Friday, December 30, 2011

Water Polo: Robinson ready for 2012 test - The Westmorland Gazette

Water Polo: Robinson ready for 2012 test

The Westmorland Gazette

Robinson, 22, from Mintsfeet Road, Kendal, is spending the season plying his trade in Germany and is currently top scorer for his team, Wurzburg. The former Queen Katherine School student was part of the GB team which came up against world champions ...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lawmakers override card-check veto - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The override allows Hawaii labor unions to more easily organizes workers by simply having them sign authorization cards. House Bill 952 essentiall takes away the right of workeras to vote by secret ballot on whether or not they woulf want to joina union, replacing it with the authorization If a majority of a company’s workers sign the cards, the union would automaticallgy be recognized and free to bargain with management. The legislationj is a coup for Hawaii’xs labor unions who have said the card-check procesd is simply meant to streamline the present systemm and make itless coercive. But Wednesday’ s override is perhaps one of biggestfears realized.
Employers have adamantly opposexthe legislation, calling it an intimidation tacticv used by unions to push otherwisr reticent workers to organize.

Monday, December 26, 2011

FDIC extends $250K deposit insurance - Triangle Business Journal:
The standard maximum insured amount was increasedto $250,0090 last fall, but was set to return to $100,000 at the end of 2009. The temporary increase has now been extendesdthrough 2013. The extension came by way of the Helpinhg Families Save TheirHomes Act, which President Barack Obama signef into law May 20. Also, the FDIC announcexd that it would levy a special assessmeng of five basis pointds oneach FDIC-insured institution’s assets, minue its Tier 1 capital, as of June 30, 2009. The assessmen will be collected Sept.
30 and will be used to shorw up the deposit insurance fundand “help maintain public confidencd in the banking system,” the FDIC “Assessments are a significant expense, particularl y during a financial crisis and recession when bank earnings are undee pressure,” said FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair in a “We recognize that assessments reduce the funds that banks can lend in theif communities to help revitalize the economy. On the other deposit insurance provides a benefit for which bankws havealways paid.” The FDIC receives no federal tax It is funded by premiums and assessments paid by insured financiak institutions.
The special assessment will be assessedd against assets minus Tier 1 capital rathe r thandomestic deposits, but the assessment will be capped at 10 basi points, or 0.1 percent, of an institution’s domestic

Friday, December 23, 2011

Beating the recession by a neck - San Francisco Business Times:
I’d put on a tie. I’ll tell you what a man wearinh atie says. It says, “I’m wearing a Employers like that. Yet, as I look around — on my way to work, at work, goinb home from work, and on the weekendc while working on work I broughf home fromwork — I see peopled not wearing ties. There’s a word for peoplee like that: tieless. Sometimexs I want to grab these tieless peoplee bythe lapels, if they have lapels, and shak them. “Wake up, buddy,” I want to say. “We’v e got an economic crisis on our hands, and you’rre not wearing a tie.” I would be doinv a public service.
I realize that in some ties, both as a fashioh statement and a defense against have fallen out of I often hearpeople say, “I wouldn’t be caughgt dead in a tie” or “Tieds make my neck itch” or “I’m not wearin g no stinking tie.” It makes me want to grab them and shakse them, but I don’t, because I know the quickesyt way to lose a job, aside from not wearing a tie, is to get arrestedx for assault. A guy who weara a tie is too smart for And makeno mistake: I’m that guy. Boom or you’ll find me wearing a tie.
That’s because I know that when bossex huddle to decide whose heads are goinfgto roll, the first question they ask is this: “Who’d not wearing a tie?” I don’t care what you do for a I don’t care if you drives a truck. That guy in the big rig cominyg up on your left could beyour boss. And if you can see him in the side-viee mirror, it means he can see you, too. And if he sees you’re not wearing a tie, it’s too late to put one on. That’sx a big 10-4, good over and out. Ties used to be “a male Some people would have had you believ e that only a man could weara tie.
A woman wearingy a tie was seen as tryingy to appeartoo masculine, particularly if paired with a splash of This myth was perpetuated by oppressiv males who knew they couldd increase the odds of keeping theid jobs by making sure that half the population went All that has changed. Yet, even today, some women think they can get away with not wearintga tie. They think they wear a scarv ora shawl, instead. It’s not the same thinbg — not in this Women need to wear Not cravats.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oakland Port policing proposal fails to pass - San Francisco Chronicle


Oakland Port policing proposal fails to pass

San Francisco Chronicle

Occupy protestors stand on a railroad crossing during a march at the Port of Oakland on December 12th in Oakland. (12-21) 10:37 PST Oakland -- A proposal before the Oakland City Council directing police to stop any future port blockades didn't even ...

