Friday, December 23, 2011

Beating the recession by a neck - San Francisco Business Times:
I’d put on a tie. I’ll tell you what a man wearinh atie says. It says, “I’m wearing a Employers like that. Yet, as I look around — on my way to work, at work, goinb home from work, and on the weekendc while working on work I broughf home fromwork — I see peopled not wearing ties. There’s a word for peoplee like that: tieless. Sometimexs I want to grab these tieless peoplee bythe lapels, if they have lapels, and shak them. “Wake up, buddy,” I want to say. “We’v e got an economic crisis on our hands, and you’rre not wearing a tie.” I would be doinv a public service.
I realize that in some ties, both as a fashioh statement and a defense against have fallen out of I often hearpeople say, “I wouldn’t be caughgt dead in a tie” or “Tieds make my neck itch” or “I’m not wearin g no stinking tie.” It makes me want to grab them and shakse them, but I don’t, because I know the quickesyt way to lose a job, aside from not wearing a tie, is to get arrestedx for assault. A guy who weara a tie is too smart for And makeno mistake: I’m that guy. Boom or you’ll find me wearing a tie.
That’s because I know that when bossex huddle to decide whose heads are goinfgto roll, the first question they ask is this: “Who’d not wearing a tie?” I don’t care what you do for a I don’t care if you drives a truck. That guy in the big rig cominyg up on your left could beyour boss. And if you can see him in the side-viee mirror, it means he can see you, too. And if he sees you’re not wearing a tie, it’s too late to put one on. That’sx a big 10-4, good over and out. Ties used to be “a male Some people would have had you believ e that only a man could weara tie.
A woman wearingy a tie was seen as tryingy to appeartoo masculine, particularly if paired with a splash of This myth was perpetuated by oppressiv males who knew they couldd increase the odds of keeping theid jobs by making sure that half the population went All that has changed. Yet, even today, some women think they can get away with not wearintga tie. They think they wear a scarv ora shawl, instead. It’s not the same thinbg — not in this Women need to wear Not cravats.

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