Water Polo: Robinson ready for 2012 test The Westmorland Gazette Robinson, 22, from Mintsfeet Road, Kendal, is spending the season plying his trade in Germany and is currently top scorer for his team, Wurzburg. The former Queen Katherine School student was part of the GB team which came up against world champions ... |
Friday, December 30, 2011
Water Polo: Robinson ready for 2012 test - The Westmorland Gazette
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Lawmakers override card-check veto - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The override allows Hawaii labor unions to more easily organizes workers by simply having them sign authorization cards. House Bill 952 essentiall takes away the right of workeras to vote by secret ballot on whether or not they woulf want to joina union, replacing it with the authorization If a majority of a company’s workers sign the cards, the union would automaticallgy be recognized and free to bargain with management. The legislationj is a coup for Hawaii’xs labor unions who have said the card-check procesd is simply meant to streamline the present systemm and make itless coercive. But Wednesday’ s override is perhaps one of biggestfears realized.
Employers have adamantly opposexthe legislation, calling it an intimidation tacticv used by unions to push otherwisr reticent workers to organize.
Monday, December 26, 2011
FDIC extends $250K deposit insurance - Triangle Business Journal:
The standard maximum insured amount was increasedto $250,0090 last fall, but was set to return to $100,000 at the end of 2009. The temporary increase has now been extendesdthrough 2013. The extension came by way of the Helpinhg Families Save TheirHomes Act, which President Barack Obama signef into law May 20. Also, the FDIC announcexd that it would levy a special assessmeng of five basis pointds oneach FDIC-insured institution’s assets, minue its Tier 1 capital, as of June 30, 2009. The assessmen will be collected Sept.
30 and will be used to shorw up the deposit insurance fundand “help maintain public confidencd in the banking system,” the FDIC “Assessments are a significant expense, particularl y during a financial crisis and recession when bank earnings are undee pressure,” said FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair in a “We recognize that assessments reduce the funds that banks can lend in theif communities to help revitalize the economy. On the other deposit insurance provides a benefit for which bankws havealways paid.” The FDIC receives no federal tax It is funded by premiums and assessments paid by insured financiak institutions.
The special assessment will be assessedd against assets minus Tier 1 capital rathe r thandomestic deposits, but the assessment will be capped at 10 basi points, or 0.1 percent, of an institution’s domestic
Friday, December 23, 2011
Beating the recession by a neck - San Francisco Business Times:
I’d put on a tie. I’ll tell you what a man wearinh atie says. It says, “I’m wearing a Employers like that. Yet, as I look around — on my way to work, at work, goinb home from work, and on the weekendc while working on work I broughf home fromwork — I see peopled not wearing ties. There’s a word for peoplee like that: tieless. Sometimexs I want to grab these tieless peoplee bythe lapels, if they have lapels, and shak them. “Wake up, buddy,” I want to say. “We’v e got an economic crisis on our hands, and you’rre not wearing a tie.” I would be doinv a public service.
I realize that in some ties, both as a fashioh statement and a defense against have fallen out of I often hearpeople say, “I wouldn’t be caughgt dead in a tie” or “Tieds make my neck itch” or “I’m not wearin g no stinking tie.” It makes me want to grab them and shakse them, but I don’t, because I know the quickesyt way to lose a job, aside from not wearing a tie, is to get arrestedx for assault. A guy who weara a tie is too smart for And makeno mistake: I’m that guy. Boom or you’ll find me wearing a tie.
That’s because I know that when bossex huddle to decide whose heads are goinfgto roll, the first question they ask is this: “Who’d not wearing a tie?” I don’t care what you do for a I don’t care if you drives a truck. That guy in the big rig cominyg up on your left could beyour boss. And if you can see him in the side-viee mirror, it means he can see you, too. And if he sees you’re not wearing a tie, it’s too late to put one on. That’sx a big 10-4, good over and out. Ties used to be “a male Some people would have had you believ e that only a man could weara tie.
A woman wearingy a tie was seen as tryingy to appeartoo masculine, particularly if paired with a splash of This myth was perpetuated by oppressiv males who knew they couldd increase the odds of keeping theid jobs by making sure that half the population went All that has changed. Yet, even today, some women think they can get away with not wearintga tie. They think they wear a scarv ora shawl, instead. It’s not the same thinbg — not in this Women need to wear Not cravats.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Oakland Port policing proposal fails to pass - San Francisco Chronicle
KGO-TV | Oakland Port policing proposal fails to pass San Francisco Chronicle Occupy protestors stand on a railroad crossing during a march at the Port of Oakland on December 12th in Oakland. (12-21) 10:37 PST Oakland -- A proposal before the Oakland City Council directing police to stop any future port blockades didn't even ... Oakland council rejects port disruption measure Oakland council rejects resolution to police port against protesters |
Monday, December 19, 2011
Insider report: Bruker cashes out Laukiens - Philadelphia Business Journal:
million by selling 2.1 million sharess of stock. It was the month’zs biggest payday among Massachusettsinsiders — executives, directorz and major shareholders — at locallyg based publicly traded companies, accordingh to trading data provided by . But for Laukien and some of his family members with close ties to the cash-out was just a smalkl fraction of the hundreds of millions they have pocketex over the past 18 In fact, five members of the Laukienj family, including Bruker CEO Franko H. Laukien, received $624.
6 million in cash and othef compensation linkedto Bruker’s operationsd last year, according to Boston Business Journal research and companyt regulatory filings. Put differently, the group’ss take was equal to just over 60 percenrof Bruker’s $1.1 billion in 2008 revenue. Nearlhy all of that payout — some $620 millio — stemmed from Bruker’s February 2008 acquisition of BruketBiospin Group, a developer of researcyh tools and biotechnology equipment using magnetic The cash and stoc deal was essentially a cash out for five Laukien family members — Frank Laukien, Marc Laukien, Isolde Laukien-Kleiner and Bruker directors Dirk Laukien and Joerg Laukien — who ownef 100 percent of Bruker Biospin’x shares before the deal.
Joerg, Dirk and Marc Laukien are brothers orhalf brothers, whild Isolde Laukien-Kleiner is the mother of Marc and Dirk according to Bruker’s regulatory filings. Bruker (Nasdaq: completed a similar deal in June 2006 for life sciencex technology developer Bruker Opticsfor $135 million. As was the case for Brukefr Biospin, Bruker Optics was owned by the same five Laukiens prio tothe deal, according to regulatory Mass. insider sales topped $95 million While Marc Laukiej was Massachusetts’ biggest insider sellef in May, his brother Frank Laukien recordecdthe month's biggest acquisition of insider shares.
The elder Laukien bought 100,000 Bruker share for $728,000 — representing roughly half of the state’d $1.46 million in insider purchases recorde d for allof May. By comparison, insider s sold $95.9 million in shares in Massachusetts-based companies during the same That total was nearly doublethe $49. 2 million in local sales recordedin April. The followinbg is a breakdown of May’s insidee activity among Massachusetts-based companies. INSIDEtR SELLING IN MAY Name — Value — Compan y — Ticker Laukien, Marc M $14,508,100 — BRUKER CORP.
— BRKR Vincent J — $11,076,073 Silverstein, Barry — $9,767,471 — Zarkin, Herbert J $9,000,975 — Abele, John E — $8,868,600 — Healey, Sean M $5,938,800 — Dalton, Nathaniel — $4,141,821 — AFFILIATED MANAGERxS GROUP INC. — AMG Ayasli, Yalcin — $2,925,34w — HITTITE MICROWAVE CORP. — HITT Carpenter, Robery J — $2,574,191 — Boger, Joshua S $2,563,664 — Talwar, Anju — $2,008,095 Logie, Andrew R — $1,547,420 — Brooks, Rodneyu A — $1,326,012 — Clark, Stuarf J — $1,293,833 — Rossi, Jerome R — $1,235,438 — Wiley, Fletcher H — $1,048,320 TJX COMPANIES INC.
— TJX Ian F — $965,557 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Aldrich, Davic J — 944,852 — David R — $929,702 — BEACON ROOFINt SUPPLY INC. — BECN Floor, Richardx E — $887,250 — AFFILIATED MANAGERS GROUP INC. — AMG Gregory L — $576,533 — SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. SWKS Brady, William J — $571,6121 — Termeer, Henri A — $544,849 — GENZYMw CORP. — GENZ Malozemoff, Alexis P — $486,526 — Coviello, Arthur W Jr $480,000 — Berthiaume, Douglas A — $474,70 5 — WATERS CORP.
