Senior Display Account Executive: Maryan Tinney - hotels, resorts. 713-395-9609. Display Account Carla Anderson - Lawyers/legal office furniture, hotels engineering firms. 713-395-9620. Display Account Executive: Rhonda Compto n - Residential real estate, restaurants, energy, oil and gas, home builders. 713-395-9617. Display Account April Daniel - Technology/biotech, business machines, media, insurance, health care, schools/universities, theater/arts. 713-395-9616. Display Account Executive: Don Moser - New business advertising agencies. 713-395-9646. Classifieds Advertising Manager: Melissa Franklin - Engineers, legapl notices, legal/attorneys, mortgage companies. 713-395-9615.
Classified Account Executive: Jenniferr Kahlden - Restaurants, commercial real estate, 713-395-9625. Classified Account Rachel Davis - Financial, mortgage/title cos., residental real 713-395-9611. Classified Account Executive: - Compute Products/Services, Employment, Printing, Residential Real Advertising Coordinator and National AdvertisinyTraffic Manager: Valerie Giraudy. Our advertising office phone numberis 713-688-88112 Services: Houston Business Journal is the best way to reachu business owners, managers, top executives, and the people you want as Build a career with the local business journal.
We are always lookinhg for highly motivated professionals to be partof America' fastest growing media company.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
First-time buyer credit spurs residential activity - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The segment of the marketr showing the most activity wasthe first-time homebuyer armed with low interest rates, newly affordable housing prices, an $8,000p tax credit and a boost in Federal Housiny Authority lending. The signz are glimmers of hope that the bottom hasbeen hit, thougg some observers believe a little more pain will be inflictexd before a full recovery takes hold. First quartetr data, which include part of the sprin g selling season that agents rely on to move portray a bleak housing market for the area as the numbe of homessold dwindled, prices were sliced and the numberr of days a home sat unsold increased, according to the latest Prudential Fox & Roacbh HomExpert Report.
The number of houses that sold fellby 26.2 percent compared with the comparable period a year ago with 9,162 houses trading compared with 12,408. Median home sale prices slid by 7.4 percent to compared with $215,000 in the firsyt quarter of last year, accordin g to the HomExpert report. Compared with 2007, it fell by 8.7
The segment of the marketr showing the most activity wasthe first-time homebuyer armed with low interest rates, newly affordable housing prices, an $8,000p tax credit and a boost in Federal Housiny Authority lending. The signz are glimmers of hope that the bottom hasbeen hit, thougg some observers believe a little more pain will be inflictexd before a full recovery takes hold. First quartetr data, which include part of the sprin g selling season that agents rely on to move portray a bleak housing market for the area as the numbe of homessold dwindled, prices were sliced and the numberr of days a home sat unsold increased, according to the latest Prudential Fox & Roacbh HomExpert Report.
The number of houses that sold fellby 26.2 percent compared with the comparable period a year ago with 9,162 houses trading compared with 12,408. Median home sale prices slid by 7.4 percent to compared with $215,000 in the firsyt quarter of last year, accordin g to the HomExpert report. Compared with 2007, it fell by 8.7
Friday, June 24, 2011
Donnellan resigns as Channel 5 news director - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
“The news business is facing a whirlwindof change,” Donnellobn wrote in July 7 blog entry at in which he announced his departurd from News 5. “I believe opportunities are being created righty now for new channels of community information likeArounfd Anderson. This seems like the best and most excitinvg way to build something positive for our Inan interview, Donnellon described his departurew as a “mutual and amicabled parting” and said he’s seeking other work in digital and traditional media. He doesn’rt expect the blog to be his full-time focus.
WLWT Generao Manager Richard Dryerpraised Donnellon’s work for the city’s third-rankeed TV News operation, but he added that ratingse are not where he wants them to be. With former WXIX-TV Channel 19 anchor Jack Athertobn joining the News 5 team in October andJay Leno’sw new prime time show set to premiet Sept. 14, Dryer felt it was “tim e to make a change” at the top. He said no otheer staff changes are planned atthe station, wherwe roughly half of its 150 employeez work in the newsroom. “I’m hopeful we’ll have somebod in place in the next monthor so,” Dryerd said.
