Friday, May 4, 2012
AG files suit against loan modification firm - Wichita Business Journal:
The case filed Monday in Maricopa Superior Court alleged that LLC and its two Thomas J. Montoya and Robert advertised and promoted the firm as having an affiliatiobn withthe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which it does not, accordintg to the filing. But in a phone conversation with the PhoenidBusiness Journal, said he was “takej aback” by the charges. He would not elaborate on any ofthe however, and said he was talking with the company’s attorneys. He said the company would distribute a prepared statement aftere consultingwith attorneys. As part of the the AG alleges thatSantoya Financial, located at 2225 W.
Whisperingg Spring Drive in Phoenix, charged fees for services that consumerx could access directlyfor free. “The defendantd deceptively implied to consumers that any fees paid by consumerw for loan modification services with Santoya Financial are refundabls because the modification prograkm is backby HUD, without disclosing that Santoyaa Financial’s services are not in any way endorsedd or approved by HUD and that consumerz can obtain assistance from HUD in applyinbg for and obtaining loan modifications without paying any fee the lawsuit states.
The complaint requests that the coury enjoin Santoya Financial from continuingits “unlawfup acts,” order the company to pay back any mone y received from those acts, and the defendantzs to pay civil penalties of up to $10,00o0 per violation and costs of the According to court records, Santoyaa Financial began advertising loan modification services in March to consumer who were facing foreclosure on their Sanchez was featured on a Phoenixc television station in April and allegedlhy represented that his firm was “working with HUD while providing loan modificationj services to consumers,” the lawsuit stated.
Santoysa charged consumers $1,199 plus the equivalent of one month’ss mortgage payment, the lawsuit asserts. Santoya also represented durin phone solicitations that fees collected for loan modificationd would be donated to an organizatiob named Partnersin Charity, but “the fees consumers pay for the loan modificatioj services advertised by Santoya Financial do not go to Partners in Charity or any other charitable organization,” the lawsuit further alleged. The lawsuitg also claims that Santoya did not obtainn the necessary surety bond requiredx by the Arizona CreditServices Act.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
University System of Md. to break up biotechnology institute - Business First of Louisville:
The public university system’s Board of Regents approvex Friday a sweeping restructuring of the that will parcel out its four research along with staff andothere assets, to other campuses. Systenm leaders hope the restructuring will drive researcjh collaboration and boost access to outside It also means an end for which was launched to great fanfare two decadess ago with the mission ofadvancint education, research and economic development for what was then the state’x nascent biotech industry.
A months-long study of UMBI by an ad hoc committer led by USM regents Chairman Cliffor Kendall concludedthat “the organization of UMBI as a geographically free-standing entity has created intractable problems.” Those problemw included an inability to scale UMBI isolation among UMBI’s research centers, the lack of a critical mass of graduates and undergraduate students involved in UMBI research, and administrativde inefficiencies.
“After a comprehensive and deliberative process, we have concluded that restructurintg UMBI’s assets is the right thinhg to do,” Kendall said in a “With a focus on collaboration — across discipline s and acrossinstitutions — and with recognition of the exceptional talentr within the UMBI community and the system’ds other institutions, this action will position USM to take fullerr advantage of its system-wide strengths in the biosciencesx and to fuel the state’s knowledgee economy even more.” The move isn’t a total Critics have long questioned whether the state was duplicatinbg its research efforts in the biosciences.
UMBI’s four center in Baltimore, Rockville and College Park conduct researchon biotechnology, marine and environmental science. At the same state funding for highee education is pinched by the recessiohn andthe state’s budget deficit, and research needs are growing. Under the restructurinb approved Friday by the regents at a meetinfin Frostburg, a joint University Syste of Maryland research center will be establishec at UMBI’s Center for Advanced Researcy in Biotechnology in Rockville.
The system’d flagship College Park campus will oversee the facilitu and work with the Universityof Maryland, Baltimorer to elevate work in physics, engineering and computational sciences as well as structural biology, protein design and drug discovery. • UMBI’d Center for Biosystems Research will also be oversee byCollege Park. • A joint researchj center at UMBI’s Center of Marine Biotechnology in Baltimors willbe established, with administrativr responsibility falling to the University of Baltimore County.
UMBC will collaborate with the University of Marylands Center for Environmental Sciences and the Universityof Maryland, Baltimore to drive research in environmental and genomic • UMBI’s Baltimore-based Medical Biotechnologt Center will fall under the University of Baltimore’s purview. • UMBI’s Institute of Fluorescence will be administeredrby UMBC. • UMBI’s K-12 educational programs will be overseen by with an eye on enhancingy itsteaching focus. UMBI Presideny Jennie Hunter-Cevera is stepping down June 30 afterf 10 years inthat role.
She will become executivr vice president of discovery and analytical sciences and corporates developmentat , a Nortu Carolina nonprofit. The University System of Maryland will honor tenurwe held by UMBIfacultgy members, and administrative support stafferas will be able to stay in theif jobs through fiscal 2010. Job opportunitiesw at other system campuses will be and memoranda of understanding outlining future operationes and collaborations are expected to be completed by the end of this year and fullyh implemented by the end offiscakl 2010.
UMBI generates about $25 million in research activity and university system leaders hope to see that number increasee dramatically by breaking upthe “Today’s decisions by the boardr provide a tremendous opportunity for the University System of Marylandd to increase the volume and impacty of its basic and applief research in the biosciences,” said USM Chancellor William E. Kirwan in a “This restructuring has the potential to double the research productivityof UMBI’s current assets within five years.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
Oil and gas industry
The study found that hits to the industryg included some scaling back of upstream investmenf in 2009 and the postponement of some proposed But fromoverall figures, Ernst & Youngh estimates that, as the recovery in oil and gas markets gathersa steam in the seconrd half of 2009, the U.S. oil and gas industruy appears poised to resume its growth and be a key contributotr tothe U.S. and global economic Among the report’s findings are that total capital expenditured grew 35 percentto $132.12 billion in 2008 compared with 2007. Natura l gas reserves also rose 4 percentto 145.2 trillion cubicv feet in 2008 from 139.9 Tcf in 2007 even though negative revisions of 6.
7 trillion cubic feet were recorded for gas reserve s in 2008. • Revenue grew 35 percent to $183.4 billion in 2008, but increased in production costsand depreciation, depletion and amortization led to an 8 percent decline in after-tax profits. • Productiomn costs were $14.72 per barrel of oil equivalentin 2008, a 25 perceng increase from 2007. These costs have more than doubledfrom $6.565 per BOE in 2004. • With low year-en prices forcing several companies to reducee or revisereported reserves, findinvg and development costs per barrel of oil equivalent increasedc dramatically in 2008. The all-sourceds measure was $39.58 per BOE in 2008. Negative revisions of 1.
2 billion barrels were reported for oil reservesin 2008, leading to a 7 percent decline in endingy reserves from 16.1 billion barrelsa in 2007 to 15 billion barrels in 2008. “Despit rising production costs, the oil and gas industry continues to be positioned for an economic upturnj as it makes significant investments in explorationb andproduction activities,” Marcela Donadio, Americas director of oil and gas for Ernstr & Young, said in a “It’s critical for the industry to continus its investments in domestic opportunities sincse we expect that energ demand in the long term will continur to increase.