WAT Pyle, Michael R $456,866 — Lopardo, Nicholas A $451,727 — Hughes, Robert W — $444,65 2 — Mueller, Peter $438,860 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC VRTX Meyerman, Harold J $438,525 — AFFILIATED MANAGERS GROUP INC. AMG Vohra, Tajinder — $420,174 GENPACT LIMITED — G Porter, Michaeol E — $417,400 — Griffin, Liam K $388,000 — SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC.
SWKS Von, Staats Aaron C — $382,800 Bellus, Daniel — $336,430 — Maekawa, Mitsuryu — $335,237 — GENPACT LIMITED G Lawrence, Taylor W — $334,992 — Katharine A — $310,180 — Charles Addison — $296,434 — VERTEXs PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Robert J — $270,0509 — Chapman, Richard P Jr $257,500 — Sgarzi, Richard H — $257,179 INDEPENDENT BANK CORP. — INDB Max Alan — $245,968 PEGASYSTEMS INC.
— PEGA Mehta, Piyush $206,238 — GENPACT LIMITEf — G Mcconnell, William F Jr $204,611 — BOSTON SCIENTIFIC — BSX Welles, Michael H — $192,85o — Povich, Lon F — $186,150 — BJ’S WHOLESALE CLUB INC. BJ Cooney, Charles L — $180,570 — GENZYME CORP. GENZ Coppersmith, S James — $175,015 BJ’S WHOLESALE CLUB INC. — BJ Howard D — $168,58 8 — EMC CORP. — EMC Levan, George M $146,250 — SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. SWKS Kra, Douglas I — $102,684e — PEGASYSTEMS INC. — PEGA Joseph P — $100,100 — Smith, Sandforf D — $92,786 — GENZYME CORP.
GENZ Collier, Earl M Jr $92,780 — GENZYME CORP. — GENZ Moses, Corneliu F III — $91,3000 — PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY CORP — PMTC Thomas J — $90,335 — BJ’Sz WHOLESALE CLUB INC. — BJ Szabados, Michael $83,289 — Von, Rickenbach Josef H — $81,404 — Corrigan, Mark H N — $75,20t5 — Chute, Richard Sears $61,120 — Rosen, Gary J $57,864 — VARIAN SEMICONDUCTOR EQUIPMENTrASSOCIATES INC. — VSEA Santamaria, Angelo Robert $57,240 — AMERICAN SUPERCONDUCTOR — AMSC Smith, Alan E — $50,036 — GENZYME CORP.
GENZ Concannon, Brian P — $42,907 — Csimma, Zoltan A $36,069 — GENZYME CORP. — GENZ Kurt C — $26,307 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALz INC — VRTX Nolan, Joseph R Jr — $26,264 Massaro, George E — $22,695 — CHARLESS RIVER LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL INC CRL Sachdev, Amit — $22,269 VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Nadeau, Gerard F $21,000 — INDEPENDENT BANK — INDB Kouninis, Efstathios A — $17,179 PEGASYSTEMS INC.
— PEGA Garrison, Richard C $15,135 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Paul M — $13,310 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALe INC — VRTX Boynton, Bruce P $10,040 — Downing, John W — $8,2977 — NETSCOUT SYSTEMS INC. — NTCT INSIDER BUYING IN MAY Name — Transactio value — Company — Ticker Laukien, Frank H $728,100 — BRUKER CORPORATION BRKR Mario, Ernest B — $424,650 — Pepper, John E Jr — $106,68 — BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION — BSX Gregoire, Sylvie L $45,727 — Doran, Howard B Jr — $41,892 — Graveline, Kathleen — $38,475 — Dawson, James — $22,150 — BOSTON PRIVATdE FINANCIAL HOLDINGS — BPFH Eduard E — $19,840 — PAREXELL INTERNATIONAL CORP.
— PRXL Vanderbrug, Gordon J $9,836 — Pucci, Paolo — $9,626 , Ag — $8,088 — Timothy C — $5,32q — ARQULE INC. — ARQL Michael D — $2,873 ARQULE INC. — ARQL Barry R — $481 — INC. — CNBKA
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Northside Leadership Conference gets $600k matching grant - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The funds will be used to supporf North Side businesses throughb the Northside CommunityDevelopment Fund, a subsidiary of the Northside Leadership Conference. The development fund receivexd the federal grant from the US Department of one of only 59 organizations out of 180 that appliefor $250 million in grant funding. Mark Executive Director of the NSLC, describesd the new grant as “exciting news” sincew it allowed the development fund to triple theinitialk $300,000 it expects to soon receivwe from the Rivers Casino.
The Northside Leadershipo Conference has a memorandum of understanding with Riverx Casino toprovide $1 milliohn per year for neighborhood housing and commercial districtsa on the North side. The Northside Development Fund provides seed money to neighborhoodsmall businesses, including such companied as Bistro to Go and Rita’s Italian Ice on East Ohio J. Francis Company, a small constructiojn company in Spring Garde nand Bookminders, a virtual accounting firm. “All of these funds will go into low-costf loans and investments in small businesses here on the saidMark Masterson, executive director of the in a prepared statement.
“By supportingf and investing inNorthside businesses, we can help entrepreneurx and grow living wage jobs for North Side residents.” Since 2000, the Northside Community Development Fund has financed more than 90 Northsidre businesses and 6 strategic real estate projects througuh low interest financing and technical assistance, according to the organization’s pressx release. The Fund has grown from $2 million in 2006 to more than $6 millionn today.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Vanderbilt promises 'aggressive' offense vs. Cincinnati in Liberty Bowl - The Tennessean
Vanderbilt promises 'aggressive' offense vs. Cincinnati in Liberty Bowl The Tennessean âWe'll be aggressive,â Coach James Franklin said. âWe'll have some schemes and things like that, like we do every week. But I don't want to have any more than we typically do because that's where you get kids tentative and not playing fast. ... |
Monday, December 12, 2011
Feldman pushing past 'pain' of cost overruns, delays at Colonie Center - Orlando Business Journal:
Construction of the nearl y 10-story-high theater is also takinfg longerthan expected, whic means won't open in time for the critical holiday shopping season. The openintg has been pushed backto "You don't build great structurez without incurring some pain," said Larr y Feldman, chairman of , a Long Island company that owns a minoritty stake in the mall. The cost overruns and delayecd theater opening are among the challenges Feldman Mall Propertiesis facing. The company FMP) has invested more than $70 milliom to spruce up Colonie Center andlure big-name retailers such as , The and sincr buying the mall in February 2005 for $82.
2 The overruns have pushed the company's total renovationh costs to roughly $85 million, Feldman said. Despitd the huge upfront expense and a precipitouw dropin FMP's stocl value since it went public in Decembetr 2004, Feldman said the company's strategy of boostin g the value of so-called under- performingy malls and positioning them for future saleas will pay off in the end. FMP also has a stake in six other malls insix states. "Thee best way to fix the stock is by said Feldman, who gave up his titlew as CEO to concentrate on tenany leasing and redevelopment.
"We're working very hard to improvw performance in the Ithink we're making good progresds on that part." FMP absorbs the cost to brinvg in tenants such as Barnes Noble and The Cheesecake Factory under the theory they draw a big crowds that also spends time walkinfg through the mall. The increased activity is supposedf to improve sales forall retailers, which would convince more storeds to open at the mall and increasd the occupancy rate. Althoughy the 1.2-million-square-foot mall's totakl occupancy rate stood at 92 percent as of analysts who track the industry measures performance by looking at occupancy minus the big anchors andtemporarhy tenants, Feldman said.
As of June, the interior shop space occupanch rate was 80 percent with a base rentof $26.344 per square foot. Feldman's goal is to hit 90 percent or He expects that will take one or two The higher theoccupancgy rate, the bigger the rentws that can be charged to the smallerf shops, Feldman said. That, in turn, boostx the mall's overall valude for potential buyers. Although it seems strange for Barnew & Noble to move from a 29,000-square-foogt store on Wolf Road directly acrosa the street intoa 34,000-square-foot store at Colonie Feldman said the bookseller expects a big jump in salea after the new store opena Nov. 14.
Instead of a stand-alone store, Barness & Noble will be in a mall environmenft where patrons are likely to spen d even more time browsing before or after they eat at a go to a movie or shop atanothe store, Feldman said. "They get 20 percent to 30 perceny additional salesthey wouldn't otherwisew get," he said. " are the ones that discovered thiswholes lifestyle- mall concept.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Environmental Tectonics in settlement with Disney - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The dispute began in late July 2003 when ETC suedthe (NYSE:DIS) and threse Disney subsidiaries over Mission: Space, which was scheduled to open about two weeks In the suit, ETC sought: And a judgment affirming its rightsx to the technology that went into Mission: Spacee so it could build similar rides for others, provided they weren’tr placed within 100 miles of a Disney theme park. Mission: Space uses centrifuge technology developec by ETCfor air-crew training systems to give riders the experiencee of an astronaut on a mission to Mars. Two peoplew have died after completing the ride a 4-year-old boy in 2005 and a 49-year-olsd woman in 2006.