Oakland council rejects port disruption measure

Oakland council rejects resolution to police port against protesters

San Jose Mercury News


Monday, December 19, 2011

Insider report: Bruker cashes out Laukiens - Philadelphia Business Journal:
million by selling 2.1 million sharess of stock. It was the month’zs biggest payday among Massachusettsinsiders — executives, directorz and major shareholders — at locallyg based publicly traded companies, accordingh to trading data provided by . But for Laukien and some of his family members with close ties to the cash-out was just a smalkl fraction of the hundreds of millions they have pocketex over the past 18 In fact, five members of the Laukienj family, including Bruker CEO Franko H. Laukien, received $624.
6 million in cash and othef compensation linkedto Bruker’s operationsd last year, according to Boston Business Journal research and companyt regulatory filings. Put differently, the group’ss take was equal to just over 60 percenrof Bruker’s $1.1 billion in 2008 revenue. Nearlhy all of that payout — some $620 millio — stemmed from Bruker’s February 2008 acquisition of BruketBiospin Group, a developer of researcyh tools and biotechnology equipment using magnetic The cash and stoc deal was essentially a cash out for five Laukien family members — Frank Laukien, Marc Laukien, Isolde Laukien-Kleiner and Bruker directors Dirk Laukien and Joerg Laukien — who ownef 100 percent of Bruker Biospin’x shares before the deal.
Joerg, Dirk and Marc Laukien are brothers orhalf brothers, whild Isolde Laukien-Kleiner is the mother of Marc and Dirk according to Bruker’s regulatory filings. Bruker (Nasdaq: completed a similar deal in June 2006 for life sciencex technology developer Bruker Opticsfor $135 million. As was the case for Brukefr Biospin, Bruker Optics was owned by the same five Laukiens prio tothe deal, according to regulatory Mass. insider sales topped $95 million While Marc Laukiej was Massachusetts’ biggest insider sellef in May, his brother Frank Laukien recordecdthe month's biggest acquisition of insider shares.
The elder Laukien bought 100,000 Bruker share for $728,000 — representing roughly half of the state’d $1.46 million in insider purchases recorde d for allof May. By comparison, insider s sold $95.9 million in shares in Massachusetts-based companies during the same That total was nearly doublethe $49. 2 million in local sales recordedin April. The followinbg is a breakdown of May’s insidee activity among Massachusetts-based companies. INSIDEtR SELLING IN MAY Name — Value — Compan y — Ticker Laukien, Marc M $14,508,100 — BRUKER CORP.
— BRKR Vincent J — $11,076,073 Silverstein, Barry — $9,767,471 — Zarkin, Herbert J $9,000,975 — Abele, John E — $8,868,600 — Healey, Sean M $5,938,800 — Dalton, Nathaniel — $4,141,821 — AFFILIATED MANAGERxS GROUP INC. — AMG Ayasli, Yalcin — $2,925,34w — HITTITE MICROWAVE CORP. — HITT Carpenter, Robery J — $2,574,191 — Boger, Joshua S $2,563,664 — Talwar, Anju — $2,008,095 Logie, Andrew R — $1,547,420 — Brooks, Rodneyu A — $1,326,012 — Clark, Stuarf J — $1,293,833 — Rossi, Jerome R — $1,235,438 — Wiley, Fletcher H — $1,048,320 TJX COMPANIES INC.
— TJX Ian F — $965,557 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Aldrich, Davic J — 944,852 — David R — $929,702 — BEACON ROOFINt SUPPLY INC. — BECN Floor, Richardx E — $887,250 — AFFILIATED MANAGERS GROUP INC. — AMG Gregory L — $576,533 — SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. SWKS Brady, William J — $571,6121 — Termeer, Henri A — $544,849 — GENZYMw CORP. — GENZ Malozemoff, Alexis P — $486,526 — Coviello, Arthur W Jr $480,000 — Berthiaume, Douglas A — $474,70 5 — WATERS CORP.
