Gamepur | No weapon fix in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim â" Bethesda Myona News Bethesda has confirmed that their next sequel, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will not feature weapon or armor degradation, which, as you guess it, you wont have to spend a dime on fixing your equipment ... No Weapon/Armor Degradation for 'Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim! 39; |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
No weapon fix in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim â Bethesda - Myona News
Monday, August 29, 2011
Commercial mortgage woes mirror housing - South Florida Business Journal:
Fitch Ratings on Dec. 10 said a defaulft on $900 million in General Growthj (NYSE: GGP) debt was likely as the clock ticked towardsa Dec. 12 deadline after a two-weekl extension was announced on Black the busy shopping dayaftee Thanksgiving. General Growth on Dec. 12 announcedd it had successfullycompleted $896 milliohn in new mortgages, mirroring the goal many othed property owners will be Real estate experts forecast the next fallout from the credigt crunch will be lender getting tough on mortgages for commercial properties such as retail, office and The result could be owners putting more equity into theidr properties or facing foreclosure.
This won’t affect the majority of Sout h Florida’s commercial real estate market, but it will be a problemk for properties with mortgages coming due saidNeil Merin, chairman of commercial real estatwe brokerage NAI/Merin Hunter Codman in West Palm He estimates that 10 percent of commercial properties in South Florida will need new mortgagesa next year, with half puttinh down more cash and the other half goinh into foreclosure. Owners with 10-year mortgage s coming due should be OK becausde property values have stilkl increased overthat time, and loan-to-value ratiosw were generally conservative at the time of Merin said.
But, commercial properties or short-terkm construction loans based on inflated property values and with an 80percent loan-to-value ratio could be in trouble, he Banks now favor 60 percen t or 65 percent loan-to-value on commerciakl properties, Merin said. “If the economy continues to sour and unemploymentg continuesto rise, even the commercial real estate sectoe could have some said Bruce Keir, CEO of in Daniz Beach.
“If they were making theidr payments before, they coulr continue making payments – but whether there will be a lenderr there for them is another Many banks that are sufferinb losses and losing capital need to shrini their assetsize – which includes loanz – to comply with regulatory capital ratios, Keir Some banks have been told by regulators that they are over-concentratefd in commercial mortgages, and that discourages them from renewint loans.
Rick Kuci, executive VP and chief lending officerfat , said he will ask some commercial borrowerzs to put more equity in at renewal to improvwe the loan-to-value ratio, but recognizes that some borrowers may not have enougu cash on hand to make that happen. He also coulsd offer them a shorter-term loan with a more aggressivs repayment schedule or help them find anequityy partner. Still, Kuci is worried that developerws holding commercial loans with Coconut Grovee Bank could be hurt if their other lenders take aharder “There are a lot of institutions that are shrinkinbg and calling in loans, and some good borrowers are goingt to be squeezed in the Kuci said.
Lance a managing partner at Miami commercial litigationfirm , said many of his clientd are being asked to put more equity into their properties at mortgage but how tough the banks get depends on the propertyt and its performance. A high vacanchy rate could weaken aproperty owner’s case. Hark e expects to see an increase in commercial propert foreclosuresin 2009. However, both Merin and Charles the vice chairman of inSouth Florida, believe the commercial foreclosurd wave won’t be as bad as in previouw downturns because there hasn’t been overbuildingh of office or retail.
The bulk of renewals from mortgagews signed during the boom years will take placse in 2011and 2012, Foschini said. For thoss due earlier, most banks will look to grant short-term but there could be casesz where banks will demand greater debt service coverage and more he said. “This will forcew some owners to sell assets and will create opportunitiez for other owners to create new sources of equity and brinfg in new owners withdeeper pockets,” Foschini said. “Inn instances where that doesn’t happen, the lender has a problem and couldc extend reluctantlyor foreclose.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Energy group completes financing for wind-powered electric plant near Ely - Las Vegas Review-Journal
Energy group completes financing for wind-powered electric plant near Ely Las Vegas Review-Journal Pattern Energy Group said today that it has completed financing of its Spring V » |
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
OU seeks state OK for IT fee - Business First of Columbus:
Trustees on Friday also approved more than 200 otherr fees that fall outside of the tuitionn cap becausethey don’t apply to every student, accordinv to a release. The four-year school in Athensz wants toissue $28.3 million in bondsd to replace its Studeng Information System, responsible for registration, financial aid, housinh and several systems that make the universityy function, as well as general informatio n technology upgrades to increase speed and accesas along with security. The schoolp went through several costly data breache starting about fiveyears ago.