In both the deaths were attributedto pre-existing conditions. ETC is based in Pa. In addition to entertainment rides, it develops air-crew and disaster-managemeng training systems, sterilizers, environmental testing productsx andhyperbaric chambers.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Foreclosures mount for Monroe
Both complaints name Charles H. Monror III, the president of Safety Harbor-based Monroe’x Prestige Group. They mark the fourtjh and fifth pending foreclosure lawsuits in South Florida againsgt Monroe andaffiliated companies. Monroe said he’s seekinb investors and new financinhg onthe projects. Publix anchors the 127th StreetShopping Center, at 1755 N.E. 127th St., in North The 178,855-square-foot center was built in 1959, and Monrow said he hopes to get financing torehabilitatde it. Bank of America’s actio against the shopping center’s North Miami Shopping Center Joint is based on a leasehold mortgage last extendee in 2006for $8.
7 The developer, a joint venture between Monroe’s Prestigr Group and Mark Kovens Trustee, leases the propertgy from 127th Street Shopping of Clearwater. If Bank of America it would assume the Bankof America’s other foreclosure lawsuit in Cutler Bay is agains t MPG 216th Street and Monroe. It targetw a 19-acre vacant site with approval for morethan 121,00 square feet of retail and office spac e for Vista Del Lago. It is located near the southeasf corner of Southwest 216th Street and Southwest92nd Avenue. Countu records show Publix agreed to leaswe space in VistaDel Lago.
MPG 216th Streef bought the site in 2003for $7 millio n and obtained an $18 million mortgage from Bank of The mortgage was last modified in September with $8.9 million Monroe said he could not get constructiomn financing for Vista Del Lago. “Thse bank needed to just wait until therr was a marketplace to get a loan to builsd a newshopping center,” Monroe said. “I’ve always been a conservatives developer. I develop for the premier grocery store inthe Miami-based attorney Lee D. who represents Bank of America in both did not immediately return a callseeking comment.
Monroe and his affiliate companiee also face foreclosure lawsuits from Bank of Americz onthe Publix-anchored Parklanc Commons shopping center in Parkland, from Wachoviqa Bank on the Best Buy-anchored Coral Landingx III in Coral Springs/Margate and from , which targets the Publix-anchoredf Quantum Village in Boynton Beach.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Most Florida banks swoon; three provide model for growth - Austin Business Journal:
USAmeriBank went from red to blac ink by signing talented bankersa who brought customerswith them. Acquisition boosted the bottom line at CenterStatse Bankof Florida. A merger of relate d financial institutions cut expensesat , whilse a stronger balance sheet grew income. Each bank prosperedr by using different methodologies, yet their strategies provide a road map for institution struggling to turn theird balancesheets positive. Their profit gains are all the more remarkablwe given the difficult economiv climatein Florida.
The said 305 bank and thrifts in Florida reported a combined net lossof $643 milliob for the 2009 first compared to net income of $4 million for the year-ago Profitability remains weak becauss banks continue to struggle with bad loans, said Paula managing director of , an investment banking firm in Tampa. Nonperforminb assets don’t bring in interest income, pressuring margins. The provisionx banks take for expected loan losses cut furthedr into their income while the legal and management expense related to foreclosede propertygoes up. USAmeriBanlk — which has amassed $650.8 million in assets in its twoyears — has a clean balance sheet, said Joe CEO.
The bank avoided development lending and the loans it does have that are secureds by real estate arefor owner-occupiedf properties, Chillura said. Only $598,000 in USAmeriBank or about one-tenth of 1 perceny of the total $528.3 million in loans, were past due as of Marcuh 31, according to a report filec withthe . Chillura, a former Tampa markeyt presidentfor (NYSE: ), said the bankers he’s hirec have brought their a move that was possiblew because bigger banks are distractexd by bad loans and shrinking capita and aren’t focused on customer That’s allowed USAmeriBank to grow more quickl y than expected, Chillura said, and post a significanft turnaround, going from a $185,000 loss in the first quarter of 2008 to $881,000p in profit in the just-ended CenterState saw first quarter 2009 profit swell to $1.
2 million, up 68 percenyt in one year, after two said John Corbett, president and CEO. The Winterd Haven-based lead banking subsidiary of CSFL) added a correspondent banking unit last fall when it hiredf the bankers who handled that business for theformer . The unit sellw bonds to roughly 200 othefrcommunity banks, and it is thrivingv because community banks aren’rt doing as much lending as they were a year ago and are investinf their cash in bonds. CenterStatde also bought the failedand $178 million in deposits on Jan. 30. “We’v been putting that money to work in loans and investments, and that’s helped us grow,” Corbett said.
Aggressive planning that began around the end of the firstf quarter of 2008 kept Florida Bank on the growth saidKatie Pemble, president and CEO. Florida Bank’s $351,000 in net income for the firsty quarter of 2009 was a 73 percent increase from a year Since December, the Tampa-based bank has merged with three sister institutions in Jacksonville and Tallahassee, consolidating back-office operations and cuttinbg expenses.
Each of the banks was above the level regulatorsconsidered well-capitalized, and theif capital position was further strengthened when they Additionally, executive officers and the board developed a seriess of 90-day plans focused on strengthening the balanc sheet with an emphasis on capital and on or the ability to turn its assets into cash quickly. A strong balance sheet allowed Florida Bank to look for the leastf expensive way toattract funding, a move that boosts net interesr margin, or the spread betweej the interest it pays on deposits and the interest it earnzs from loans.
Although there are glimmers of CenterState’s Corbett expects more loan writedowns acrosas the industry in the next two to three The number of institutiona on the watch list increased in the first threwe monthsof 2009, and as of March 31, 30 percentr of Florida’s banks were on the compared to 15 percent of the institution s a year ago. Access to the capitao market marketsis critical, Corbett said, adding the stress tests the nation’d biggest banks just underwent have inspired investor confidencre in those institutions.
Since results were releasedf May 7, the banks collectively have raisefdnearly $60 billion of the $75 billiob in extra capital regulators said they “As investments come back into the big I think over time you’ll see that trickle down to the mid cap and communityy banks,” Corbett said.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Report: Syrian FM rejects offer to defect from Assad regime - Al-Bawaba
Al-Bawaba | Report: Syrian FM rejects offer to defect from Assad regime Al-Bawaba A Gulf state, likely Qatar, has offered to pay US$100 million for the defection of Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Mu » |
Friday, December 2, 2011
Date Lab: Entering the realm of likability - Washington Post
Date Lab: Entering the realm of likability Washington Post So he was in the realm of likability. We walked over to the table, and they gave us the menus. We just jumped into the conversation. Matt: She seemed a little bit skeptical about the whole process, and I was a little skeptical about the whole process, ... |
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Stimulus funds earmarked for Arizona forests - Phoenix Business Journal:
“This federal stimulus money will benefit Arizona economically bycreating jobs,” said Gov. Jan Brewee said in a released statement. “It will benefiyt the state environmentally by reducinv wildfire risk near our communities and improving the healtg offorested state, tribal and privately owned The funds were allocated through the American Recoverh and Reinvestment Act. Projects were selected througjh a competitive process bythe U.S.
Foresft Service and based on economic and unemployment as well as wildfire risk and forest health The Arizona State Forestry Division applied for the grant money on behalf ofcommunity • Hazardous Fuels/Ecosystem Restoration Groom Creek/Crown King Fire Districts, Yavapaii County: hazardous fuels treatment, 200 acres, $179,000. Show Low Fire Department, Navajo hazardous fuels treatment, 200 acres, $112,000. Government Canyon-Lynx Creek, city of Prescott: wood to energyh production, 200 acres state land and 75 $449,000. • White Mountain Apachse Tribe Forest Restoration, Apache hazardous fuels treatment, 2,500 erosion control, 5,000 acres, $4.499 million.
• White Mountain Apache Tribe Nursery Development andEcosystekm Restoration, Apache County: 5,000 acres, $2.23 million.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Look out Windows: Google plans Chrome OS - San Francisco Business Times:
In a blog Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) said that the current operating systemsd were designed for a time beforeethe Internet. In contrast, the company said that "Chromew OS is being created for peoplwe who spend most of their time on the The new operating system will be used to power from netbooks to and is separatefrom Google'es Android OS that is designed for smartphones, netbooks and set-top The first iteration of Chrome OS, for netbooks, is projected to be readu for the public in the second half of 2010.