WAT Pyle, Michael R $456,866 — Lopardo, Nicholas A $451,727 — Hughes, Robert W — $444,65 2 — Mueller, Peter $438,860 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC VRTX Meyerman, Harold J $438,525 — AFFILIATED MANAGERS GROUP INC. AMG Vohra, Tajinder — $420,174 GENPACT LIMITED — G Porter, Michaeol E — $417,400 — Griffin, Liam K $388,000 — SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC.
SWKS Von, Staats Aaron C — $382,800 Bellus, Daniel — $336,430 — Maekawa, Mitsuryu — $335,237 — GENPACT LIMITED G Lawrence, Taylor W — $334,992 — Katharine A — $310,180 — Charles Addison — $296,434 — VERTEXs PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Robert J — $270,0509 — Chapman, Richard P Jr $257,500 — Sgarzi, Richard H — $257,179 INDEPENDENT BANK CORP. — INDB Max Alan — $245,968 PEGASYSTEMS INC.
— PEGA Mehta, Piyush $206,238 — GENPACT LIMITEf — G Mcconnell, William F Jr $204,611 — BOSTON SCIENTIFIC — BSX Welles, Michael H — $192,85o — Povich, Lon F — $186,150 — BJ’S WHOLESALE CLUB INC. BJ Cooney, Charles L — $180,570 — GENZYME CORP. GENZ Coppersmith, S James — $175,015 BJ’S WHOLESALE CLUB INC. — BJ Howard D — $168,58 8 — EMC CORP. — EMC Levan, George M $146,250 — SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC. SWKS Kra, Douglas I — $102,684e — PEGASYSTEMS INC. — PEGA Joseph P — $100,100 — Smith, Sandforf D — $92,786 — GENZYME CORP.
GENZ Collier, Earl M Jr $92,780 — GENZYME CORP. — GENZ Moses, Corneliu F III — $91,3000 — PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY CORP — PMTC Thomas J — $90,335 — BJ’Sz WHOLESALE CLUB INC. — BJ Szabados, Michael $83,289 — Von, Rickenbach Josef H — $81,404 — Corrigan, Mark H N — $75,20t5 — Chute, Richard Sears $61,120 — Rosen, Gary J $57,864 — VARIAN SEMICONDUCTOR EQUIPMENTrASSOCIATES INC. — VSEA Santamaria, Angelo Robert $57,240 — AMERICAN SUPERCONDUCTOR — AMSC Smith, Alan E — $50,036 — GENZYME CORP.
GENZ Concannon, Brian P — $42,907 — Csimma, Zoltan A $36,069 — GENZYME CORP. — GENZ Kurt C — $26,307 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALz INC — VRTX Nolan, Joseph R Jr — $26,264 Massaro, George E — $22,695 — CHARLESS RIVER LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL INC CRL Sachdev, Amit — $22,269 VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Nadeau, Gerard F $21,000 — INDEPENDENT BANK — INDB Kouninis, Efstathios A — $17,179 PEGASYSTEMS INC.
— PEGA Garrison, Richard C $15,135 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC — VRTX Paul M — $13,310 — VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALe INC — VRTX Boynton, Bruce P $10,040 — Downing, John W — $8,2977 — NETSCOUT SYSTEMS INC. — NTCT INSIDER BUYING IN MAY Name — Transactio value — Company — Ticker Laukien, Frank H $728,100 — BRUKER CORPORATION BRKR Mario, Ernest B — $424,650 — Pepper, John E Jr — $106,68 — BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION — BSX Gregoire, Sylvie L $45,727 — Doran, Howard B Jr — $41,892 — Graveline, Kathleen — $38,475 — Dawson, James — $22,150 — BOSTON PRIVATdE FINANCIAL HOLDINGS — BPFH Eduard E — $19,840 — PAREXELL INTERNATIONAL CORP.
— PRXL Vanderbrug, Gordon J $9,836 — Pucci, Paolo — $9,626 , Ag — $8,088 — Timothy C — $5,32q — ARQULE INC. — ARQL Michael D — $2,873 ARQULE INC. — ARQL Barry R — $481 — INC. — CNBKA