Officials propose paying half the debt servicee out of the genera fund and supporting half withthe fee, which is not to exceef $25. It would be applied this fall if approved bythe . Many of the othert fee increases cover specificcourse materials, but some affecy larger groups. Among them: $26 added to the per-credit hour rate, for a totaol of $426, for the master’s in financiall economics program offered at the Pickerington campue inCentral Ohio. • 7 percentg increase to student housing and 3 percent fordininvg plans.
• 5 percent increases in instructional fees and nonresident surcharge for the College of Osteopathic Ohio University ranks fourth among the 13 public universities forannual tuition, $8,90y7 for Ohio residents attending full-time at the main where enrollment is 19,000. The schoo l has five regional campuses. It’s followed by at Craig Cornell, vice provost for enrollment management, told trusteees that the statetuition freeze, federa l tax credits and lowered interest on student loan and the school’s own scholarship prograk promote affordability, the release said.
Still, he said schools Ohio University competes with are spending more on so he advocated increasintg scholarships paid from the general such as by keying them to a percentage of tuitiohnand fees. To meet a shortfall for the upcomingacademicc year, the school has cut jobs, offered retirementt incentives and entered purchasing collectives.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Banks share little more than stock market success - Orlando Business Journal:
All, though, want to grow deposits as well asstocl price. Below, a glimpse of what makezs these fivebanks run: drives a hard Last year, it paid a mere 2.75 timews book value, below average for community banks here, for thre e Florida banks. This look for Alabama National to finalize the acquisition of Cyprese Bank in Palm Coast and Indian River Banking Compant inVero Beach. Corporate bond customerxs might want to be wary ofthis acquisition-minded Many of the banks it has acquires were former customers of its bond division. Net For the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, net income rose by 15 percengtto $41 million, or $3.17 per diluteds share. As of Feb.
10, three analystsz recommended a "hold" on the stock, three recommended it as a "strongf buy," one recommended selling. Target price: Four analysts polled by Thomson/Firsy Call peg the high-end target price at $63. In Federal Trust's only office was in Winter Its business was built around depositsfrom out-of-state customers and makintg residential mortgage loans. That year, the bank's managemenrt decided it was time to focua on local deposits and to add a commerciaklending program. They also felt it would be best to move theirr headquarters to a city not as laden with bankbranched -- and chose Now, Benjamin Bishop, president of investment bank Alle C.
Ewing & Co. in Jacksonville, expectsz that Federal Trust willreach $500 million in assets by 2005. (Allej C. Ewing has been an underwritet for Federal Truststock offerings.) And this is one community bank neithee SouthTrust nor Alabama National should bother CEO James Suskiewich previously told OBJ, "Iy has never been our intention to sell." Net income: For the year endinvg Dec. 31, net earnings rose by 35 percentto $2.7 Target price: FFLC Bancorp Midway through 2003, the Wall Streetf profile of FFLC Bancorp of Leesburg got a significant It was added to the Russell 2000 The Russell 2000 is made up of the U.S.
stockes that ranked between 1,001 and 3,000 in market capitalization as ofMay 31, 2003. Many mutual fund companies and other institutional investors have inde x funds that invest in all companies in the Russelkl 2000 or in stocks of various sectors that are in theRussell 2000. Late last year, the bank holding compan y sharedthe wealth, declaring a cash dividend of 13 cents per sharse on the common stock. The 13 cents per share cash dividend represents a 44 percent increase over the 9 cente per share paid in third quarterof 2002. Net For the most receng fiscal year, net income rose by 4 perceng to $9.1 million, or $1.67 per diluterd share.
Target price:
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Crist vetoes insurance reform act - Business First of Buffalo:
The so-called Consumer Choice act was primarilg aimed at State the state’s largest private property which announced in January that it would withdraw from the Floridaa market. State Farm never said whether the right to pick customerds and set rates on its own woulfd changeits decision. In an letter to Secretaryg of State Kurt Brownintg that accompaniedthe veto, Crist said the act, knowj as House Bill 1171, wouldr reverse a trend of lowered rates. “Thiws [act] will likely result in significant and unprecedented rateincreases that, during difficultf economic times, people simply can’ t afford,” Crist said.