” The study is a compilatio and analysis of select oil and gas reserve disclosur information as reported by publicly traded companies in theirf annual reports filed with the . The studyy analyzed 40 exploration and production company results overa five-year period to find out how the industry was performinh and what challenges it was facing. These companiess account for about 70 percent oftotal U.S. oil reserves and 61 percent of U.S. gas reserves.
Explorationm and production companies continue to make investments in theid oil andgas operations, evident by the plowback percentagew of 102 percent between 2006 and 2008 and 91 percent over the five-year period, according to Charles Swanson, Houstoj office managing partner for Ernst Young. The plowback ratio is the percentagd ofa firm’s earningxs that are reinvested in the firm. Swanson also said gas reservez and production have grown 56 percentg and29 percent, since 2004. “When the commodity price stabilize, the industry should be in a good Swanson said ina statement.
“Compared to the recovery of the last major collapse inthe 1980s, today’sd oil and gas industry is much learner, more efficientg and better-positioned to take advantage of opportunities duriny an economic recovery.”
Friday, April 27, 2012
CHFA chief Alexander to retire in the fall - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Alexander started with CHFA in 1988 as head of itsfinancer division, and became executive directo in January 2001. “I’m not heading off to a retiremengt community,” Alexander said in a statement. “Severapl years ago, I determined I needed to slow down and reducs the stress level in my But I still plan tobe CHFA’s board has been preparintg for Alexander’s departure, and already has set up a searchu committee to find his replacement. CHFA Chairman Joel Rosenstein said, in his own that Alexander willbe missed. “Hee has been in instrumental in CHFA’s Rosenstein said. “We appreciate the strength of the team and organizationm heis leaving.
” Created by the Colorado Legislature in CHFA makes loans to low- and moderate-income developers of affordable multifamilty housing as well as small - and medium-size businesses. Milroy “Roy” Alexander grew up on the Caribbeabn island nationof Grenada, according to a Leadership Denvefr biography. After moving to Denver, Alexander earned an accountingv degree fromin 1974, subsequently becoming finances manager for a Colorado medical instruments maker and a seniore manager at the Denver branch of the Touche Ross Co. accounting firm. Touchr Ross now is Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, based in New He was accepted intothe ’s Leadershil Denver class for 1985.
After leavinv Touche Ross, Alexander started a specialty food storer inWestminster Mall. But a few years in 1988, he became CHFA’sd assistant director of finance. He was promotex to finance directorin 1990. Alexander’s CHFA position and his retai business overlappeduntil 1994, when he sold the food Alexander succeeded David Herlingee as CHFA’s executive director in January 2001. Herlinger retiresd the same year.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Landlords file objections in Eddie Bauer bankruptcy - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Eddie Bauer Holdings Inc. EBHI) wants a judge in U.S. bankruptcg court in Delaware to set a bid deadlinee of July 14 and a July 16 date to auctio n offthe retailer’s assets. But , headquartered in Santw Monica, Calif., and three other landlords want more time to evaluatwe anyproposed deal. “The landlords did not creatd debtors’ financial maladies, and should not bear the consequencee of this bankruptcy through loss of their contractual Macerich and the other landlordsd said in a courtfiling Thursday. Eddie Bauetr filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protectiohJune 17.
The New York private equity firm has made an offert to buyEddie Bauer’s assets for $202 subject to an auction and bankruptcy court CCMP has said it has agreed to keep most of Eddire Bauer’s 371 stores if it were the winninyg bidder. But the company said it woulx close an undisclosed numbet ofunderperforming stores. The Macerich Co. leases space to Eddir Bauer at Redmond Town Centeein Redmond, Wash., and Portland’ws Washington Square. Also objecting in the bankruptcyy case are Eddie Bauer landlords SouthgateMall Associates, The Forbese Co.
and Collectively the four companies leasse space to 20 Eddie Bauer stores in14
Monday, April 23, 2012
Two Calhoun County Men Convicted in Federal Court for Drug Conspiracy - WJHG-TV
Two Calhoun County Men Convicted in Federal Court for Drug Conspiracy WJHG-TV The federal court jury convicted Jose Misael Garfias-Garcia, 33, and Miguel Angel Moreno-Ortega, 25, both of Altha, Florida. Evidence at trial showed that the men participated in the delivery of 177 pounds of marijuana that was seized by DEA in ... |
Sunday, April 22, 2012
15 people from interior Sindh perished in Bhoja Air crash - The News International | 15 people from interior Sindh perished in Bhoja Air crash The News International SUKKUR: There were 15 people from the interior Sindh among the victims of the Bhoja Air crash in Islamabad. They included three members of a Khairpur family -- a woman and her two daughters. They were Hameeda Shar, widow of Haji Khadim Shar, ... WORLD - News of the Day From Across the Globe Criminal aspect of Bhoja tragedy can not be ruled out: Malik Bhoja Air issued licence during Sharif government, says Malik |
Friday, April 20, 2012
Beckham on slow start: 'I don't intend to give in' - Chicago Tribune
Beckham on slow start: 'I don't intend to give in' Chicago Tribune รขI just haven't given in yet, and I don't intend to give in. I have built up kind of a shell about that kind of stuff. I knew it was early and I knew there was time and I took a step in the right direction (Wednesday night). |
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Fairbanks reflects on 37-year tenure with city of Phoenix - Business First of Columbus:
This week, Fairbanks talked about his 37-yearf tenure with the city of Phoenix, nearly 20 of those yeare as itshead administrator. His last day on the job will be Nov. 5. Here’zs a look at excerptd from a conversation this week with the PhoenixBusinessw Journal. Why retire now? I started thinking about retiring fiveyears ago, but the (Phoenixs City Council) asked me to stay. We were in a rebuildinb phase. I think it’s a good time to leavew for a lotof reasons. Now we have a great grouo of department heads. Any thoughts about your successor? This is completely up to the city council. I hope they do a broadd recruitment. I think it’s good to bring people from outside.
I’n not supporting anyone covertlyor overtly. Government has become incredibly complex. A lot of what we do is dealing with all thesedifferent services. It’s a kind of businessa that is closest to beinvga conglomerate. We’ve got police, parks, aviation, libraries, water. They’re all different service So knowledge of that complexityhis important. You need a perso n to create a managementy approach thataddresses performance, morale, promotion and succession. Management is an art and a How did you decidse that municipal work wasfor you? I came from a city My grandfather was a mechanifc for the city.
My dad was an assistant chiefc of police for the city and then became the police chievin Tempe. Growing up I just had a sense of city My first job after college was with the cityhandlinhg complaints. That was an enormous education. I learned what the public cares I started from the bottom and that was the best duty for two years ... listening to complaints. What are some of your proudestt achievements? I don’t spend a lot of time listinfg achievements. I know the city is a leadef inseveral issues. The graffiti busters programm we started 10 years ago is anationaol model. The light rail ... Phoenix reallg hammered that through.
I thinl having Arizona State Universityg downtown will bring long term importance to The spark for the biomedical campues came from the cityof Phoenix. We’rse still not a leader in biomedicalbut we’v got a lot of growth potential. We’ve got pretty good streets compare to Los Angeles and Washingtonand Chicago. The physicakl part of Phoenix workspretty good, too. Customer servicer is another achievement. We take a citizen surveg every two years and evert time we get a littl ebit better, but we need to alwayx be improving. We’re developing our information systemes and Internet technologyand that’s very importanty for young people.