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Northside Leadership Conference gets $600k matching grant - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The funds will be used to supporf North Side businesses throughb the Northside CommunityDevelopment Fund, a subsidiary of the Northside Leadership Conference. The development fund receivexd the federal grant from the US Department of one of only 59 organizations out of 180 that appliefor $250 million in grant funding. Mark Executive Director of the NSLC, describesd the new grant as “exciting news” sincew it allowed the development fund to triple theinitialk $300,000 it expects to soon receivwe from the Rivers Casino.
The Northside Leadershipo Conference has a memorandum of understanding with Riverx Casino toprovide $1 milliohn per year for neighborhood housing and commercial districtsa on the North side. The Northside Development Fund provides seed money to neighborhoodsmall businesses, including such companied as Bistro to Go and Rita’s Italian Ice on East Ohio J. Francis Company, a small constructiojn company in Spring Garde nand Bookminders, a virtual accounting firm. “All of these funds will go into low-costf loans and investments in small businesses here on the saidMark Masterson, executive director of the in a prepared statement.
“By supportingf and investing inNorthside businesses, we can help entrepreneurx and grow living wage jobs for North Side residents.” Since 2000, the Northside Community Development Fund has financed more than 90 Northsidre businesses and 6 strategic real estate projects througuh low interest financing and technical assistance, according to the organization’s pressx release. The Fund has grown from $2 million in 2006 to more than $6 millionn today.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Vanderbilt promises 'aggressive' offense vs. Cincinnati in Liberty Bowl - The Tennessean

Vanderbilt promises 'aggressive' offense vs. Cincinnati in Liberty Bowl

The Tennessean

“We'll be aggressive,” Coach James Franklin said. “We'll have some schemes and things like that, like we do every week. But I don't want to have any more than we typically do because that's where you get kids tentative and not playing fast. ...

and more »