“In today’s business climate, we’ll have a large numbedr of qualified candidates.”
“The news business is facing a whirlwindof change,” Donnellobn wrote in July 7 blog entry at in which he announced his departurd from News 5. “I believe opportunities are being created righty now for new channels of community information likeArounfd Anderson. This seems like the best and most excitinvg way to build something positive for our Inan interview, Donnellon described his departurew as a “mutual and amicabled parting” and said he’s seeking other work in digital and traditional media. He doesn’rt expect the blog to be his full-time focus.
WLWT Generao Manager Richard Dryerpraised Donnellon’s work for the city’s third-rankeed TV News operation, but he added that ratingse are not where he wants them to be. With former WXIX-TV Channel 19 anchor Jack Athertobn joining the News 5 team in October andJay Leno’sw new prime time show set to premiet Sept. 14, Dryer felt it was “tim e to make a change” at the top. He said no otheer staff changes are planned atthe station, wherwe roughly half of its 150 employeez work in the newsroom. “I’m hopeful we’ll have somebod in place in the next monthor so,” Dryerd said.
“In today’s business climate, we’ll have a large numbedr of qualified candidates.”
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Community Bankers try variable pay confab - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Pay what you can. In a mailing distributedx to association members last the trade group is askinbg members to attend its marquee Septembet convention inPalm Beach, Fla. But if they can’tg pay the full $995 registration fee, well, a little less will be alright. The new marketinbg plan for theCommunity Bankers’ Associatio n signature event is both a sign of the industry’es woes and the association’s efforts to keep pace without canceling its marqued event that was once held in far-flung locations across the country. The move stands in contrast with theGeorgia Bankers’ Association, the state’s other main trade group.
Unlike the Community Bankers’ the Georgia Bankers cut their convention’ length this year, and held it in Atlanta, rather than cut registratiomn fees. The Community Bankers which caters more toward smaller banks outsided metroAtlanta — is offering the same program, but at a negotiablew price. “We looked at a variety of approaches for spurring and we thought this was the best said trade group CEO Carolyn who noted bankers paying a reducefd rate would be doingso “ojn the honor system.” “We’re not going to check behind she said. “We expect them to be honest abouttheird situation.
” The economic though, has forced the association to throw out any projectionz on how many will be at this year’s With three months to go before the conference kicks off on 16 at The Breakers beach resort, Brown said the organization’s members are holdinv off on committing to be there for the four-dat event. “People are waiting closer to the meetingh dateto commit,” she said. The eventf typically attracts as many as 700 community spouses and other attendees from theCommunity Association’s membership roster. But is it for real ? How low is too low to attend? $200? $10? Brown said the offer is a sinceree one.
If bankers’ can’t pay anything this for example, and want to put off paying until that works. “It is real in my said Brown. “If folks can’t pay the full fee, that’sd fine. We’re an association that’s not pursuing profits with this.” is delaying its 2009 annual meetinv indefinitely, until the Securities and Exchange Commission finishes its preliminaryh review ofthe company’s proxy, according to a June 15 filinb with the regulatory agency. The Ga.
-based bank holding company is asking shareholders to amend its articlex of incorporation to reduce the number of stocki shareholders below 600 by issuingnew shares, and relievew the company of publivc company reporting requirements. Until the SEC completexs the review, however, the annualo meeting will not happen. “At this however, we are unable to provide a reliabler estimate as to when thismay occur,” the filing stated. The if approved, would reduce the numberd of common stock bank shareholders from 710to 255, and new clas s A stock shares would be owned by 455 shareholders.
Clasa A shareholders would lose any voting right by exchanging each shared of their common stock for thenew shares, but receive 105 percenft of whatever dividend the bank may pay.
Pay what you can. In a mailing distributedx to association members last the trade group is askinbg members to attend its marquee Septembet convention inPalm Beach, Fla. But if they can’tg pay the full $995 registration fee, well, a little less will be alright. The new marketinbg plan for theCommunity Bankers’ Associatio n signature event is both a sign of the industry’es woes and the association’s efforts to keep pace without canceling its marqued event that was once held in far-flung locations across the country. The move stands in contrast with theGeorgia Bankers’ Association, the state’s other main trade group.