Crist said that if the act becam law, it would red line high-risk parts of the stat e and underminemarketplace competition. Proponents of the bill have argues that Florida needs big insurerds with pockets deep enough to cover costs associateed withlarge hurricanes. Insurers, including State have said the Floridaregulators won’t allow rate increasez to cover their risks, making coverage in the hurricane-prone state an unsound risk.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Future of Printed Literature: A Digital Dilemma - Huffington Post
The Future of Printed Literature: A Digital Dilemma Huffington Post As an executive in the publishing industry, I am well aware of the daunting and often prohibitive costs associated with publishing printed material. Especially in the digital age. What remains a highlight of my reading experience -- and a point of ... |
Monday, August 15, 2011
Vietnam Takes Calculated Approach to Public Protests - Voice of America
The West Australian | Vietnam Takes Calculated Approach to Public Protests Voice of America August 15, 2011 Vietnam Takes Calculated Approach to Public Protests Marianne Brown | Hanoi Human rights observers have been busy in Vietnam over the past few weeks, with two political dissidents on trial, a large-scale land rights protest and arrests ... Vietnamese » |
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Fla. confirms first swine flu death - Orlando Business Journal:
The laboratory confirmation ofthe boy's deatjh is the first in the state for the strain of swinw flu, the Florida Department of Health said. Florida has 417 confirmed casez ofthe flu. Surgeon Generap Dr. Ana Viamonte Ros said in a "While most cases of H1N1 swinw fluare mild, there are exceptions like this tragic case. Nationally, the CDC is reportingf 45 deaths associated withswine flu, and as the flu progresses that number will unfortunately rise." The departmentg has a surveillance system involving physicians to trackk the flu and also is monitoring emergency rooms cases and over-the-counter drug sales. The department'ds four labs can all test for the flu.
has placed the alert level for the flu at the pandemic level, meaning it has widespread global circulation. Wash hands frequentl y and avoid touchingyour eyes, nose and mouth. Avoidf close contact with people who are coughing or otherwiswappear ill. Stay home from work or school if you have arespiratoryt illness. Anyone who thinks he or she has influenza shoul d calltheir doctor. Meghan Lehner, an attorney with in West Palm said in May that employers are prohibited by the from exposing employees to hazardous conditions and may be required to send infectedf employees home or risk sanctions forOSHA violations.
OSHA has postedc frequently asked questions on pandemic influenzs preparedness and response guidance for health care workerse and health care employersat
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Yahoo! confirms WNY site - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Yahoo!, Tuesday morning, confirmed it will be buildingthe 190,000-square-footr center that could employ, initially, 125 people. Yahoo! has peggede a 30-acre site in the park for the Yahoo!’s decision is considered a major victory, especially against a backdrop of a weakenecd economy where unemployment has increased in past year in Erie Countyto 8.1 percent from 5.5 percent and in Niagars County to 9.3 percent from 6.6 “This is a big win for the said Tom Kucharski, presiden t and chief executive officer. “We won the Yahoo! was being courted by several statesincludint Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois for the center. All offered a handsome array of incentives.
“When a high tech company like Yahoo picks a community like WesternNew York, it’sz like a lighthouse,” said Sen. Charleds Schumer, New York’s seniore senator, who played a key role in Lockport landing the data The region crafted its own aggressive incentiv e package including the offering 15 megawattwsof low-cost hydropower that could save Yahoo! an estimate d $100 million over a 15-year also offered job training grants and othe incentives. High level pitches also came from Gov. Davixd Paterson and Schumer. Schumer made personaol calls to Yahoo!
CEO Carol Bartz to push the Kucharski said it also helped that the region offere da half-dozen sites and not just a singular It also helped that a friendshilp quickly developed between the Yahoo! site selection team and the loca l economic development community. “We developed a nice relationshi p with them and that helped makethis happen,” Kucharskio said. “They were impressed that everu timethey called, we could assemblwe our team on a very short notice and give them the answera they wanted.” Construction on the data center will begin in said David Dibble, Yahoo! senior vice The center will be open by May.
Kucharskii said there is a myriad positives that will comefrom Yahoo!’s decision. The BNE will use it in its outreacj to other companies itis courting, he “It confirms our ability to attractr high tech and high profile companies,” Kucharski said. “Tlo get a name company like Yahoo! says a lot to the rest of the industriessout there.” Yahoo! joins the ranka of , that have either openesd or expanded back office operations in the region in recent years.
“You add it into the mix of the some of the otherrcompanies we’ve landed and it becomezs a very impressive list,” Kucharski
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Shibani Bathija: Our films are like our food - Firstpost
Firstpost | Shibani Bathija: Our films are like our food Firstpost Screenwriter Shibani Bathija is feeling good and looking even better. Having won two awards in the Best Story category for My Name is Khan this year â" at the IIFA Awards in Toronto and the Zee Cine Awards in Singapore â" she's in her best creative ... |
Saturday, August 6, 2011
JETS/GIANTS: Tomlinson taking reduced role; Big Blue has tight end crisis - The Trentonian
New York Daily News | JETS/GIANTS: Tomlinson taking reduced role; Big Blue has tight end crisis The Trentonian He has accepted a reduced role as a third-down running back behind projected starter Shonn Greene. He said that he envisioned himself in that role a year ago, but he and Greene mostly split carries. Tomlinson also accepted a pay cut so the team can ... With reduced role & salary, LaDainian Tomlinson hopes to play at least through ... LT hoping 3rd-down assignment helps bring Jets a title |