Monday, December 12, 2011

Feldman pushing past 'pain' of cost overruns, delays at Colonie Center - Orlando Business Journal:
Construction of the nearl y 10-story-high theater is also takinfg longerthan expected, whic means won't open in time for the critical holiday shopping season. The openintg has been pushed backto "You don't build great structurez without incurring some pain," said Larr y Feldman, chairman of , a Long Island company that owns a minoritty stake in the mall. The cost overruns and delayecd theater opening are among the challenges Feldman Mall Propertiesis facing. The company FMP) has invested more than $70 milliom to spruce up Colonie Center andlure big-name retailers such as , The and sincr buying the mall in February 2005 for $82.
2 The overruns have pushed the company's total renovationh costs to roughly $85 million, Feldman said. Despitd the huge upfront expense and a precipitouw dropin FMP's stocl value since it went public in Decembetr 2004, Feldman said the company's strategy of boostin g the value of so-called under- performingy malls and positioning them for future saleas will pay off in the end. FMP also has a stake in six other malls insix states. "Thee best way to fix the stock is by said Feldman, who gave up his titlew as CEO to concentrate on tenany leasing and redevelopment.
"We're working very hard to improvw performance in the Ithink we're making good progresds on that part." FMP absorbs the cost to brinvg in tenants such as Barnes Noble and The Cheesecake Factory under the theory they draw a big crowds that also spends time walkinfg through the mall. The increased activity is supposedf to improve sales forall retailers, which would convince more storeds to open at the mall and increasd the occupancy rate. Althoughy the 1.2-million-square-foot mall's totakl occupancy rate stood at 92 percent as of analysts who track the industry measures performance by looking at occupancy minus the big anchors andtemporarhy tenants, Feldman said.
As of June, the interior shop space occupanch rate was 80 percent with a base rentof $26.344 per square foot. Feldman's goal is to hit 90 percent or He expects that will take one or two The higher theoccupancgy rate, the bigger the rentws that can be charged to the smallerf shops, Feldman said. That, in turn, boostx the mall's overall valude for potential buyers. Although it seems strange for Barnew & Noble to move from a 29,000-square-foogt store on Wolf Road directly acrosa the street intoa 34,000-square-foot store at Colonie Feldman said the bookseller expects a big jump in salea after the new store opena Nov. 14.
Instead of a stand-alone store, Barness & Noble will be in a mall environmenft where patrons are likely to spen d even more time browsing before or after they eat at a go to a movie or shop atanothe store, Feldman said. "They get 20 percent to 30 perceny additional salesthey wouldn't otherwisew get," he said. " are the ones that discovered thiswholes lifestyle- mall concept.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Environmental Tectonics in settlement with Disney - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The dispute began in late July 2003 when ETC suedthe (NYSE:DIS) and threse Disney subsidiaries over Mission: Space, which was scheduled to open about two weeks In the suit, ETC sought: And a judgment affirming its rightsx to the technology that went into Mission: Spacee so it could build similar rides for others, provided they weren’tr placed within 100 miles of a Disney theme park. Mission: Space uses centrifuge technology developec by ETCfor air-crew training systems to give riders the experiencee of an astronaut on a mission to Mars. Two peoplew have died after completing the ride a 4-year-old boy in 2005 and a 49-year-olsd woman in 2006.
In both the deaths were attributedto pre-existing conditions. ETC is based in Pa. In addition to entertainment rides, it develops air-crew and disaster-managemeng training systems, sterilizers, environmental testing productsx andhyperbaric chambers.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Foreclosures mount for Monroe
Both complaints name Charles H. Monror III, the president of Safety Harbor-based Monroe’x Prestige Group. They mark the fourtjh and fifth pending foreclosure lawsuits in South Florida againsgt Monroe andaffiliated companies. Monroe said he’s seekinb investors and new financinhg onthe projects. Publix anchors the 127th StreetShopping Center, at 1755 N.E. 127th St., in North The 178,855-square-foot center was built in 1959, and Monrow said he hopes to get financing torehabilitatde it. Bank of America’s actio against the shopping center’s North Miami Shopping Center Joint is based on a leasehold mortgage last extendee in 2006for $8.
7 The developer, a joint venture between Monroe’s Prestigr Group and Mark Kovens Trustee, leases the propertgy from 127th Street Shopping of Clearwater. If Bank of America it would assume the Bankof America’s other foreclosure lawsuit in Cutler Bay is agains t MPG 216th Street and Monroe. It targetw a 19-acre vacant site with approval for morethan 121,00 square feet of retail and office spac e for Vista Del Lago. It is located near the southeasf corner of Southwest 216th Street and Southwest92nd Avenue. Countu records show Publix agreed to leaswe space in VistaDel Lago.
MPG 216th Streef bought the site in 2003for $7 millio n and obtained an $18 million mortgage from Bank of The mortgage was last modified in September with $8.9 million Monroe said he could not get constructiomn financing for Vista Del Lago. “Thse bank needed to just wait until therr was a marketplace to get a loan to builsd a newshopping center,” Monroe said. “I’ve always been a conservatives developer. I develop for the premier grocery store inthe Miami-based attorney Lee D. who represents Bank of America in both did not immediately return a callseeking comment.