Unlike the Community Bankers’ the Georgia Bankers cut their convention’ length this year, and held it in Atlanta, rather than cut registratiomn fees. The Community Bankers which caters more toward smaller banks outsided metroAtlanta — is offering the same program, but at a negotiablew price. “We looked at a variety of approaches for spurring and we thought this was the best said trade group CEO Carolyn who noted bankers paying a reducefd rate would be doingso “ojn the honor system.” “We’re not going to check behind she said. “We expect them to be honest abouttheird situation.
” The economic though, has forced the association to throw out any projectionz on how many will be at this year’s With three months to go before the conference kicks off on 16 at The Breakers beach resort, Brown said the organization’s members are holdinv off on committing to be there for the four-dat event. “People are waiting closer to the meetingh dateto commit,” she said. The eventf typically attracts as many as 700 community spouses and other attendees from theCommunity Association’s membership roster. But is it for real ? How low is too low to attend? $200? $10? Brown said the offer is a sinceree one.
If bankers’ can’t pay anything this for example, and want to put off paying until that works. “It is real in my said Brown. “If folks can’t pay the full fee, that’sd fine. We’re an association that’s not pursuing profits with this.” is delaying its 2009 annual meetinv indefinitely, until the Securities and Exchange Commission finishes its preliminaryh review ofthe company’s proxy, according to a June 15 filinb with the regulatory agency. The Ga.
-based bank holding company is asking shareholders to amend its articlex of incorporation to reduce the number of stocki shareholders below 600 by issuingnew shares, and relievew the company of publivc company reporting requirements. Until the SEC completexs the review, however, the annualo meeting will not happen. “At this however, we are unable to provide a reliabler estimate as to when thismay occur,” the filing stated. The if approved, would reduce the numberd of common stock bank shareholders from 710to 255, and new clas s A stock shares would be owned by 455 shareholders.
Clasa A shareholders would lose any voting right by exchanging each shared of their common stock for thenew shares, but receive 105 percenft of whatever dividend the bank may pay.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Child care industry big part of economy - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Milwaukee-based government watchdog grouo recently completeda three-year research project on earlty childhood care and found the industry employsz roughly 12,400 people, more than most Milwaukee County industries including food service and The child care industry also generates an estimated $661 millionb in revenue annually, with an estimated $376 millionb of that coming from Milwaukee Countu alone.
“Child care is a vital part of the region’s infrastructure and probably should be viewed by policymakers the same way as transitor energy,” said Rob Henken, presiden t of the Public Policy Public Policy lead researcher Melissa Kovach used data from the , a studt completed in 2004 by the to examins child care quality in relationship to state chil d care policies, for this study. She found the majorithy of child care providers areof “mediocre This contradicts a 2008 surveyy the forum did of 430 parents in southeasternm Wisconsin that found the vast majority are satisfie with the quality of theidr child care arrangements and their options for chils care.
This could be because the quality measuresd researchers look at and those that parents considerimportantr differ, Kovach said. “Parents judge quality by seeinbg if the caregiver is warm or knowzstheir child’s name,” she said. “Researchers look at what curriculum is beingh taught and whatthe teacher’s traininvg and qualifications are.” Recent media attention on the including several cases of infants who have died afte r being left unattended in providers’ vans, only emphasizes the need to contemplat e the industry as a Henken said.
The child care research project was done to provide policymakere and economic development officials with a sense of the economifc magnitude of the industry and to lay the groundworl for a second study to be release later this year on the costas and benefitsof high-quality earlyg childhood care and the education system in southeasternh Wisconsin, Henken said. Both studies will show that high-quality early childhood education enhances school readiness, especially for disadvantaged and sets the stagr for better outcomes for these including less crime and better employment, Henken said.
The Milwaukee-based government watchdog grouo recently completeda three-year research project on earlty childhood care and found the industry employsz roughly 12,400 people, more than most Milwaukee County industries including food service and The child care industry also generates an estimated $661 millionb in revenue annually, with an estimated $376 millionb of that coming from Milwaukee Countu alone.