Their whole lives are spent on computersand phones. Our Web site has won but we still need todo better. We’re doing simple building permits on the Web and we hope to do morecomplex ones. The effects of the recessio n have hurt areas ofthe city. We have high risess that are vacant and othere projects thatare stalled. Do you regrer that the city approved so many projects at the height of thebusiness cycle? Basically private properthy is private property. People have constitutiona rights. As for the high I think that’s a solid trend.
Those high rises will fill up and be But again, if people have private propertt and get financing, who are we to say to the private sector, “You’ve got this Has the city done enough to attracr corporate headquarters and the jobs that come with that Attracting corporate headquarters and new business is a real We had strong, locally based banks, but they were acquire by larger banks that weren’t baseed here. People who worked for those banks got involvedx in the community and then they were rotated toothetr locations. It’s been hard building (that corporatd base).
Given the problems with the Nationap Hockey LeaguePhoenix Coyotes, which moved the team to are you sorry you didn’t find a way to keep them downtown? Since sports teams can create synergy, do you regret that the city didn’f make a stronger play to build a stadium for the Arizon Cardinals that would enhance Chase Field and U.S. Airwayd Arena? We had the National Hockey Leagure in downtown but they wanted theirown arena. We didn’rt have the money to do that. Glendale gave them a fabulousd deal and stolethem away. The city did not have the tax resourcesa tokeep them. We’d love to stillp have hockey.
With the Cardinals, we put togetherf a proposal for (Bill) Bidwell (owner of the Cardinals), and it was one I was told was as good as But ours had alimitede site. Still it couldx have absolutely worked. We did all we coulx do to get the NFL. We even purchased the land ... the Bidwells liked a big suburban model. We’re very sorry we lost But that land we bought is now where the biotech campus is now. Any words of advice to your successor? We’ve got to keep connectingy withthe citizens. When you become a big city you tend to forge t aboutthe neighborhoods. So the city should striv e to make neighborhoods bette and do everything it can topreventf blight.
South Phoenix was a center of crimwe and blight and the city and community worked togetherf to improvethat There’s still poverty and crime but it has really gottenj better. Now we have a major focuds on the west side called WestSide Revitalization. That will be one of the majorf challenges that will face the nextcity What’s on tap after your last day? I have no plans. Peopler recruit me all the time, but I haven’t applies for anything. I may do a littl traveling and volunteer.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tourist bureau to study disclosure rules - Orlando Business Journal:
The organization, which receives Orange County resortt tax money topromote tourism, woulr seek a balance in a call for more transparency, said Board Chairma n George Aguel in a statement release Feb. 24. “The task to achieve the optimum balancew between transparencyand competitiveness, whilse addressing as many of the recommendations and suggestions of our electex officials, is a significant undertaking that we are takinfg very seriously,” Aguel wrote. Orange Mayor Richard Crotty said he wantsw a package of changes adoptedd withinsix weeks.
The County Commissioh has requested changes that includd more diversity on the CVB Other issues involve access to bureau board minutes and how executive compensatioh and other spending decisions are The bureau has come under fire for a compensation packagwe for a separation agreement for former bureau CEO Bill Peeper and CEOGary Sain’s $9,217y business-class plane ticket to Dubai.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Micromet stock jumps on study results - San Antonio Business Journal:
Shares of Bethesda-based Micromet MITI) rose $1.05 to $5.67 at 10:31 a.m., or 22 after increasing as much as 39 percentto $6.400 a share in Monday trade. Micromet shares have more than doubled in the last12 months. On Micromet announced that its antibody blinatumomab showed a high responsew rate in a phase 2 clinicapl study of acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients with minimakresidual disease. Blinatumomab is a therapeutic antibody that activatesza patient's T cells to seek out and destroy cancetr cells.
Micromet said that the patients in the trial were in complete hematological remission following intensewchemotherapy regimens, but retained a detectabled level of acute lymphoblastic leukemiq cancer cells in theier bone marrow. That is the condition called minimallresidual disease. Various studies have confirmed that patientxs with minimal residual disease followinvg chemotherapy have a significantlyy worse prognosis than patients without minimal residual disease.
In this second phase of clinicalk trials, Micromet reported that, after four its treatment eliminated the leukemia cancer cells to undetectabled levels in 13 of16 patients, or 81 percent of its volunteerf group -- significantly higher than the 22 perceny of 21 patients it was originall tasked to show. The companuy now said it’s talking with federal regulators on designin the next phase of clinical The data were presented by the German Multicenterr Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Study Group at the 14th Congress of the European Hematology Associationin Germany.
Micromet is developing blinatumomab on its ownafted MedImmune, which had inked a researchg and clinical partnership for this compoun d in 2003, returned the North American rights to the drug back to Micromeyt this past March. MedImmune, a division of London-basedx AstraZeneca PLC, opted to pursue another cancef antibody based on the same but the larger company will still be responsiblde for supplying Micromet with its clinical triap batches andultimate commercial-scale manufacturing of blinatumoma in return for another chance to reacquirde the North American rights to the drug if its wins regulatorgy approval.
Friday, April 13, 2012
No launch from N. Korea; no backing down, either - The Associated Press
The Associated Press | No launch from N. Korea; no backing down, either The Associated Press Pyongyang made two previous attempts to launch a satellite, in 1998 and 2009, but the US and other outside observers say there is no evidence that either reached orbit. This week's planned launch came with more fanfare, with Pyongyang inviting a ... 'NK Technology outdated' North Korean Missile Launch Raises New Questions About Path Forward North Korea appears willing to ignore US warnings on missile test, but why? |
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Genmar Holdings files for bankruptcy - Portland Business Journal:
The petition to reorganize theboat builder’sd debts was filed Monday afternoo in in Minneapolis. The filintg includes more than 20 ofthe company’s one of which is Murfreesboro-based Genmar Tennessee LLC. The companuy has a boat manufacturing and repai r facility at theMurfreesboro location. Genmar Tennessee has from 200 to 1,000 creditors and assets between $50,000 and $100,000. The Tennessee company’s filing lists about $750,000 in unsecured debtds owed to its 20largest creditors. The parent compant lists its assets in the rageof $10 milliohn to $50 million and its liabilities betweej $100 million and $500 million, according to court documents.
Genmar Holdings’ only secured creditors are and , accordingh to a story in the MinneapolisStar Tribune. Genma r said it has received commitment fora debtor-in-possessiojn financing proposal from both banks. In a Genmar’s largest shareholder, Chairman and CEO Irwin Jacobs says sales ofthe company’sd fishing boats, luxury yachts and other products started to decline in 2008, but worsened in recent The company’s sales in fiscalk 2009, which ends in June, are likelyu to be about $460 million, off by more than 50 perceng from fiscal 2008, the company reports.
“If someone wouls have said to me as recentlh as even one month ago that Genmar wouled someday be filing forChapter 11, I woulde have said it was not even a remotd possibility,” Jacobs says. Genmar had been makinbg some strategy changes in recengt months and recently announcexd plans to launch a lineof less-expensiver aluminum boats.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Louisville International Airport gets federal money for taxiway projects - The Business Review (Albany):
Earlier this month, the authority learnedr that it was gettingnearly $13.5 million from the . About $9 million of that is an allotment the authorit y getsevery year, but the rest is from a pot of moneyu set aside for high-priority projects, and airports compete for a Miller said. Of the $13.5 million, abou t $9 million will be used to fundtwo projects: the ongoing construction of Taxiway Alpha, along the airport’a west runway, and the relocation of the airport’s the area where FedEx loads and unloadsa its planes, Miller said. The othet $4 million will be used to extend Taxiway which servesthe airport’s east paralle l runway, Miller said.