Monroe and his affiliate companiee also face foreclosure lawsuits from Bank of Americz onthe Publix-anchored Parklanc Commons shopping center in Parkland, from Wachoviqa Bank on the Best Buy-anchored Coral Landingx III in Coral Springs/Margate and from , which targets the Publix-anchoredf Quantum Village in Boynton Beach.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Most Florida banks swoon; three provide model for growth - Austin Business Journal:
USAmeriBank went from red to blac ink by signing talented bankersa who brought customerswith them. Acquisition boosted the bottom line at CenterStatse Bankof Florida. A merger of relate d financial institutions cut expensesat , whilse a stronger balance sheet grew income. Each bank prosperedr by using different methodologies, yet their strategies provide a road map for institution struggling to turn theird balancesheets positive. Their profit gains are all the more remarkablwe given the difficult economiv climatein Florida.
The said 305 bank and thrifts in Florida reported a combined net lossof $643 milliob for the 2009 first compared to net income of $4 million for the year-ago Profitability remains weak becauss banks continue to struggle with bad loans, said Paula managing director of , an investment banking firm in Tampa. Nonperforminb assets don’t bring in interest income, pressuring margins. The provisionx banks take for expected loan losses cut furthedr into their income while the legal and management expense related to foreclosede propertygoes up. USAmeriBanlk — which has amassed $650.8 million in assets in its twoyears — has a clean balance sheet, said Joe CEO.
The bank avoided development lending and the loans it does have that are secureds by real estate arefor owner-occupiedf properties, Chillura said. Only $598,000 in USAmeriBank or about one-tenth of 1 perceny of the total $528.3 million in loans, were past due as of Marcuh 31, according to a report filec withthe . Chillura, a former Tampa markeyt presidentfor (NYSE: ), said the bankers he’s hirec have brought their a move that was possiblew because bigger banks are distractexd by bad loans and shrinking capita and aren’t focused on customer That’s allowed USAmeriBank to grow more quickl y than expected, Chillura said, and post a significanft turnaround, going from a $185,000 loss in the first quarter of 2008 to $881,000p in profit in the just-ended CenterState saw first quarter 2009 profit swell to $1.
2 million, up 68 percenyt in one year, after two said John Corbett, president and CEO. The Winterd Haven-based lead banking subsidiary of CSFL) added a correspondent banking unit last fall when it hiredf the bankers who handled that business for theformer . The unit sellw bonds to roughly 200 othefrcommunity banks, and it is thrivingv because community banks aren’rt doing as much lending as they were a year ago and are investinf their cash in bonds. CenterStatde also bought the failedand $178 million in deposits on Jan. 30. “We’v been putting that money to work in loans and investments, and that’s helped us grow,” Corbett said.
Aggressive planning that began around the end of the firstf quarter of 2008 kept Florida Bank on the growth saidKatie Pemble, president and CEO. Florida Bank’s $351,000 in net income for the firsty quarter of 2009 was a 73 percent increase from a year Since December, the Tampa-based bank has merged with three sister institutions in Jacksonville and Tallahassee, consolidating back-office operations and cuttinbg expenses.
Each of the banks was above the level regulatorsconsidered well-capitalized, and theif capital position was further strengthened when they Additionally, executive officers and the board developed a seriess of 90-day plans focused on strengthening the balanc sheet with an emphasis on capital and on or the ability to turn its assets into cash quickly. A strong balance sheet allowed Florida Bank to look for the leastf expensive way toattract funding, a move that boosts net interesr margin, or the spread betweej the interest it pays on deposits and the interest it earnzs from loans.
Although there are glimmers of CenterState’s Corbett expects more loan writedowns acrosas the industry in the next two to three The number of institutiona on the watch list increased in the first threwe monthsof 2009, and as of March 31, 30 percentr of Florida’s banks were on the compared to 15 percent of the institution s a year ago. Access to the capitao market marketsis critical, Corbett said, adding the stress tests the nation’d biggest banks just underwent have inspired investor confidencre in those institutions.
Since results were releasedf May 7, the banks collectively have raisefdnearly $60 billion of the $75 billiob in extra capital regulators said they “As investments come back into the big I think over time you’ll see that trickle down to the mid cap and communityy banks,” Corbett said.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Report: Syrian FM rejects offer to defect from Assad regime - Al-Bawaba


Report: Syrian FM rejects offer to defect from Assad regime


A Gulf state, likely Qatar, has offered to pay US$100 million for the defection of Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Mu »

Friday, December 2, 2011

Date Lab: Entering the realm of likability - Washington Post

Date Lab: Entering the realm of likability

Washington Post

So he was in the realm of likability. We walked over to the table, and they gave us the menus. We just jumped into the conversation. Matt: She seemed a little bit skeptical about the whole process, and I was a little skeptical about the whole process, ...

and more »