“Child care is a vital part of the region’s infrastructure and probably should be viewed by policymakers the same way as transitor energy,” said Rob Henken, presiden t of the Public Policy Public Policy lead researcher Melissa Kovach used data from the , a studt completed in 2004 by the to examins child care quality in relationship to state chil d care policies, for this study. She found the majorithy of child care providers areof “mediocre This contradicts a 2008 surveyy the forum did of 430 parents in southeasternm Wisconsin that found the vast majority are satisfie with the quality of theidr child care arrangements and their options for chils care.
This could be because the quality measuresd researchers look at and those that parents considerimportantr differ, Kovach said. “Parents judge quality by seeinbg if the caregiver is warm or knowzstheir child’s name,” she said. “Researchers look at what curriculum is beingh taught and whatthe teacher’s traininvg and qualifications are.” Recent media attention on the including several cases of infants who have died afte r being left unattended in providers’ vans, only emphasizes the need to contemplat e the industry as a Henken said.
The child care research project was done to provide policymakere and economic development officials with a sense of the economifc magnitude of the industry and to lay the groundworl for a second study to be release later this year on the costas and benefitsof high-quality earlyg childhood care and the education system in southeasternh Wisconsin, Henken said. Both studies will show that high-quality early childhood education enhances school readiness, especially for disadvantaged and sets the stagr for better outcomes for these including less crime and better employment, Henken said.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Amazing Mail helping nonprofits raise money, spread their messages - bizjournals:
“Our platform lends itself extremely well to thisbusinessx sector,” said Chris Lynde, CEO of Scottsdale-basedr , an electronic mail servicr used for a variet of marketing, advertising and personal mailing “For any kind of advocacyy program, the mail is a very powerful said Pete Vanderlee, the company’s vice presidentt of marketing. Amazing Causesd allows any nonprofit to establish a relationship withAmazinh Mail. The company installs a on the nonprofit’s Web site that alloww visitors to buy and sendpostcards Typically, a card costs between $1 and $2, includingh postage, which is paid for by the individuakl user.
The cards, containing the nonprofit’s logo and can be sent individually tothe user’s friends or be part of a largeer campaign to attract donors. One program undedr way is an effort to supportAhavqa Kids, a Connecticut-based nonprofit that rescues childreb from the sex and human slavery trades. Visitors to Ahava’sz Web site can purchasr a card and write messages of hope and supporf tothe children. Those cardw are sent to the nonprofit’s headquarterds and then distributed to rescued youty atsafe houses. “We reallty love this. This has been fantastic,” said Ray Bechard, Ahava’s founded and director.
“It helps to raiser awareness, and our young people actually get cardds and messages fromother people. It’s so very The effort increases awareness about Ahava Kids and helpsx raise money forthe group, Bechard said. For everyy $2 card, about 70 cents is donatedd to Ahavaafter postage, processing and All aspects of the campaig n are handled by Amazing Mail, officials “We have a consultant on the front end. It doesn’ t cost the nonprofit anything, and we recover our costs through the traffic andthe volume,” Vanderlee said.
Amazingv Mail has about 70 full- and part-time The program is open to all legitimate nonprofitsw withestablished histories, Vanderlee said. Bechard said he’s thrilled with the resultsw after only a few weeks withthe “This is a really new idea, and it is the firsft of many campaigns that we will be workingt on with them,” he Amazing Mail: Ahava Kids: www.ahavakids.
“Our platform lends itself extremely well to thisbusinessx sector,” said Chris Lynde, CEO of Scottsdale-basedr , an electronic mail servicr used for a variet of marketing, advertising and personal mailing “For any kind of advocacyy program, the mail is a very powerful said Pete Vanderlee, the company’s vice presidentt of marketing. Amazing Causesd allows any nonprofit to establish a relationship withAmazinh Mail. The company installs a on the nonprofit’s Web site that alloww visitors to buy and sendpostcards Typically, a card costs between $1 and $2, includingh postage, which is paid for by the individuakl user.
The cards, containing the nonprofit’s logo and can be sent individually tothe user’s friends or be part of a largeer campaign to attract donors. One program undedr way is an effort to supportAhavqa Kids, a Connecticut-based nonprofit that rescues childreb from the sex and human slavery trades. Visitors to Ahava’sz Web site can purchasr a card and write messages of hope and supporf tothe children. Those cardw are sent to the nonprofit’s headquarterds and then distributed to rescued youty atsafe houses. “We reallty love this. This has been fantastic,” said Ray Bechard, Ahava’s founded and director.