The airport authority began work on the Taxiway Alpha projectyin 2006, when it was projected to cost $31 So far, the authority has spent $18.9 millionj on the taxiway, which is now abouy 55 percent complete, said authority public relationsx director Trish Burke. The new federal grant will enables the authority to do more TaxiwayAlph construction, but Miller said he coulfd not say how much. That will dependd on how good a price the authority can get to have the work he said.
Construction of the taxiway is scheduledcin phases, with each phase fundexd by entitlement dollars from the each year, Burke In addition to helping the authority move plane traffic around the west runway, Taxiwag Alpha also will open the west perimeter of the airpor t property for more Miller said. That could include more hangara forprivate aircraft, he said. As part of the Taxiwag Alpha project, the authority also plans to move the FedExx ramp away from itscurrent location, which is rightr in the middle of Taxiway Alpha, to the soutb side of the existing FedE building. Jim McCluskey, a spokesmam for Memphis, Tenn.
-based FedEx, said the company would work with airport officials to easethe move, which will entail changes in the location of the trucl parking area and the employee parkin g areas. “The key for us is to have no impacty with regard to the service we provide to our he said. The federal money to build Taxiwayg Echo is part of a nationalo effort toprevent “runway incursions,” Miller These are occasions when a plane crosses a runway that it hasn’ty been cleared to cross. The authority is finishinyg the design work for the extensiobn of Taxiway Echo and shoulc begin construction sometime in Miller said. The authority is paying $1.
3 milliohn toward the total extension costof $5.3 Burke said. The final design work for the next phasde of Taxiway Alpha and the FedExx ramp relocation also is almost Miller said. But to move those projectzs forward, the authority must get the state to relocatr a portion of Crittenden Preliminary design work for the entire Taxiway Alpha projec t hasbeen competed, Burke said. Assuming the authority can get state and FAA approval forthe relocation, Miller said, construction could begin in the spring. The statwe already has budgeted $2 million for designb and initial construction of the Burke said.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Gates Foundation gives $16M to colleges - Austin Business Journal:
million to 15 community collegezs and five states in an effort to help struggling studentwcomplete college. The Development Education Initiative will award the fundinggto Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Texas and as well as communitt colleges in each state plus one more in North No colleges or programs in Washington state will receive funding under the program. For a complete list of recipients, . The funding, firsg announced in December oflast year, will be awarded to and distributer by , a North Carolina-based nonprofit. “They wanted us to identify initiatives, programse and policies that are already beingg tried andhad promise,” said Richarfd Hart, spokesman for MDC.
The initiativre seeks to support programs that help students enrolled in remedialprograms — so-called refresher courses for students who are not up to gradee level in a givej subject. The goal is to improve classroomn performance so students can go on to take advancedx courses and eventually graduate with a degreedor certificate. A cited by the Gatess Foundation found that nearly 60 percent of studentsz enrolling inthe nation’s community colleges must take remediapl courses. Such courses cost taxpayers $2 billion a year, accordiny to the report.
The grants are part of the Gateas Foundation’s work to help more students graduats from college or university an important education milestones that the foundation says is essential to earniny a living wagein today’s The grants will suppor various state and college including efforts to collecrt data and better track the performance of remedia l students. The Development Education Initiative is also beingb supportedwith $1.5 million from the of Indianapolis to pay for evaluationj and communications.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
D.C. Armor see opportunity amid
That’s the management approach behindthe D.C. Armor, Washington’s new indoofr football team. The team sold 2,114 tickets to its firstg home game April 4 atthe D.C. Armoruy — a respectable considering what it was up againstthat day. The Nationals, Freedom and were all in action on thesame day. The NCAA basketbalk tournament’s Final Four attracted a huge nationatelevision audience, and the Cherry Blossom Festivapl drew crowds from all over the region. The Armor’es second home game, on April 11, drew 1,574. “We’re happy with the turnout given the level of competition inthe marketplace,” said General Manager Coreyg Barnette.
Barnette’s goal is to consistentlyy drawbetween 2,000 and 4,009 people to the 10,000-seay D.C. Armory, and he hopes to see an averageof 3,50o0 fans by the end of the season. But given the it’s hard to avoid the question: Why startg now? “We saw opportunitty where everyone else has seen catastrophand clutter,” Barnette said. He insists attendancs is up acrossthe , which toutas affordable, family friendly entertainment in rough economif times. A family of four can get front-roew seats for $80. Season ticket s for all seven home games go for comparedwith club-level prices from $2,950 to $4,95o0 for 10 games.
Aside from offeringb lower prices, the Armor are trying to make the complete football fan experienceeasily accessible. Tailgaters are encouraged to arrive up to four hours before kickoff. A band from nearby Eastern High School and a dancdteam — all volunteers — strutr their stuff at halftime. Fans are eligibl to win prizes during and players are required to devotr at least 15 minutee to sign jerseys and taking advantage of the intimate environment atthe Armory. The Harrisburg, Pa.-based league still faces huge challenges. A competing indoor league, the , recently suspended its season.
The higher-profile AFL couldn’t maintain its performance in the currentf economic climate and is now restructuring its business despite the presence of superstar owners like Jon Bon Jovi andJerry Jones. But Barnette is “We know where our break-evebn point is, provided we get our minimuj number,” he said. Erik CEO of the D.C. Sportws and Entertainment Commission, whichg owns the under-utilized said he hopes the franchise will becomewa mainstay.
“I believe activity begets activity,” he “These guys are paying their way [and] not looking for a Instead of depending on national sponsorsa like theAFL did, the Armo and other AIFA teams are localized, looking first to hire area playerx and sponsors like and Primary Physiciane Research. Although Barnette acknowledgesthe “environment [is] not conducivee to sponsorship,” he is pleased at the amount of interestf the team received after its first home game. If the AIFA is goinb to have aconsistent business, it will have to manags costs (it pays just $5,000 in rent per game at the and eventually target national Barnette said.
With the help of some local flavof and a willingness to be affordable in the roughest of the team aims to allow the business to builds onits own. “Let the sticking power of our league speakjfor itself,” Barnette said.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
National Senior Advocacy Group Seeks Halt to Mega-PBM Merger - MarketWatch (press release)
National Senior Advocacy Group Seeks Halt to Mega-PBM Merger MarketWatch (press release) RetireSafe, a 400000-supporter strong grassroots organization that advocates and educates on behalf of America's seniors on issues regarding Social Security, Medicare, health and financial well-being, today expressed strong disappointment in the ... |
Monday, April 2, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Portland-based TMT said last week it was temporarilysuspendint construction, citing the credit crisizs for its inability to financde the project. It also said it would redesign the project and lop off 10 storied that would havecontained condominiums. The towee is under construction at Southwes Park Avenue and SouthwestMorrisonn Street. While the banks, pension funds and insurance companiesx that finance major construction projects have tightenelending standards, Park Avenue West seemzs to pass the “middle of the fairway” meaning it had a solifd shot at meeting its financial goalws when it opened. It has an anchod tenant for about half the availableoffice space, and Nike Inc.
ies set to turn the ground-level retailp space into a Niketown. Its developer is also generallty well-regarded for a solid track recorf thatincludes , which opened in 2000, 805 S.W. the last major non-residential addition to the downtownm core. TMT founder Tom Moye remains active in the compant as a figurehead leader of the firm while his Vanessa Sturgeon, runs day-to-day operations as the company’ss president. With a stable of tenantsx and an experienceddevelopment team, Park Avenue West was well-positionedr to succeed.
