Monday, August 22, 2011

Banks share little more than stock market success - Orlando Business Journal:
All, though, want to grow deposits as well asstocl price. Below, a glimpse of what makezs these fivebanks run: drives a hard Last year, it paid a mere 2.75 timews book value, below average for community banks here, for thre e Florida banks. This look for Alabama National to finalize the acquisition of Cyprese Bank in Palm Coast and Indian River Banking Compant inVero Beach. Corporate bond customerxs might want to be wary ofthis acquisition-minded Many of the banks it has acquires were former customers of its bond division. Net For the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, net income rose by 15 percengtto $41 million, or $3.17 per diluteds share. As of Feb.
10, three analystsz recommended a "hold" on the stock, three recommended it as a "strongf buy," one recommended selling. Target price: Four analysts polled by Thomson/Firsy Call peg the high-end target price at $63. In Federal Trust's only office was in Winter Its business was built around depositsfrom out-of-state customers and makintg residential mortgage loans. That year, the bank's managemenrt decided it was time to focua on local deposits and to add a commerciaklending program. They also felt it would be best to move theirr headquarters to a city not as laden with bankbranched -- and chose Now, Benjamin Bishop, president of investment bank Alle C.
Ewing & Co. in Jacksonville, expectsz that Federal Trust willreach $500 million in assets by 2005. (Allej C. Ewing has been an underwritet for Federal Truststock offerings.) And this is one community bank neithee SouthTrust nor Alabama National should bother CEO James Suskiewich previously told OBJ, "Iy has never been our intention to sell." Net income: For the year endinvg Dec. 31, net earnings rose by 35 percentto $2.7 Target price: FFLC Bancorp Midway through 2003, the Wall Streetf profile of FFLC Bancorp of Leesburg got a significant It was added to the Russell 2000 The Russell 2000 is made up of the U.S.
stockes that ranked between 1,001 and 3,000 in market capitalization as ofMay 31, 2003. Many mutual fund companies and other institutional investors have inde x funds that invest in all companies in the Russelkl 2000 or in stocks of various sectors that are in theRussell 2000. Late last year, the bank holding compan y sharedthe wealth, declaring a cash dividend of 13 cents per sharse on the common stock. The 13 cents per share cash dividend represents a 44 percent increase over the 9 cente per share paid in third quarterof 2002. Net For the most receng fiscal year, net income rose by 4 perceng to $9.1 million, or $1.67 per diluterd share.
Target price:

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