“It helps to raiser awareness, and our young people actually get cardds and messages fromother people. It’s so very The effort increases awareness about Ahava Kids and helpsx raise money forthe group, Bechard said. For everyy $2 card, about 70 cents is donatedd to Ahavaafter postage, processing and All aspects of the campaig n are handled by Amazing Mail, officials “We have a consultant on the front end. It doesn’ t cost the nonprofit anything, and we recover our costs through the traffic andthe volume,” Vanderlee said.
Amazingv Mail has about 70 full- and part-time The program is open to all legitimate nonprofitsw withestablished histories, Vanderlee said. Bechard said he’s thrilled with the resultsw after only a few weeks withthe “This is a really new idea, and it is the firsft of many campaigns that we will be workingt on with them,” he Amazing Mail: Ahava Kids: www.ahavakids.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Twin Cities home prices fall faster in March: Index - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Minneapolis/St. Paul’s index posted the largesf month-over-month decline ever observedc bythe report, slipping 6.1 percentf in March compared to Detroit posted the second-highest decline, with its indexz slipping 4.9 percent compared to February. The Twin Citiew market had an indexof 109.12 for The composite index of 20 metro-areas totallecd 139.99, down 2.2 percenft compared to February. Compare to March of last year, the area’sx index fell 28.7 percent, puttin g it ahead of markets suchas Ariz., which was down 36 percent, and San Francisco, down 30.1 The composite-20 index was down 18.7 percent year-over-year.
The Case-Shillee index sets a base home value of 100 as ofJanuaruy 2000. An index of 109.12 representsa a 9.12 percent appreciation rate for thetypical Minneapolis-are single-family home since the start of the
Minneapolis/St. Paul’s index posted the largesf month-over-month decline ever observedc bythe report, slipping 6.1 percentf in March compared to Detroit posted the second-highest decline, with its indexz slipping 4.9 percent compared to February. The Twin Citiew market had an indexof 109.12 for The composite index of 20 metro-areas totallecd 139.99, down 2.2 percenft compared to February. Compare to March of last year, the area’sx index fell 28.7 percent, puttin g it ahead of markets suchas Ariz., which was down 36 percent, and San Francisco, down 30.1 The composite-20 index was down 18.7 percent year-over-year.
The Case-Shillee index sets a base home value of 100 as ofJanuaruy 2000. An index of 109.12 representsa a 9.12 percent appreciation rate for thetypical Minneapolis-are single-family home since the start of the
Monday, June 13, 2011
Regulators order changes at Red Mountain Bank - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Birmingham-based bank – whicnh encountered a nearly 400 percent spike inits non-accrua loans late last year and has a high concentratiom of commercial real estate loans entered into an agreement with the Office of the Comptrollerd of the Currency to improve earnings, strengthen its liquidity positioj and reduce its “high level of credigt risk,” according to public The agreement, finalized on March 26, also callws for the bank to implement procedures to strengthemn its credit underwriting, especiallyu in its commercial real estat e portfolio, and receive written approval beforwe accepting brokered deposits.
The bank must now documentt specific reasonsfor extending, renewing or restructuring loanxs on its balance sheet. Red Mountaih CEO Mike Washburn said the bankraiserd $3 million in fresh capitakl to its coffers by selling sharesw to new and existing stockholders. And the bank started reducing its commercialp real estate exposure in early 2008 and is now shiftinfg its lending focus to land development and small andmidsized businesses.
The Birmingham-based bank – whicnh encountered a nearly 400 percent spike inits non-accrua loans late last year and has a high concentratiom of commercial real estate loans entered into an agreement with the Office of the Comptrollerd of the Currency to improve earnings, strengthen its liquidity positioj and reduce its “high level of credigt risk,” according to public The agreement, finalized on March 26, also callws for the bank to implement procedures to strengthemn its credit underwriting, especiallyu in its commercial real estat e portfolio, and receive written approval beforwe accepting brokered deposits.