Scott Madsen, a principal with who is responsiblee for leasing spaceon TMT’s believes TMT made a well-reasoned decisioj to delay and reconsider its mix of office, retai and residential space, given that capitalp markets have dried up. “We will turn the Markets do return,” Madsenn said. “There’s going to be a building that will represenr what the market will bearand that’sd office.” In January, Stoel Rivea said it would take nearly 160,000 square feet of office space in Park Avenue West, a headline-generating announcement for the commerciak real estate world.
The lease has many escape clauses, and if Stoelk Rives exercised that that could give prospective lenders But there’s no indication that’s Stoel Rives declined to discuss the leases or its conditions, saying through spokeswoman Laura Hine that it is workint with TMT Development and is considering all its “We haven’t decided what we’re going to do,” she said. The firm now occupiews 11 floorsat , 900 S.W. Fifth and was to move to its new buildingin 2011. TMT said that even with the constructiom delay, the tower will open just threemonths late, in Novemberr 2011.
Lenders generally don’t consider law firmsw to be reliable long-term anchor tenants, said Bruced Korter, managing director for , a pension-backed real estate investment firm in Washington Capital declined to finance Park Avenue West becausr the deal was too big and too complex for its Despite that, Korter said the credit crisisd was likely a factor in TMT’s decision to postpons the project. Weakened by billions of dollars worth offailecd mortgage-related investments tied to real estate, banks and lenders have evaporated and those that remain have tightened theirt lending criteria. The effect has devastated the constructiob industry.
The of Americqa predicts a nine percenyt drop in nonresidential construction in following an already steep dropin 2008. The declinee is driven by weak demand and weaker access to the industryassociation said. There are any numbef of factors a lender considersa before committing toa $200-plus million project such as Park Avenude West. Among them: leasing market conditions, local occupancy rates and the experience of the development The market for Class A office space in Portlanc remainsfairly tight, at about 6.5 percentg in the first quarter, accordingb to Grubb & Ellis. But unemployment is above 12 percen and it is beginning to show in theoffice market.
Regionally, the vacancy rate is about 12.6 percent and absorption is negative, meaning therwe is more office space available now than ayear ago. “Therd are a lot of things theylook at,” said Neldaa Scott Newton, vice president in the .
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Dawson will lead TMC Charitable Foundation - Kansas City Business Journal:
The health system said Wednesday effective Monday, Dawson will take on the role of executived director of the and will continue to serv as the medical centers’ vice president for strategic businesxs development, a position he has had sincre August 2007. Dawson succeeds John Marshall, who left about a montgh ago “to pursue other Truman Medical Centers spokesmabn ShaneKovac said. Marshal l started at the foundation inAugusgt 2007, coming from his role as development director of The Salvation Army of Greater New During his tenure with the Dawson has helped secure a $7.5 millionn grant for 170 new beds at the Hospitap Hill location.
He also is organizingy the development of a capital investment fund that will help createran endowment. “I am lookingy forward to enhancing the integration between TMC and thecharitabls foundation,” Dawson said in a news release. Dawson’s career includews experience inseveral industries, includingt senior living, hospitality, convention/destination attractions, entertainment and Truman Medical Centers includes two acute-care and . It is part of the nonprofitf , which also includes TMC Behavioral Health, a number of primary-care practices throughout Eastern Jacksom County and management ofthe .
TMC Hospitalk Hill is the primary teaching hospital for the and specializesin asthma, bariatrics, diabetes, women’s health and trauma
Sunday, March 25, 2012
New Resource Bank gets cease-and-desist order from regulators - Portland Business Journal:
The $166 million San Francisco bank gota cease-and-desisty order from the and the Californiaz Department of Financial Institutions on May 29. The bank was orderedr to pay particular attention to its lending policees relating to construction loans as well as loans made to bank The bank said the order was based onthe bank’ condition on Sept. 30, and that it has already made some progress on meeting theregulators demands.
“Ne Resource Bank currently has high levels of capitaloand liquidity,” Vincent Siciliano, president and CEO, said in a “Like many financial institutions, we are facing a challenginhg economic climate that resulted in under-performing loanss in the real estates construction and development sector. “We are workingt with borrowers to reduceour problem-loan exposure and have made significant Siciliano said. The bank raised almost $15 million in a stoc k offeringlast September. As of March 31, the bank said its risk-basex capital ratio was 18.
97 percent -- almost double the 10 percen t benchmark of a bank considered well In addition to bringing on Sicilianoas CEO, the bank also hiree Bill Peterson as chief credit officerd and Charmaine Detweiler as chief financiap officer. The bank’s board also recently elected Mark Finseeas chairman. He has 25 years of experienced insocial finance. New Resourc Bank, now serving 2,000 clients, opened in October 2006 to promotee green businessesand practices.
Friday, March 23, 2012
The is requiring health care providers and many othe businesses to identify and respondto “red of identity theft. So, if a medicakl practice determines that fraudulent use ofsomeone else’sa health insurance card is a potentialo problem, checking photo ID mighft be a way to respond throughy the so-called Red Flags mandated by the Fair and Accurate Credity Transactions Act of 2003. Any business that regularly defers paymentd for goods and servicess or arranges for the extension of credit is subject to the including retailers, phone companies and utilities.
Accordint to FTC guidance for healthcare “You are a creditor if you regularly bill patients aftere the completion of including for the remainder of medical fees not reimbursed by Providers also are covered if they establish payment plans. The arguex that the medical community already guards againstr identify theft through the privacy and securith mandates of the Health Insurance Portability andAccountabilityg Act, or HIPAA. The FTC contends that the Red Flags Rule complements HIPPA by ensuring if recordsare stolen, no one can use a falsre identity.
According to the FTC, businesses coveref by the rule mustdevelop “reasonabl policies and procedures” to identify, detect and respondd to red flags. Businesses also must addresse how they will stay current withthe ever-changingy threat of identify theft. Noncompliance can lead to a fine of as muchas $3,50 a violation. lawyer Martie Ross said the Red Flagsz Rule mandates sensible safeguards for a significan t threat to healthcare providers. “This is good businesds practice, is what it is,” Ross Dr. Ted Epperly, president of the Leawood-based , “I think it’s an important thing to Epperly said.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Vanderbilt names new CFO - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Sweet, 38, comes to Vanderbilt from , where he was dean of administratioj and finance ofthe school’s Faculty of Arts and which encompasses Harvard College, the Graduate School of Arts and the School of Engineering and Applieed Science and the Division of Continuing Education. Priot to that, he was executive vice presideny of finance and administration and chief financial officert at and was responsible forthe college’s finances, capitalp markets management, information human resources, facilities, research administration, businesss operations and investment management.
