t know for its 15 Carson Stout Homes will be among thoserreceiving improvements.