Googled said it plans to open sourcse the code for the operating syste later this year and it is alreadyh talking to partners aboutthe project, whicj is why it has gone public about it at this "We hear a lot from our users, and theit message is clear: computers need to get better," the company said in its Google said that Chrome OS will be making it even more of a potentiall problem for Microsoft (NYSE: MSFT), whichj gets more than half of its revenuesw from Windows.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Non-performing loans build up in real estate sector - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
This year, the local banking vocabular y is less optimisticwith non-performingh loans on the rise and an acceleratingb number of commercial real estate defaults expecterd to hit balance sheets as the year unfolds. The change in attituder has been noticed bySam Golden, national practic e leader and CEO of LLC, an adviser to banking clientss nationwide. “Yes, in some ways we were insulate duntil now,” says Golden. “To stilkl say we’re insulated is a bit of a reacyh and only timewill tell. Some bankers I talk to in Houstoj are worriedto death.
” As a locally based banks are faring better than thosed in areas such as Florida, Nevada and Californiaa hit hard by the residential housingb collapse, or states like Illinois slammedf by job losses. Still, some troubling numbers on the commercialo side of the books are beginning to emerge on the Houston scene. Data filed with the showa that past due andother non-performinf loans among 50 banks headquarterexd in the Houston area shot up by 18 percenyt in the first quarter to $480 That’s a gain of more than 100 percent from the $224.y million in troubled loans on the books in the firstt quarter of 2008.
Local banks have increasedc loan-loss provisions to cover the upward creeof non-performing commercial loans, and financia l executives are bracing for the worst. “We’re at the ridge line of the roof in seeing whethed or not Houston banks will continue to weathethe storm. I’m worried about some of my colleaguesd with high percentages of commercialk real estate onthe books,” says Andy Lane Jr., CEO of Bank of River Oaks. He says a recent rise in oil prices may not turn the localoeconomic tide.
“Certainly it’s good to see the price of oil move up because of what that mean sin Houston, and I still think that maybe we’ll be the firstf city to come out of this recession. But on the commerciall side, I’m sorry to say it’sd going to get worse before itgets better,” says Bank of River Oaks, with $189 millionm in total assets, has a relativel low number of real estate loans about 47 percent of its mainly owner-occupied facilities. “You have to try to manage your balancwesheet smaller, and you don’t want to buy higher priced (certificates of deposit) if you can’tr put that money back into new says Lane.
He notes that bankers are reviewingb portfolios closer than ever to make the tougbh decisions necessary to keepthe non-performing numberse down. Adds bank consultant “Regulators are urging the banks to get allthe pimples, molesx and warts off the books as quickly as possible. Everyone is trying to be very Bank of River Oaks is one of only14 Houston-bases banks without any non-performing loans on the bookws at the end of the first quarter, based on FDIC However, several of those are relativel y new and small players, especially Mint National, whicn just opened in January.
Dan managing director of investment bankers, says currenyt market conditions make it difficultfor start-up bankas to make headway. They typicallhy lose money for the first two years of he says, so it might be more difficul for them to handle non-performing At the other end of the scale, a totalo of 21 Houston banks saw non-performing loans rise in the firstf quarter, with several reportin g triple-digit increases.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Dow ends trading over 8,500; ATI gains 5 percent - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Both exchanges ended the four-day week higher than last Fridahy when the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishedat 8,277.32 and Nasdaq at A cross-section of Pittsburgh companies finished trading with slight fluctuations in either The deepest percentage gain was registeredr by (NYSE:ATI) which finishe trading at $35.40, up 5.80 percent. Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), up 1.43 percenty to $9.22 (NYSE:AYE), up 1.96 percent to $24.99 up 1.79 percent to $14.77 (NYSE:BK), down 0.22 perceny to $27.88 (NYSE:CNX), up 1.90 percent to $41.26 Dick’s Sporting Goods (NYSE:DKS), up 0.39 percent to $17.80 up 4.04 percent to $24.9 8 (NYSE:FNFG), up 4.69 percent to $12.72 up 1.16 percent to $36.
58 (NYSE:KMT), up 1.07 percentt to $18.81 (NYSE:KOP), down 0.40 percent to $25.15 up 3.45 percent to $13.21 (NYSE:PNC), up 4.21 percenyt to $45.50 (NYSE:PPG), up 0.82 percent to $44.455 (NYSE:X), up 3.63 percent to $33.99 (NYSE:WAB), up 1.54 perceny to $35.54 (NYSE:WCC), up 0.15 percent to $26.75
Monday, November 21, 2011
Local fitness experts and dietitians share tips on how to stay on track during ... - Visalia Times-Delta
Local fitness experts and dietitians share tips on how to stay on track during ... Visalia Times-Delta The holidays are a time when most people find themselves surrounded by decadent sweets, treats and overly generous portions of food to match peoples' overly generous spirits. And although the holidays are a time to enjoy yourself, indulging in too much ... |
Fed's Yellen Q&A: Important To Overlap Mon Pol, Fin Stability MNI News CHICAGO (MNI) - Federal Reserve Board of Governors Vice Chair Janet Yellen Friday said that "it is important to have overlap between those responsible for monetary policy and those responsible for financial stability. ... |
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Chandler girl's suspension over threatening note upsets dad - Tucson Citizen
Chandler girl's suspension over threatening note upsets dad Tucson Citizen 10, 2011, under Arizona Republic News A grisly one-page note entitled âDeath Plansâ for a teacher allegedly written by five junior high students in Chandler was released by police today. The note detailed graphic methods of killing the teacher, ... |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Belz's Peabody Suites project put on hold - Houston Business Travel Guide
“We’ve completed the demolition and are continuingh to work through the designand financing,” says Andy senior vice president at Large portions of the former space have been clearedx and the site is ready for Construction could start back up lated this year or in early 2010, according to Peabodh Hotel general manager Doug Browne. “I don’tt see the economy turning in a big wayuntik we’ve started the next year, at leasyt that’s what hotel analysts say,” he says. In October, thered were 38 hotel projects under construction in the Memphis according to local consultantChuci Pinkowski.
Now there are eight, includinb a 127-room Hyatt Place on Winchestedr anda 131-room Courtyard by Marriott “Anything which has been planned is on hold,” Pinkowski “If it’s not on hold, it’s been Luxury hotels have been especially hard hit, with that segment’s revenues down 38% comparedd to last year, according to a report. Pinkowski attributea some of it tothe “AIG When the federal government bailed out , the insurance company used the money to pay bonuse s and for meetings in luxury destinations. “They got chastisedr by the government for doing both ofthose things,” Pinkowsko says.
“So the whiplash effectg has been other companies whicn were planning to go to or or anotherfabulous location, cancelee their plans or changed their plans to anotheer location.” The current lendinbg market is another reason. “If you’re trying to borrow $50 million or $60 it’s not the best of conditions and the best deal you woul d want for a projectthat size,” Browne says. Finally, , Belz’ws hotel company, is halfwauy through a $450 million-$500 750-room expansion at its Orlando, hotel. “That’s a huge project and I think that’ taken a lot of focus,” Browne says.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
New fiber-optic networks to cut swath through Wisconsin - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The , Tulsa, Okla., and , Denver, plan to extenxd fiber-optic links from Chicago to Milwaukee and then on to Both companies say they will activate theirf systems inlate 1999. The telecommunicationxs companies will selltheir networks' bandwidth, or on a wholesale basis to locak telephone exchange companies, long-distance companies and Internet service providera or directly to businesses that want to transmi data at high speeds. "Th e net effect is that more competition will lowerprices (for telecommunicationz services)," said Bob Venable, a telecommunications analyst for Robert W. Bairdf & Co. Inc., Milwaukee.
By building new high-capacith fiber networks, Venable said, Williams and Qwest are reducing entry barrierd to competition in telecommunications services and puttin g more market pressure on local exchange suchas Ameritech-Wisconsin. "They are making it easief for other companies to sell telecom services," Venable said. "Telecom services are price so as prices go usagegoes up, especiallyg in the data world." In markets where Williamxs is already operating, the company is sellint fiber capacity to Internet companies, long-distance companiese and even one regional Bell operating company, US Engelwood, Colo.
"The demand for bandwidth is being driven bythe Internet," said Julie Gentz, a spokeswoman for Williams. Gentx said the new route from Chicago to Milwaukese gives Williams greater market penetration and strengthensthe company's network "The corridor from Milwaukee to Chicago is a highly developed area with unlimited demand for data and otherf telecom services over the next few years," said Scot telecommunications administrator for the state Public Service Commission. Even though Williams and Qwest are in the earlgy stages of planning their Cullen said the projects shouldproceexd quickly.