Sweet also was a principal with and spent five yeard as a nuclear submarine officer in the Navy before earning his master of business administrationfrom Harvard. Sweeyt succeeds Lauren Brisky, who retired from Vanderbilt in The appointment is expected to be approve d by the Vanderbilt Board of and will be effective inlate
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Condo 'neighborhood' sketched for E. Gay St. - Business First of Columbus:
will propose to builsd 250 condominiums at East Long and East Gay street s in a layout designed toevoke Chicago'd Lincoln Park or New York'sd Murray Hill venerable enclaves. The company expectse to deliver its conceptualplans Nov. 21 to the city's Downtown "It's a much differentr product than what's been built in the downtowj byanybody else," said company President Jeff Edwards. the proposal calls for garden- and townhouse-stylwe condos to be densely developed alony severalcity blocks. "Everyone kind of jumps up and down andthinkw it's wonderful that (projects are) going Edwards said. "I frankly think we should be going outbecause there's so much vacant land downtown.
" , an affiliatw of the developer. has spentt nearly $7.8 million since March acquiring about 60 percent of theprojectt site. It paid an additional $350,000 in September for a propertyy along the northern edge of Long Street that will servse as a construction staging The company still needs to get about 10 percent of the or less thanan acre, under contract before its and Multicohn Construction divisions can start working on the development, Edwardse said. The developer plans to builr the condos over four to six with the first buildings scheduleds to opennext "We have the luxury to react to the marketplacew based on what's accepted," Edwards said.
"We laid out the whole project butthat doesn't mean we can't vary on If approved, the project would mark the largestr condo project undertaken downtown since the city launche d its urban housing development initiative in 2002. Real estatw consultant Ken Danter said he expects the projectt will attract a different buyer from those drawnn tothe office-to-condo conversion projects that have dominated the downtownb housing market. "It broadens the marke t considerably to where more people in the suburbs will feel comfortablse moving into that kindof environment," said the presidentr of "(It) creates that village-like feel you get in Germah Village or the Shortg North.
" Edwards plans to begin sellintg one-bedroom garden condos in the $120,000 range. A three-bedroomj townhouse of 2,600 square feet woulrd head intothe $450,000s. Danter said thosew prices, at or beloq $200 a square foot, widens the downtown market, wherew some recent housing has crept intothe $250-a-square-footr price range. "We've been encouraging people for a long time to come in at a broadeeprice point," Danter said.
The project's eastern edge would sit inside theDiscovery District, whichh has landed a few housiny projects in recent years, includiny 88 apartments planned for the formef Seneca hotel building at South Grant Avenuer and East Broad Streef and the 44-unit Terraces on Grant southg of Town Street. The lack of development in that section of downtown surprisesa the president of the Discovery District Development Corp. because of the nearby cultural andeducationaol institutions. "I would think those developingg any sort of downtown housing wouldx see that asa plus," said Chuck Wickert, a seniot vice president.
Wickert said Columbus Statd Community College and the have begun expandinbg westward toward North Fourth Street to fill in some of the expansd of parking lots near where Edwarda plansto build. "Eventually, it's all going to get he said. Edwards lookes at two other sites beforre choosing EastGay Street. "o figured if we were going to work on a projecftlike this, we needed it to be of a size to creatd a neighborhood," he said. "Therse aren't all that many locations where you can tie up this amounof ground.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Edison wins approval for solar panel installation - Boston Business Journal:
During the next five years Edisonwill install, own and operatre 150 solar panels that will generate 250 megawatts of power. Edison was also granted the abilityt to solicitother solar-power companies to install similar pane l arrays and sell the powe back to Edison, up to an additional 250 Edison says the 500 total megawatts makes the projectf "the largest photovoltaic program ever “The program will create hundreds of neighborhood solard power plants, strengthen local grid reliability and produce hundreds of new green jobs to bolster Southern California’s economivc recovery,” Chairman and CEO Theodore F. Craverd Jr., said in a statement.
The firsr Edison site has already been completed on the roof of a distributio warehousein Fontana. According to Edison, it is the largesf single rooftop solar photovoltaic array inthe nation. Both Southerhn California Edison and its parent EdisonbInternational (NYSE: EIX) are based in
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tanga, Central Lines Surely Need Revamping -
Tanga, Central Lines Surely Need Revamping Despite the rehabilitation of the road network, including construction and elevation of major highways and feeder roads to tarmac level all over the country, that has helped facilitate movement of both goods and passengers, the importance of a modern ... |
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ruling on Coyotes move could come Wednesday - St. Louis Business Journal:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfield Baum struggledc to stay on taskat Tuesday’ss hearing as attorneys representing Balsillie, Coyotes owner Jerru Moyes, the city of Glendale, the and other professionakl sports leagues delivered hours of oral arguments over bankruptcy code, anti-trustg law, relocation and other legal Baum and the myriad of attorneys delver into obscure bankruptcy provisions and past relocations by teama including the Oakland Raiders, San Diego Quebec Nordiques and Baltimore Colts.
Baum focused on whether Balsillie will have to pay the NHL a relocatioh fee on top ofhis $213 millio offer to buy the financially strapped Coyotes from Phoenix trucking company owner Jerr Moyes. The relocation fee could totakl as muchas $100 million, court documents indicate. Baum appears read to rule that the NHL has the rights to the Hamilton market and if the Coyotes aremoveed there, Balsillie will have to compensatr the league for loss of an expansiob opportunity. The city of Glendale presses Baum to consider legalp claims and costs that would accompany a move to That could offset an offer as lowas $140 millionh by parties wanting to keep the team in city representatives said.
Glendale officials said they wouldd make a claim for as muchas $500 milliohn if the team breaks its leas e at the city-owned Arena. Arena concessionaire Aramarj Corp. also could make a claim. Moyes and Balsillie’s attorneys argued that a lease claim is subjecf to various monetary caps and that the couryt can discharge lease terms and penaltiews in order to maximize the team’s value for creditors. Moyeas said a decision could come Wednesday and has urged the courtg to hold an auction sale for the hockey team onJune 22. The NHL and Glendale say the sale should be put off until August and the league said it will financre the Coyotes into next seasonn ifneed be.
Glendale attorneys also pressed Baum to find out how much money Moyes may have takenm out ofthe team. They point to the fact the Coyotez spend money leasing private office space at Westgate City Cente instead of usingarenas offices. Moyes spokesman Steve Roman saidthe city’s speculatiom that Moyes is profiting from that arrangement is Moyes and Westgate developer Stevw Ellman split joint assets, including the Coyotes, in 2006 with Moyeas taking over as team The Coyotes have lost more than $300 million sincee moving to Phoenix from Winnipeyg in 1996.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Cincinnati-area firms win Ohio incentives - Houston Business Journal:
, a maker of marketinyg simulation andplanning software, receivef $1.1 million from the Innovationm Ohio Loan Fund, at an annuall interest rate of 1 percent for the first year and 8 percentt for five years. The Cincinnati-based company will use the loan to develo p a new generation of its Emerging Marketplacwe software and buycomputer equipment. The $2.2 millionj project is expected to creates 36 jobs and retainm10 jobs. Two local firms also received Job Creatiohn Tax Credits forexpansion • , a supplier of labeling systems for the beverage was awarded a 45 percent tax crediyt for five years for a $1 million expansion projec t in Mason.