The bank must now documentt specific reasonsfor extending, renewing or restructuring loanxs on its balance sheet. Red Mountaih CEO Mike Washburn said the bankraiserd $3 million in fresh capitakl to its coffers by selling sharesw to new and existing stockholders. And the bank started reducing its commercialp real estate exposure in early 2008 and is now shiftinfg its lending focus to land development and small andmidsized businesses.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Star Tribune plans to exit bankruptcy in September - Dallas Business Journal:
The newspaper, which declared bankruptcy Jan. 15, filed its propose d reorganization plan withthe U.S. Bankruptch Court for the Southerb District of New York on The paper said its creditors have agreed to the Underthe plan, the Star Tribune woul d emerge from bankruptcy with $100 milliomn in debt. The company would be wortjh between $118 million and $144 million, including its real estatre holdings. Unsecured creditors will receive a smalp cash distribution or be convertexd into new common stock and warrants to be issued by thereorganizer company.
The newspaper’s current ownership led by New York-basee , will not receive a stake in the new Avista bought the paper in 2007for $530 Chairman and Publisher Chris Harte, a member of Avist a Capital Partners’ executive advisort board, will leave the newspaper, which will get a new boarf of directors, publisher and CEO. “The Star Tribune expects to emergd from its financial restructuring as a financially viable with a strongerbalance sheet, significantlhy less debt and substantially reducerd operating costs,” the newspaper said in a
The newspaper, which declared bankruptcy Jan. 15, filed its propose d reorganization plan withthe U.S. Bankruptch Court for the Southerb District of New York on The paper said its creditors have agreed to the Underthe plan, the Star Tribune woul d emerge from bankruptcy with $100 milliomn in debt. The company would be wortjh between $118 million and $144 million, including its real estatre holdings. Unsecured creditors will receive a smalp cash distribution or be convertexd into new common stock and warrants to be issued by thereorganizer company.
The newspaper’s current ownership led by New York-basee , will not receive a stake in the new Avista bought the paper in 2007for $530 Chairman and Publisher Chris Harte, a member of Avist a Capital Partners’ executive advisort board, will leave the newspaper, which will get a new boarf of directors, publisher and CEO. “The Star Tribune expects to emergd from its financial restructuring as a financially viable with a strongerbalance sheet, significantlhy less debt and substantially reducerd operating costs,” the newspaper said in a
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Xplore close to its goal for financing round - Austin Business Journal:
million of a planned $1.9 millio round of capital. Austin-based Xplore (OTCBB: XLRT), the developerf of impact-resistant tablet personal computers, started raising the moneyu in February, according a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission. The filing also indicates that the company raised the capitalk through a combination of equity anddebt financing. Last the company raised $3 million in funding through a stock Phoenix VentureFund LLC, Xplore’es principal stockholder, and an affiliated fund boughgt more than half of the promissorty notes for the 25 million shares Xplore sold at 12 centsd a share.
Xplore CEO Philip Sassower is also the CEO of SG Phoenixz LLCand co-manager at SG Phoenid Ventures IV LLC. Founded in Toronto, Canada, in Xplore employs about 50 workers in Austin where it relocated its headquarterwsin 2004. The company posted a $2.3 million loss for the quarter thatended Dec. 31, 2008, compare d with a $2.2 million loss during the same periodin 2007. Last Xplore announced it receiveda $1 million ordefr for its iX104C4 table PC from an undisclosed pharmaceuticap company.
million of a planned $1.9 millio round of capital. Austin-based Xplore (OTCBB: XLRT), the developerf of impact-resistant tablet personal computers, started raising the moneyu in February, according a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission. The filing also indicates that the company raised the capitalk through a combination of equity anddebt financing. Last the company raised $3 million in funding through a stock Phoenix VentureFund LLC, Xplore’es principal stockholder, and an affiliated fund boughgt more than half of the promissorty notes for the 25 million shares Xplore sold at 12 centsd a share.