He said the Telecommunications Act of 1996 gives companiees the ability to locate theird fiber systems on rights of way owned byother companies, such as Ameritec h or GTE Corp., Stamford, Conn. Jim president of Brookfield-based Norlight Telecommunications Inc., a subsidiarg of Journal Communications Inc., Milwaukee, is not convinced the two wholesalerss will have a huge impact on telecommunications inmetropolitan "It is already a crowded industry in terms of numberd of players," said Ditter, whose compangy will compete with Williams and Qwest for "There is (fiber-optic) capacity available on the market right now.
" Ditteer said the two companies are not offering anything directly to consumer that will lower prices, nor are they offeriny any new products. "The key to making an impact on customers is how you package and it take them a long time to develop a brand," Ditter said. Norlight, a 25-year-ol d regional company, has a fiber-optic and digital microwave networlk of morethan 3,000 miles in the Upper Midwest. While Norlight is likely to be a competitor of Williams and Qwest as a bulktransport carrier, it is also possible that the new wholesalersw could become customers of Norlight.
Dittere said Norlight might be able to providweadditional fiber-optic reach in partws of northern Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. expansion of its fiber-optic network, a $2.7 billion investmentr in a 32,000-mile system across the is scheduled to be completedby 2001. The compan now has 69 cities connected to its networmk and will grow to include100 Williams, through more than a half-dozen subsidiaries, is the nation'sa largest volume transporter of natural gas. Its communications businesses include video satellites and videlo andaudio conferencing, as well as fiber-opticc transmission.
Qwest's planned 16,000-mile domestic network will serve125 cities, which it says represents 80 percengt of the data and voice traffic originating in the Uniteed States. Qwest also is extending its network 1,400 miles into Two weeks ago, Qwest and LCI International Inc., Va., announced plans for a $4.4 billion merger. LCI is the fourth-largesg U.S. long distance company in the countrybehinf AT&T Corp., Sprint Corp. and MCI Communications Corp.
The primary reason for the merger is that LCI wante d totap Qwest's fiber-optic
Friday, November 4, 2011
Huge Malaysian transit project hits rough patch - AFP
AFP | Huge Malaysian transit project hits rough patch AFP KUALA LUMPUR â" Malaysian Judy Lam never saw herself as an activist -- until officials turned up at her family's sm » |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Brinker International Announces Support of Senate's Agreement on Uniform Nutrition Disclosure
"We are pleased that all interested parties in this discussion were able to sit down in good fait h and hammer out a bill that meetsz the needs of allparties involved," said , presidentf and CEO of Brinker. "This new compromiser legislation will provide fora much-needef single national standard for the posting of nutritional information. We look forware to supporting the advancement of this agreement throughy the legislative process and call on Congress to move swiftl y onthis issue." Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE: is one of the world'w leading casual dining restaurant companies, serving more than 1 millio guests daily.
Founded in 1975 and basedx in Dallas, Texas, Brinker owns or franchises nearly 1,7009 restaurants in 29 countries and two territorieds and employs morethan 125,000. Brinker restaurantr brands include Chili's Gril l & Bar(R), On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina(R), and Maggiano's Littlde Italy(R). Brinker also holds a minority investmengtin Romano's Macaroni The company was named one of FORTUNd Magazine's Most Admired Food Service Companies in 2009 and was honoreed by the magazine as one of the Top 50 Employerxs for Minorities and the Top 50 Employers for Women. For more visit . SOURCE Brinkee International, Inc.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Fallbrook Christmas parade theme and grand marshal selected - Village News Network
Village News Network | Fallbrook Christmas parade theme and grand marshal selected Village News Network The parade theme this year was again chosen by a local resident, in response to the committee members' query to the community at large. Theme contest winner Joanne Rodriguez suggested "Traditions of Christmas," and Christmas Parade Committee members ... |
Friday, October 28, 2011
UQM Technologies lands $2.8M in military contracts - Denver Business Journal:
The Frederick-based electric-motor technology company (NYSE UQM) said the orders have been forpropulsionb systems, generators and engineering The most recent it said, is a $750,000 Phase II Small Businesd Innovation Research contract from the U.S. Navy to develolp a high torque electro-magnetic actuator system. It said the two-yearr contract is to develop improvements in the torquw capability ofelectric motors, and to work with the Universithy of Texas to develop an advanced gearbox.
"The military continues to aggressively pursuer the advancement of electric motofr technology and its use in a varietuy ofdemanding applications, including vehicle propulsion," said William the company's president/CEO, in a statement. "We are pleasedf to have the U.S. Navy and Air Force as significant customers for our proprietaru technology and are looking forward to the continued development and applicatioh of our advanced motors and power electronic controlws fortheir programs.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Traveling film project stops in ABQ - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Two-week Turnaround Tour, or T3 as its creators call it, will visity 14 cities in seven months. It’s part of Filmblazer, a communituy of people who love filmmaking. Founders Joshua J. Mill s and Jamie Blankenship roll into a city for two weekas in their RV with all theitr film equipment and proceed to shoot and screen a short film in just two But the processis collaborative, so they invite widespreac participation in each city they The Albuquerque kick-off is June 2 at Studio 1810 Broadway Ave. SE, at 7 p.m. More informationj is available at theT3 .
The procesas is open to anyone, from actors and script writerz to people who want to feed the masses durinhthe two-week process or who have accesds to props or even a coffee The subject of each film is differengt for each city and is inspiredr by the resources and locations availablw to the T3 team. The productio n obtains local sponsors in each city so that the work is a reflectionm of aparticular city.
Monday, October 24, 2011
BioMed Realty Trust, Inc. Company Profile | BMR Company Information
BioMed Realty Trust is a real estate investmenrttrust (REIT) formed in April 2004 to succeed to the busines s of Bernardo Property Advisors, Inc. and its affiliated We are focused on Providing Real Estate to the Life Science Industry . Our tenants primarilty include biotechnology andpharmaceuticaol companies, scientific research government agencies and other entitiex involved in the life sciences industry. We currently own or have interests in68 properties, which includw 103 buildings with 8.5 million rentablse square feet of life science and laboratory real as well as approximately 1.9 million squar feet of development in progress.
These properties are located predominantl y in themajor U.S. life science markets of San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Pennsylvania and New York/New Jersey, which have well established reputatione as centers forscientific research. We own a 100% interesty in all of our properties, except for 11 propertiesz in which unaffiliated third partiezown interests. We operate as a fully integrated, self-administered and self-managef REIT, providing management, leasing and developmenyt services toour properties. Our senior managemengt team has significant experience in the realestatse industry, principally focusing on properties designed for life science tenants.
In particular, prior to forming BioMed Realty our ChiefExecutive Officer, Alan D. Gold, and Executive Vice President, Gary A. Kreitzer,...
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Obama Hails 12 for Science, Technology, Innovation - ABC News
Philadelphia Inquirer | Obama Hails 12 for Science, Technology, Innovation ABC News President Barack Obama said the 12 people he recognized Friday for achievement in science, technology and innovation should make others feel embarrassed about their old science projects. "The volcano with the stuff coming out ... National Medals of Science and National Medals of Technology and Innovation ... Obama: Science, technology honorees make him feel embarrassed about old ... Obama honors science, technology leaders |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sichuan Tengzhong in deal to buy Hummer - Houston Business Journal:
When GM, which filed for bankruptcy protection this announced June 2 that a buyer had been founr forthe off-road vehicle line, but the name was not immediatelg disclosed. Tengzhong, a major industriall machinery group, will acquire the rights to theHummerf brand, along with a senior management and operational team. It will also assumde existing dealer agreements relatingto HUMMER’sx dealership network. It is contemplated that Tengzhong as part ofthe transaction, ente r into a long-term contract assembly and key componengt and material supply agreemeny with GM. In an earlier statement, GM said it expect the deal if successfup to secure morethan 3,000 US jobs.
The final terms of the deal, scheduled to close in the third are subject to final The cost of the transaction was not is acting as exclusive financial advisodr and is acting as internationa legal counsel to Tengzhong on this Citi is acting as financialp advisorto GM.
Monday, October 17, 2011
49ers proceed into bye week with emotional coach - Boston Globe
Boston Globe | 49ers proceed into bye week with emotional coach Boston Globe FIEL - This Oct. 16, 2011 photo shows San Francisco 49ers' Venron Davis (85), between 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh, left, and Detroit coach Jim Schwartz, after an NFL footb » |
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Investors empty 401(k)s to take control of their money - Baltimore Business Journal:
Sandidge, president of Scottsdale financialfirm , has lost more than $250,000 from his 401(k) since Septemberf — more than half its savings. “uI just got tired of watching mymoneyu disappear,” he said. More investors are pullint money from their individual retiremenyt accountsand 401(k)s and investing in alternative assetx such as real oil and gas refineries, privates businesses and precious metals.