The company expects to use the worthabout $52,700 over its term, to createw 25 jobs and retaihn 118. • won a 45 percenrt job credit, for a six-year term, for a $170,00p0 expansion project at its regional office The credit is valued atabout $119,75 over its term. Advantage expects to create 33 positions andretaim 65. The company, headquartered in Wash., provides energy management consulting
Thursday, March 8, 2012
William Boyd Printing site sold for $1.3M - The Business Review (Albany):
Ltd., an affiliate of Cos. in Cliftom Park, closed on the $1.3 millioj purchase on June 3. Cass Hill intendsz to convert theformert 1.3-acre industrial site at 39-498 Sheridan Ave. into an office/retail/residential project. The propertyt is located behind the Suites onChapel Street, near the hearr of the city’s entertainment district. Tony Sabatino of representee the seller. Cass Hill was represented by Eilee n Lindbergof /Albany. Marc H. president of Cass Hill Development couldn’t be reached for Cass Hill owns severalproperties downtown, including a 30,000-square-foot office buildingf on Monroe Street across from the formef printing plant.
Boyd Printing filed for Chapter 11 bankruptchy protection inSeptember 2005. A federal bankruptcy judge in March 2008 approved the sale of the buildingse to help satisfythe company’s Some of the company’s assetsa were purchased by Carl Johnson, an officerf at Boyd Printing, who opened a separate corporation, in Colonie. Previous deals for the Sheridan Avenue property fizzles before Cass Hill signed a purchase contracttlast year.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Mass. seeks bids for $157M in energy stimulus - Boston Business Journal:
The agency is preparing a comprehensivee application on behalf of municipal and private entitiesa to send to the to receive its sharw of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant some $157 million. The DOER is soliciting projectsdfor submission, and estimates about 72 projects will receive Projects must be “shovelo ready,” or ready to begin within 120 days of receivingh stimulus money. They also must work towardx energy efficiency, alternative energy or greenhouse gas emissionreductionn standards. Some of the projects eligiblr for funding include combined heat andpower systems, districft energy systems, waste energy recovery or high efficiency industrialp equipment.
Stimulus dollars will pay for up to 50 percentf ofapproved projects. Proposals must be submitted to the DOER byJune 30. “ I encourage businesses, municipalities and others to come forwarrd with proposals for putting this federal funding to work here in said DOER Commissioner Philip Giudicee in a preparedwritten statement. “Increasinh investment in these innovative energy technologies will move us furtheer along the path to a clean energy futurethat Gov. Patrick is blazing for Massachusetts.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
ADP reports 532,000 May job cuts - Nashville Business Journal:
Payroll firm ADP reported Wednesday that companiesx inthe U.S. cut an estimated 532,000 workeras from payrolls last ADP also revised higher its estimate of cuts in Aprioto 545,000 from the previous estimate of 491,000. The ADP reporg noted losses across all sizes and categories of businessezs with large business payrollsdeclining 100,000, mediumn businesses shedding 223,000 jobs and smallk businesses cutting 209,000 employees. The goods-producinh sector lost 267,000 jobs while the service-producingt sector declined by 265,000 The Labor Department is due to release its jobs reporyton Friday.
The average analyst estimate for that report of government as well as privatee payrolls is a lossof 520,000 payrolk positions and an increase in the unemploymenyt rate to 9.2 percentf from April’s rate of 8.9 On Monday, The Institute for Supplyg Management announced that its factorg index rose to the highest level since last Septembee as new orders posted their first gain sincr the recession began. On Tuesdayy the National Association of Realtors reported that pending sales ofexistinfg homes, or contracts signed but not closed, rose 6.
7 percenyt in April, the largest increase in six
Friday, March 2, 2012
Taste of Greater Taunton event returns for 19th year - Taunton Daily Gazette
Taste of Greater Taunton event returns for 19th year Taunton Daily Gazette By Christopher Nichols The Taste of Greater Taunton returned to the Silver City on Thursday night for its 19th straight year. The event รข" held at the Holiday Inn in Taunton รข" featured dishes and food and drink items from 30 restaurants and vendors in ... |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Del. North seals Aqueduct deal - Business First of Buffalo:
But that doesn’t mean the Buffalo-basedr company is moving away from itscore food-service “It’s an evolution for Delaware North but not a said Jeremy Jacobs Sr., chairman and chief executive Delaware North put together an aggressiv bid – topped by offering a $350 milliomn payment to New York – to land the coveted The deal will see – a partnershi between Delaware North, Saratoga Gaming and the , and Maso n Capital – develop a complex that will include 4,500 VLT terminals along with a series of hotels, a conference center and retail outlets at the horsw racing track.
Jacobs said, “But we’ve always supported He noted Delaware North’s long history of being involved in horse and dogracing “Aqueduct is a big he said. The deal may be one of the hardest-foughrt contracts in Delaware North’s 93-year history. The compant invested seven yearsin it, culminating in recent weeks. Hardball Albany politicws could have killedthe deal. Two weeks ago, Gov. Davidr Paterson and Assembly Speaker Sheldomn Silver threw their support behindDelawarwe North’s bid, but Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelow voiced concerns. A series of meetinga eventually securedhis support.
The Aqueduct deal will see Delawarw North create 50 new jobs at its downtown Buffalop headquarters and atleast 1,000 in William Bissett, president of Delaware North Gaming and estimates the complex will attract more than 10,000o people a day once it is completed in two years. The deal comexs not long after Delaware Northj Sportservice became part of the team handlingg catering operations at the famedx Grand Ballroom inNew York’s The Plazaa hotel. It also landed the concessions and premium dining contracyt for the new home of theand .
Combined, they represent Delaware North’s largest foray into the New York “It gives us a huge presence goingv forward in NewYork City,” Bissety said. Delaware North runs a mosaic of concessions work at nationalo landmarks andhospitality venues. Of the company’s 2007 revenues of $2.3 billion, the gaming and entertainmenf subsidiaryproduced $775.2 million, roughlty 34 percent of its total revenues package. Delaware North Sportservice, which conducts business in 50 major sportss and entertainmentvenues nationwide, reported $518 millio in 2007 revenues. That’s approximately 23 percent of Delaware North’s bottom line.
The Boston Bruins, owned by reported 2007 revenuesof $59.6 while TD Banknorth Garden, the Bruins’ home rink, reportedf revenues last year of $53.8 million. In recent Delaware North has landed a range of new contract s including concessions and premium dining contractds at the Meadowsland stadium complex in New Jersey and the new home of the both of which are scheduled to openin 2010. Delawarr North has signed a deal to bring a Sportsd Illustrated store to the Detroit Metropolitabn WayneCounty airport, and it is overseeing a dramativ face-lift of the retail and concession operations at Buffalo Niagarz International Airport.
In the company has completed a $60 million face-lif t at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Comple anda $10 million expansion of the Tenayz Lodge in Yosemite National Park. It also took over operatiohn of the historic Gideon Putnam hotel inSaratoga “We have a lot of things goinv that go well beyond our gamin g business,” said Dennis Szefel, Delaware North chief administrative officer. “In fact, acros the board, we probably have more stuffg going on nowthan we’ve had in the past few he said.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Glascow Rangers go into financial administration -
Glascow Rangers go into financial administration AP GLASGOW, Scotlandรข"รข"Scottish champion Glasgow Rangers were placed into financial administration Tuesday, triggering a 10-point deduction that will leave rival Celtic 14 points ahead in the title race. Rangers, who have won the league a record 54 ... |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Days Best shows out - The Hindu
Days Best shows out The Hindu 800m: Crร¨me De La Crร¨me (S.Kamble), Zaar (rb) 51, 600/38.5. They moved level freely. Kalinga Star (Prasad) 56, 600/42. Easy. Sumo (CSJodha), Que Sera Sera (Chandrakant) 55, 600/41. Former better. 1000m: Su O Moto (Daniel Grant), Cent Per Cent (Shelar) ... |
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Miller-Valentine building $25M center in South Carolina - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Dayton-based real estate company, whic h has offices in Cincinnatiand Columbia, is buildinf a 465,000-square-foot distribution facility for Atlanta-based (NYSE: HD). The $25 millionh regional distribution center will serv e 150 stores in South andNorth Carolina, Tennessee and partxs of Georgia. It will allow Home Depot to offetr a greater variety of products in eachindividualp store. Kurt Eyring, vice president of constructionwith Miller-Valentine, said the buildintg has an aggressive timetable for completion, only 28 weeks.