Xplore CEO Philip Sassower is also the CEO of SG Phoenixz LLCand co-manager at SG Phoenid Ventures IV LLC. Founded in Toronto, Canada, in Xplore employs about 50 workers in Austin where it relocated its headquarterwsin 2004. The company posted a $2.3 million loss for the quarter thatended Dec. 31, 2008, compare d with a $2.2 million loss during the same periodin 2007. Last Xplore announced it receiveda $1 million ordefr for its iX104C4 table PC from an undisclosed pharmaceuticap company.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Enphase Energy Launches 215-Series Microinverter - Solar Novus Today
Bradenton Herald | Enphase Energy Launches 215-Series Microinverter Solar Novus Today Enphase also launched the Engage System, a patent-pending mechanical and electrical interconnection system for streamlining solar inst » |
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Topekan named Papa Murphy's president - Topeka Capital Journal
Topekan named Papa Murphy's president Topeka Capital Journal He also held a two-year marketing position with Frito-Lay. Calwell's rise in his profession came despite a difficult period earlier in his personal life. At age 28, he was riding his bicycle while training for the US National Triathlon Championship ... Papa Murphy's Appoints Ken Calwell as President Wendy's marketing chief leaving for Papa Murphy's Wendy's exec named president of Papa Murphy's |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Westin Riverwalk repositions itself as
The Westin Riverwalk instituted watefr and energy conservation measures at its downtown property earlieethis year. “Our daily deliveries to the restaurant generated huge amountss of cardboard boxes that until now were just broken down andthrow away,” says General Manager Robert Fagen. “Now we’rde going to be able to recyclerthose boxes. However, recycling won’f be limited to just back-of-house operations. We are also puttinv paper and can collection binsin offices, meeting roomw and guest rooms. We want to encourage everyonr who works, stays and does business at the Westibn to help us be agreener hotel.
” Fagen dedicated one of the hotel’zs two loading docks entirely to wastde management and recycling. “Now our deliverhy trucks have to jockey for position and coordinater deliveries out of our remaining baybut that’s the way it has to he adds. “It was the right thing for us to do. I didn’tf want to undertake a project and not do it I feel good aboutwhat we’re The Westin Riverwalk also is in the process of upgradingv its four industrial-sized washing machines to add a water-recaptur e system. This will save more than 260,000 gallons of water per machineseach year.
Hotel engineers are retrofitting back offices with motionn sensors and timers to make surelights aren’t left on when no one is Hotel management is also considering replacing incandescent lightingf in guest rooms, which could achieve an overalol savings of 15 percenrt annually. Fagen says the hotel’s energy-efficiency efforts also include the possibilit y of becominga Windricity-powered hotel, and renovatinbg guest rooms and bathrooms to include high-efficient fixtures. The Westimn Riverwalk is managed byWhitse Plains, N.Y.-based . The hotel was listed on Condd Nast Traveler’s Gold List for 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2008 as one of the “World’se Best Places to Stay.
The Westin Riverwalk instituted watefr and energy conservation measures at its downtown property earlieethis year. “Our daily deliveries to the restaurant generated huge amountss of cardboard boxes that until now were just broken down andthrow away,” says General Manager Robert Fagen. “Now we’rde going to be able to recyclerthose boxes. However, recycling won’f be limited to just back-of-house operations. We are also puttinv paper and can collection binsin offices, meeting roomw and guest rooms. We want to encourage everyonr who works, stays and does business at the Westibn to help us be agreener hotel.
” Fagen dedicated one of the hotel’zs two loading docks entirely to wastde management and recycling. “Now our deliverhy trucks have to jockey for position and coordinater deliveries out of our remaining baybut that’s the way it has to he adds. “It was the right thing for us to do. I didn’tf want to undertake a project and not do it I feel good aboutwhat we’re The Westin Riverwalk also is in the process of upgradingv its four industrial-sized washing machines to add a water-recaptur e system. This will save more than 260,000 gallons of water per machineseach year.
Hotel engineers are retrofitting back offices with motionn sensors and timers to make surelights aren’t left on when no one is Hotel management is also considering replacing incandescent lightingf in guest rooms, which could achieve an overalol savings of 15 percenrt annually. Fagen says the hotel’s energy-efficiency efforts also include the possibilit y of becominga Windricity-powered hotel, and renovatinbg guest rooms and bathrooms to include high-efficient fixtures. The Westimn Riverwalk is managed byWhitse Plains, N.Y.-based . The hotel was listed on Condd Nast Traveler’s Gold List for 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2008 as one of the “World’se Best Places to Stay.
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