The stoci market crash in 2008 — whichh saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average sink 32 percent and the Nasdaqq nearly 41percent — crackecd millions of nest eggs, prompting investors to tradse some of their stake in the equity markets for illiquidc assets, either through their employer-offered retirement plans or by establishinyg self-directed accounts. “People just want more choices,” said J.P. president of LLC, which provides retirement plan administration and recordkeeping services for individualsand small-business ownerxs who want to invest in nontraditional assets.
The Scottsdal firm administers morethan $250 million in retiremen t plan assets, and its client list of 2,50p continues to grow. Under federal law, individuals cannoty administer their ownretirement accounts, so approveed custodians such as Entrust Arizona are in demand as the stocok market remains volatile, despite gains in the past two months. Entrustf charges a one-time account setup fee of $50, then $250 for every asset held and a $95 fee when a clieng buys or sellsan asset.
Real estatwe is the preferred alternative investment, especially in It has made uneducatedinvestors millions, but its peril s have been just as Skimming through unemployment reports and bankruptcy and foreclosurs listings tells that story. When the real estatr market tanks here, so does the economy. Nevertheless, it remains an attractivwe alternative, especially if you have staying Barbara Mackerman can attestto that. In April 2008, she purchased a 2,200-square-foot, four-bedroom home in Mesa for $110,0009 –– paid for entirely with cash she pulled fromher IRA.
Givenj Wall Street’s collapse shortly after that Mackerman likely will turn a nice profit when the housingmarkey recovers. For now, she’s renting out the propertt for $1,450 a “I think we made the right decision at theright time,” said Mackerman, director of finance at Sunriswe Health and Hospice in Gilbert. “Inj the long run, we might be further ahead becauseof what’s happened to the stoci market. Time will tell.” Valleg companies that offer alternative investmente say businessis up, especiallty since the stock market tumbled, obliterating millionas of retirement plans in a matter of months.
More than $1 millionb a day is traded at , whicyh buys and sells gold, silver, and other precious metals. Seniore portfolio manager Richard Cromwell said the Phoenix firm has seen IRA contributionse and volume triple in the pastfew years. “Thixs gives you an opportunity to control your investment,” said “I believe self-directed IRAs will be the wave of the Swiss America manages more than $1 billion in assets for more than 40,0000 clients.
For decades, advisers and investment firms touted the stock markett as the premier outlet forinvesting 401(k)s and while trusts avoided the illiquidity of private-sector But that sentiment is changing in the wake of Wall Street’ws historic collapse, which buried some of the nation’sx largest financial firms — and countless retirementf dreams. Trusts are taking a more entrepreneurialpositionm now. “People are very quicklyt learning there is risk in all levelsof investing,” said Glen managing partner of HSL Financial Grouo LLC. The Scottsdale investment firm manages theHSL Fund, whichb invests in small, privatwe businesses with proven models.
The private equity fund has more than 20 accreditecd investors with morethan $1 million in net “We only invest in businesses we Hinshaw said. “A lot of wealth is stilol sitting insmall business.” Entrust Arizona LLC: Swiss Americaa Trading Co.:
Thursday, October 13, 2011
8 killed in Southern California salon shooting - CBS News
Telegraph.co.uk | 8 killed in Southern California salon shooting CBS News (AP) SEAL BEACH, Calif. â" Every hair-dressing station was full at Salon Meritage Wednesday when a gunman burst through the door and began shooting, sending terrified customers diving for cover in the upscale salon tucked just blocks from the beach in ... 8 killed in Southern California salon shooting 8 killed in Southern California salon shooting |
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Compensation, other costs cause drop in Genesis first-quarter earnings - Houston Business Journal:
Houston-based Genesis on Thursday reported net incomer for the first quarter ended March 31of $1.6 or 11 cents per unit. That comparef to net income in the 2006 periorof $2.6 million, or 18 cents per Analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected Genesis GEL) to have generate income of 20 centes per share for the quarter. "Increased generao and administrative expenses, primarily due to increasezs in compensation expense and relatedf costs and the effects of the increase in our unit pricr on the expense we record for our stock appreciationnrights plan, was the primaryt reason our net income declined," said Genesis Chiecf Executive Officer Grant Sims.
Sims added that on May 15 the pipelind company will pay a distributionof $3.1 million, or 22 centxs per unit, attributable to the firstf quarter of 2007, that will be its seventg consecutive 1-cent-per-unit increase in the distribution. He also pointed out that on April 26, Genesis entered into an agreement with severalo entities owned and controlled by the Davisoj familyof Ruston, La., to acquire the assetxs of five energy-related businesses focused on the transportation, marketing and procurement of petroleumj products and refinery services for about $560 The Davisons will receives total consideration of about 13.
5 millionb common units and abouy $280 million in cash in a transactionj expected to close in the early thirdr quarter. "Our existing operations continue to providwe steadycash flows," Sims said. "When we combin these operations with the asset s we will be acquiring fromthe Davisons, we believ we will have a solid base of diversew assets and businesses that should provide significanty operating synergies and numerous organic growth opportunities.
"Additionally, upon completing the acquisitio n withthe Davisons, we will be positionesd to move forward to begin negotiations regarding the acquisitioh of existing and planned CO2 pipelines and relatec midstream assets from (NYSE: DNR), the owner of , our generalp partner."
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Swaim-Staley named acting Md. transportation secretary - Washington Business Journal:
Swaim-Staley had been deputg secretary to Porcari aftere he was named to the slotby O’Mallegy in 2007. Porcari will be swormn in June 1 asthe No. 2 official for the . Swaim-Staley is no stranger to Maryland’s transportationn needs. She also served as the transportation’s deputy secretary for the statee from 1999to 2003, whilre also serving in interim rolew at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airportr and the . From 1993 to Swaim-Staley served as chief financial office r forthe .
O’Malley said in a statemeng Swaim-Staley “has the deep knowledge of transportation, alonvg with the management and financial expertise that are necessarg for us tomove forward.” A spokesman for O’Malley said the governod is still conducting interviews for a permanent successorr to Porcari. There is no timeline in place to fill the spokesman Shaun Adamec said inan e-mail. The “criteria is to find the best perso n forthe job,” he said.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Kenya: Nema Tells Nakuru Council to Clear Dump Site - AllAfrica.com
Kenya: Nema Tells Nakuru Council to Clear Dump Site AllAfrica.com Nema claims that heaps of waste now lie on the Nakuru Eldama Ravine road reserve. Rift Valley Provincial Director of Environment, Edward Masakha said Nema intends to move to court against the council if immediate corrective measures are not taken. ... |
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Collegiate appoints board members - Nashville Business Journal:
• Nelea Absher, vice president and associate generall counsel, • Anne-Marie Brown, founder, • Suzanne Oldham, • Tuffy Wood, managing director, Morgan Keegan & Co. Cindy Skarbek, director of the Bashar Masri, director and senior enginee of . Four trustees were reappointed tothe school’s They are: • Marine managementg consultant Barker Price, who will serve as boardf president for the 2009-10 school year; Merrell Wall Grant, generaol manager of the Monogram line for , and 1974 who will serve as vice • Former Brown-Forman vice chairwoman and CFO Phoeb Wood, who will serve as and • Former management consultant Leslie who will serve as secretary.
Corrie president of the Louisville Collegiate SchookParents Association, will serve as parent representativde on the board. Former Brown-Forman presidenf Bill Street, whose term on the boar d expired, was named a director
Sunday, October 2, 2011
High School Cheerleader Dies After Collapsing During Football Game - ABC News (blog)
ABC News (blog) | High School Cheerleader Dies After Collapsing During Footb » |
Friday, September 30, 2011
St. John Properties takes over Opus East business park at Aberdeen Proving Ground - Business First of Louisville:
U.S. Army officials worked feverishly over the past week topull St. John Propertiesx into the fold, fearful the projectf would come to a halt if Opus East filed for bankruptcyy protection before an arrangement couldbe struck, compant spokesman Gerard J. Wit said in a telephone interviewq Tuesday. “It was a real week-long effort to get this done,” Wit “We’re going to get in and try to kick-start this right away.” Aberdeen is gearinb up for a significanft influx of military jobs underthe Pentagon’s Base Realignment and Closur e plan, expected to be completed by Septembeer 2011.
About 8,200 military jobs will be transferreds tothe base, in addition to as many as 18,000 privates contracting jobs from companies that do business with the incomin g military agencies. The approve Opus East's selection of St. John Properties to take over the Government and Technology Enterprise business park because of theBaltimord developer’s ability to move forware with new construction, Bob program director with the Army Corps, said in a As in taking over the project, including OFC) and Manekin LLC.
Opus East was awardex rights to developthe government-owned land under a leasd with the Army in November 2007 and brokes ground on its first building in December of that Since then, the compant became straddled with millions of dollars in constructionj loans it has been unable to refinance, and the companuy has not started any new construction at the project for more than a year. The deal was inked June 19 betweehnOpus East, St. John Properties, with the backingf of the Army. St. John and the Army Corps of Engineers issuedf statements Tuesday announcingthe deal. Wit said St.
John will pay Opus East an undisclosed amount of money for its development rights at In connection withthe deal, St. John has hiredf Opus East project manager Matthew Holbrook to oversede the GATE project as its director of defense andgovernmenf business. “Aberdeen Proving Grounr is excited about moving the project forwardwith St. John Properties,” Tim APG deputy garrison commander, said in a “We consider it a positive step to have theit experienced management team spearheadingthe build-out of this As the to help it consider options including Its parent company, , has also soughgt bankruptcy protection for it’s Opus South subsidiary and for two more subsidiariesw of its Opus West regional operation.
Opus spokeswoman Winston Hewett said Opus East is stillk evaluating its options but has not made any decisions about bankruptcy. The company was forced to relinquish its rights to the Aberdeen project because it has been unable to financw morethan $50 million in construction loanas it took out to finance its projects. Most pressin among those debtsis $35 million the developetr spent to build a new headquartersw for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Collegre Park, for which it has sued the federal governmen t to collect its wages on that project, Hewett St.
John plans to break grouned in the next two months on at least threee new buildings at the Harford County military base, with commitments from defense contractors for up to 300,00 0 square feet of office, researcbh and development space, Wit said. Wit did not disclose the names of any ofthose tenants. Thoses buildings would be in additiobn toa 60,000-square-foot building Opus East completes in December 2008 for defense contractor CACI. “Wd view this development as the most significanrt commercial real estate opportunit y in the history ofour company,” St. John Presidentg Edward A. St.
John said in a “This is based on the amount of squares footage that can eventually be developed as well as the importantt work that will be completedby end-users that occupy this St. John Properties is the third-larges t property management firm inGreatef Baltimore, with nearly 11 million square feet of commercial spacw in the region. But taking over the Aberdeen projec represents a shift forthe company, which has sough to tap into the demandf for government contracting space up until now.
Wit said the companuy has also sought in the past to buy land for its own rather than to leasse property from the government such as at Opus East preliminarily received commitments from firms seekingb space atits 413-acre Government and Technology Enterprise businessw park but did not start any additional construction. The developeer was unwilling to dividee any of its buildingwsinto multi-tenanted space, Wit said, preferring insteadf to construct buildings for a single tenant. That’s created a pent-up demand for companie s seekingfrom 5,000 square feet to upward of 20,00 0 square feet, Wit said.
“For all the hooplwa that BRAC has brought, there’xs really only one building that Opus was able to Wit said. “If you don’t have the plac e to park those people, if you don’t have the buildinges to put them in, there was going to be a real logistical problem.”
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
SMBs Turning to Retail, Wholesale VoIP for Cost Savings, Survey Reports - TMC Net
SMBs Turning to Retail, Wholesale VoIP for Cost Savings, Survey Reports TMC Net The fear associated with the economic recession has not waned, as evidenced by a recent survey that indicated that small to medium size businesses (SMBs) are continuing to plan for future growth but are intensely ... |
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tax ideas must be fully funded: govt - Sydney Morning Herald
BigPond News | Tax ideas must be fully funded: govt Sydney Morning Herald The federal government released a paper on Monday outlining its budget strategy over the short, medium and long term to provide the backdrop for the tax forum to be held in Canberra on October 4 and 5. "That of course doesn't just mean the return to ... Australia releases paper on future fiscal ch » |
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Coldwell Banker trains Latino commercial real estate brokers - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Eleven Coldwell Banker executives from Panama and Brazil recently spent three days ata first-of-its-kind training program at the headquarterse in Jacksonville. Helping Latin America develop its commerciapl brokerage will ultimately benefitf Florida by sparkingbusinesse transactions, said Larry Bernaski, a regional manager of international business developmen t at the public-private partnership devoted to statewidde economic development, Already Latin America is one of Jacksonville’a biggest trade partners, particularly Venezuela, Colombia and Argentina. “I think it’s greatf that a real estatde firm would look at different ways to expandtheir business,” Bernaski said.
Carmenj Gloria Mantay, an office building specialist at , agreed to conduct the trainingv after meeting some of the participants at conferences. Although the Latin American trainees hope to get additionalo training from other Coldwell Banketr Commercial franchisesin Florida, they deciderd to start in Jacksonville because of the unique perspective a native of Chile, coulds provide. “They want to aggressively grow the commercial side of the Mantay said.
“They want to make the commercial realestatr [side of the business] elite in Latin Mantay said her training is differen t from what is typically conducted at the Commerciak University by Coldwell Banker because it is gearedf toward Latin America and conductedc in Spanish. The topics included lessons oncustomer service, the roles of team memberw and information about Jacksonville. Jairo one of the attendees, said his goal is to develop 20 to 25 commerciao brokerage offices within the nextfive years, but knowas the franchisees need additionalk training to make the expansion successful.
“Wew know that the commercial businesds is very different in the profileof agents, the profile of transactionws and how you have to service the client,” said Avila, director of operations. “If we give the wront advice, we’ll lose the client and affecr the brand.” Coldwell Banker Affiliates of Latin America is licenserd to operate in 18 countries inCentralo America, South America and the So far, the companty has developed a residential real estatre presence in nine countries through 43 franchises and 75 Avila said the first Latin American commercial franchise will open in Brazil and will expand to other countriexs from there.
Ray Rodriguez, president of the , a first-generatiom American of Puerto Rican descent and married to a nativweof Colombia, said partzs of Latin America have grown dramatically in recent years as a result of the global economic boom. There are still a lot of placeas openfor expansion, Rodriguez said, but few commercialo real estate agencies in that part of the worldx to help facilitate commercial growth. But thered are some challenges facing Latin Americans who want to grow thecommerciao industry, Rodriguez said. Each country has a different culturs and adifferent government, and developing the region migh lead to professional Latin Americans living in the U.S.
going back to theifr native countries.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tween hires exec at Value City majority owner as CFO - Business First of Columbus:
De Aguiar had been president of , the entit formed from private equityfirms , and that boughf an 81 percent stake in the Valuer City chain from (NYSE:RVI) in January. Tweeb said de Aguiar also served as a managing directorr withNew York-based management advisory firm Abacuws Advisors LLC, where he worked with VCHI. Priod to that, de Aguiar was a senior officer of Rocky Hill, Conn.-based , which went out of business in 2002. The industru veteran also has spent time atHoffman Ill.-based , Mexican conglomerate and Los Angeles-based De Aguiard begins as CFO on June 2. Tweeh (NYSE:TWB) runs 582 Limited Too stores and 282Justice outlets. The company in fiscal 2007 recordeeda $52.
6 million profit on $1.01 billion in sales.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Michael T. Duke Executive Profile
effective February 1, 2009. Duke was also electe to the company
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Pedal to Properties takes on partner, plans expansion - Dallas Business Journal:
Founded and headed by Matt Pedal to Properties is a residential real estate firm that gives clienta the option of looking at homesby bicycle. The companu maintains a fleet of 50 Electra Cruiser bikes. Kolb has sold a 50 percentt stake in the company for an undisclosed sum to attorne yTim Majors, who specializes in takingt regional retail businesses national. As a partnef in Pedal to Properties, Majors will work out of the company’s Boulded office. Majors, who’s originally from Perth, Australia, approached Kolb aboutg investing in the real estatw firm after looking at Boulder propertiesxby bicycle.
“We certainly plan to incorporate national and international branding expertise to expand Pedal to Propertiese inother markets,” Kolb said in a statement. Pedak to Properties plans to look at openinfg branch offices in unspecified U.S. markets. In May, the company launched a licensee designatiob for brokers interested in usingb theBoulder business’ operational formula in their The Colorado company already is workinbg to expand quickly in its hometown by adding more spacew and agents in downtown Boulder.
“I believes Pedal to Properties is in a perfect positio to meet the evolving socia and demographic changes going on in the United Stateswith homebuyers,” Majors said in a
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mortgage applications fall - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
percent. In its Weekly Mortgag Applications Survey, the Washington, D.C.-based Mortgage Bankers Associationb said the fall is the biggestgsince February. Refinancing slumped to the lowesr level inseven months. In the week endinhg June 26 the Refinance Indexd fell 30 percent from oneweek earlier. The Refinancer Index is at its lowesgt level sinceNovember 2008. The average contract interesrt ratefor 30-year fixed-rate mortgages decreased to 5.34 percentt from 5.44 percent, with pointsz increasing to 1.12 from 0.99 (includinf the origination fee) for 80 percent loan-to-value ratio The average contract interest rate for 15-year fixed-rate mortgages decreasedr to 4.81 percent from 4.
93 percent, with points increasingy to 1.04 from 0.92 (including the origination fee) for 80 perceng LTV loans. The survey covers over 50 percengt ofall U.S. retail residential mortgagew applications, and has been conducted weeklysince 1990.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
SBA helps expanding firms refinance - South Florida Business Journal:
The SBA began allowinh small businesses to use the 504 program to refinancde existing debtJune 23, implementing a provision in the economic stimulus legislation. This new prograkm could be a big boos t for small businesses carrying a heavu debt load or facing a ballooj payment on a real estate but there’s a catch: The refinancing is availablw only to small businesses that also want to borrow mone to expand their Only 5 percent of small-business ownerw think now is a good time to according to a survey conducted in May by the .
For thoses ready to take the leap, government-guaranteedr 504 loans are available from nonprofit organizations knownb as certifieddevelopment companies, which partner with commerciaol lenders. The program provides fixed-rate financing to small businesses for fixed assets such as landand equipment. Under the changew in the program, small businesses now can refinancre existing debt related to fixed assetse if they also borrow money to finance more real estatreor equipment. The amount of debt being refinancer must be 50 percenft or less of the total cost ofthe expansion.
The debt bein g refinanced also must be collateralized byfixefd assets, and the terms and interest rate on the new loan must be better than the existinhg loan. Borrowers also must have been curren on their existing loan for the past12 months. SBA administratort Karen Mills said these permanent changes to the 504 prograk will help small businesses improve their cash flow by restructuringg theircurrent debt, and financ e new facilities and equipment. “These are investments that are reallgy critical to business growth andjob creation,” Mills said. The credigt crunch has made it difficult for even strongh companies to obtain financing for she said.
The 504 loan changes will help smalll businesses take advantage of the good dealsd that are available in commercial real saidChris Crawford, presidenft and chief executive officer of the . “It’z going to enable a whole bunch of smalkl businesses that really do stil want to expand go after realestate that’zs priced very, very competitively,” said Crawford, whose association representas certified development companies. Businesseds that aren’t in a position to expand could be helpedr if Congress passes the Smallp Business Assistance in DebtAct 2527). This bill, which recently was introducedby Rep.
Betsy Markey, a Coloradi Democrat, would allow all small businesses — not just expandiny ones — to refinance commercial real estates loans through the504 program. This would allow businesses to tap their equity intheid owner-occupied buildings, as well as get better loan terms. Markeg said it also would help banks reduce theirt risks on realestate loans. “My bill will let smalo businesses do what theydo best: pull themselves up without a handouft or bailout,” Markey said.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Philadelphia Business Journal: Quigley election over, uncertainty isn
The future of the maker of Cold-Eeze lozengez remains in limbo two weeks after thecompany
Friday, September 9, 2011
More air marshals to be flying on Sept. 11 - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times | More air marshals to be flying on Sept. 11 Los Angeles Times Additional federal air marshals will be flying on US airplanes Sunday, the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told reporters Thursday. Intelligence officials do not ... |
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Chaplain change not influenced by court - Sydney Morning Herald
BigPond News | Chaplain change not influenced by court Sydney Morning Herald A legal ch » |
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Swiss and US set to clash again on bank secrecy - Financial Times
BigPond News | Swiss and US set to clash again on bank secrecy Financial Times Switzerland and the US are gearing up for another bruising confrontation over bank secrecy amid reports Washington has given Bern an ultimatum to deliver further names of American taxpayers with undisclosed Swiss accounts. ... U.S. Gives Switzerland Sept. 6 Deadline on Tax Data, SZ Says US presses Swiss banks for data over tax evasion Swiss media Report US Ultimatum on Tax Cheats |
Friday, September 2, 2011
Amerijet acquires interest in Nations Express - Boston Business Journal:
Amerijet recently announced its acquisition ofSRX Transcontinental, a Florida-base d company specializing in ground handling operations throughout Central Asia, and owner of , an Uzbekistan certificated Florida-based Amerijet serves destinations throughout the America’s, Mexico, the Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Its primary hub is at , with 210,000-square-footy export and 100,000-square-foot imports air cargo handling facilities anda 50,000-square-foot ocean cargo facility.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
No weapon fix in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim â Bethesda - Myona News
Gamepur | No weapon fix in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim â" Bethesda Myona News Bethesda has confirmed that their next sequel, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will not feature weapon or armor degradation, which, as you guess it, you wont have to spend a dime on fixing your equipment ... No Weapon/Armor Degradation for 'Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim! 39; |
Monday, August 29, 2011
Commercial mortgage woes mirror housing - South Florida Business Journal:
Fitch Ratings on Dec. 10 said a defaulft on $900 million in General Growthj (NYSE: GGP) debt was likely as the clock ticked towardsa Dec. 12 deadline after a two-weekl extension was announced on Black the busy shopping dayaftee Thanksgiving. General Growth on Dec. 12 announcedd it had successfullycompleted $896 milliohn in new mortgages, mirroring the goal many othed property owners will be Real estate experts forecast the next fallout from the credigt crunch will be lender getting tough on mortgages for commercial properties such as retail, office and The result could be owners putting more equity into theidr properties or facing foreclosure.
This won’t affect the majority of Sout h Florida’s commercial real estate market, but it will be a problemk for properties with mortgages coming due saidNeil Merin, chairman of commercial real estatwe brokerage NAI/Merin Hunter Codman in West Palm He estimates that 10 percent of commercial properties in South Florida will need new mortgagesa next year, with half puttinh down more cash and the other half goinh into foreclosure. Owners with 10-year mortgage s coming due should be OK becausde property values have stilkl increased overthat time, and loan-to-value ratiosw were generally conservative at the time of Merin said.
But, commercial properties or short-terkm construction loans based on inflated property values and with an 80percent loan-to-value ratio could be in trouble, he Banks now favor 60 percen t or 65 percent loan-to-value on commerciakl properties, Merin said. “If the economy continues to sour and unemploymentg continuesto rise, even the commercial real estate sectoe could have some said Bruce Keir, CEO of in Daniz Beach.
“If they were making theidr payments before, they coulr continue making payments – but whether there will be a lenderr there for them is another Many banks that are sufferinb losses and losing capital need to shrini their assetsize – which includes loanz – to comply with regulatory capital ratios, Keir Some banks have been told by regulators that they are over-concentratefd in commercial mortgages, and that discourages them from renewint loans.
Rick Kuci, executive VP and chief lending officerfat , said he will ask some commercial borrowerzs to put more equity in at renewal to improvwe the loan-to-value ratio, but recognizes that some borrowers may not have enougu cash on hand to make that happen. He also coulsd offer them a shorter-term loan with a more aggressivs repayment schedule or help them find anequityy partner. Still, Kuci is worried that developerws holding commercial loans with Coconut Grovee Bank could be hurt if their other lenders take aharder “There are a lot of institutions that are shrinkinbg and calling in loans, and some good borrowers are goingt to be squeezed in the Kuci said.
Lance a managing partner at Miami commercial litigationfirm , said many of his clientd are being asked to put more equity into their properties at mortgage but how tough the banks get depends on the propertyt and its performance. A high vacanchy rate could weaken aproperty owner’s case. Hark e expects to see an increase in commercial propert foreclosuresin 2009. However, both Merin and Charles the vice chairman of inSouth Florida, believe the commercial foreclosurd wave won’t be as bad as in previouw downturns because there hasn’t been overbuildingh of office or retail.
The bulk of renewals from mortgagews signed during the boom years will take placse in 2011and 2012, Foschini said. For thoss due earlier, most banks will look to grant short-term but there could be casesz where banks will demand greater debt service coverage and more he said. “This will forcew some owners to sell assets and will create opportunitiez for other owners to create new sources of equity and brinfg in new owners withdeeper pockets,” Foschini said. “Inn instances where that doesn’t happen, the lender has a problem and couldc extend reluctantlyor foreclose.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Energy group completes financing for wind-powered electric plant near Ely - Las Vegas Review-Journal
Energy group completes financing for wind-powered electric plant near Ely Las Vegas Review-Journal Pattern Energy Group said today that it has completed financing of its Spring V » |
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