He said the company’as experience allows it to build the massive structureso “In a project like this, we will be pouringv footers, standing wall panels and putting on a roof all at the same Eyring said in a news release. The tilt-u concrete building will include 171 dock doorsand 18,000 square feet of officde space. The building will covefr 11 acres underits roof. The distribution center is expecte d to employ approximately 300 people once it The new center is a part ofa 290-acr e master-planned development in Lexington County. Soutn Carolina has been a growth marketfor Miller-Valentine.
In January, the firm announcef it had begun construction ona 176,000-square-foot distributio center in the state and already had landed its first anchor tenant. Last year, the compan y completed a 150,000-square-foot speculative industrial buildingin S.C. Miller-Valentine has several divisions including commerciap andresidential construction, property leasinbg and property management.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Washington State University cutting 360 jobs - Business First of Buffalo:
The Pullman-based university released a preliminary budgey plan on May 1 after the state Legislaturre announced an operating budget that included significanft cuts tohigher education. Wednesday’s announcemen reflects the results of publicv budget forums and meetings held since The new budget goes into effect onJuly 1. Job reductiond include 167 vacant positions and 116 currentlufilled ones. Another 47 people will take earluy retirement while others have shifteds from full time topart time. WSU employs more than 6,20p0 people across the state. The three program s that will be cut are the Department of Theater and the Department of Community and Rural Sociology and the majorin German.
Students who are majoring in those fieldsd will still be able to take coursees to finish their but no new students will be PresidentElson Floyd, Provost Warwickj Bayly, deans, chancellors and vice presidentsx are contributing 5 percent of their base salaries, or a totapl of about $330,000, to a special fund that has allowed WSU to save some More detailed information on the budget reduction
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Washington Vacation Rentals and Home Swap Listings Needed - http://www.bobzio ... - Seattle Post Intelligencer
Washington Vacation Rentals and Home Swap Listings Needed - http://www.bobzio ... Seattle Post Intelligencer Washington vacation rentals and home swaps are in high demand on is offering free lifetime listings to Washington vacation rental owners and other high demand resort locations. Owners get high end perk package with ... |
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Stewart Reports Results of Operations for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2011 - MarketWatch (press release)
Stewart Reports Results of Operations for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2011 MarketWatch (press release) Total revenues for 2011 of $1.6 billion declined 2.2 percent from 2010 while operating revenues declined 0.9 percent compared to the prior year, and operating revenues net of agency retention improved $14.4 million or 1.6 percent. |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Orinda, Octagon plan loft/retail conversion - Washington Business Journal:
Atlanta-based and Charlotteville, Va.-based reported theid plans for the property at 222Mitchell Street, but they did not disclos financial terms of the The 350,000-square-foot structure was builg in stages from 1929 to 1979 on 2.1 acresx and occupies the entire city block boundec by Spring, Forsyth, Mitchelo and Nelson Streets. Orinda and Octagon will convert the property into a rental building with 205 loft units and morethan 70,000 squarer feet of commercial space. Occupancy is expected in January 2011.
“Thes redevelopment of 222 Mitchell Street into rentap lofts and retail space will play a significant role in the rebirtgh of this part ofdowntown Atlanta,” said Dillon president of Orinda, in a statement. “We’r e certain that living at 222 Mitchell Street will appea l to young professionals who work as well as tocollege students, especiallu those who already attenx one of the many fine institution s in the area, such as Georgia State Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta University and Georgias Tech.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Hawaiian Telcom closes 3 stores - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Hawaiian Telcom, which is reorganizing under Chapter11 bankruptcy, said Thursday it will closer its Kapolei and Windward Mall storea on Oahu and the Lihue storse on Kauai because of slackeninfg demand and the high cost of maintaining the The Kapolei location closed earlier this week. The Windward location will close June 9 and Lihude will closeJune 16. The companuy said 23 full- and part-timd employees will be affectedc bythe closures, but some employeew will be transferred within the company. Hawaiian Telcom will have five storexs afterthe closures. “The decision to close several of our retai l stores wasnot easy.
We take our responsibility to our our company and community very This decision was made to enhancethe long-terjm success of our company,” said presidenf and CEO Eric Yeaman, in a “We appreciate our customers’ and employees’ continueed support.”
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Flying the dragon tail - Jakarta Post
Jakarta Post | Flying the dragon tail Jakarta Post If you buy penjor and penjor decorations, in the future our children won't know how to make these special decorations for our religious ceremonies,รข says Lebih, a deeply religious man who, with his village, keeps the dragon tail flying free. |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Gretzky could see big pay cut if Coyotes stay in Arizona - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The Coyotes are in Chapterd 11 bankruptcy reorganization and ownerd Jerry Moyes has a deal in the works to sell to Canadianm businessmanJim Balsillie, who wantss to move the team to Hamilton. The Nationalk Hockey League and city of Glendale oppose that move. If the Coyotes move to Gretzky has saidhe won’t accompany the That could mean a $22 millioj payout in deferred compensation for Gretzky, who is part ownere of the Coyotes. If a buyer is founds to keep the teamin Arizona, Gretzk still could be out of his coachingt job. The Coyotes haven’t made the playoffs since 2002 — that record remaining unchangedunderd Gretzky’s watch, which began in 2005.
If the team stays in Glendale and he keepshis job, Gretzky also coulf get hit financially, according to bankruptcy courf filings. Gretzky earns about $8 milliohn annually from the Coyotes viahis $1.6 million salary as coachj and other compensation as part owner of the hockey team, according to a legall brief penned by Gerald a principal with professional sports financial firm Beacoj Sports Capital Partners LLC. Sheehan also suggestx a new ownerreducee Gretzky’s compensation down to $2 million. He also suggestzs other cost-saving measures, includinv moving offices from leased spaceto Jobing.
com Revenue also could be increased by boostinvg ticket sales, sponsorships and suite sales and more non-sportinvg event bookings at the arena, which the Coyotex lease from the city of Glendale.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Ruling on Coyotes move could come Wednesday - Phoenix Business Journal:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfieldf Baum struggled to stay on taskat Tuesday’s hearingy as attorneys representing Balsillie, Coyotes ownedr Jerry Moyes, the city of Glendale, the and othere professional sports leagues deliverec hours of oral arguments over bankruptcy anti-trust law, relocation and other legal issues. Baum and the myria d of attorneys delved into obscure bankruptcy provisions and past relocatione by teams including theOakland Raiders, San Diego Quebec Nordiques and Baltimorr Colts.
Baum focused on whether Balsillie will have to pay the NHL a relocation fee on top ofhis $213 million offer to buy the financiallt strapped Coyotes from Phoenix trucking company owner Jerry Moyes. The relocation fee could totall as muchas $100 court documents indicate. Baum appeares ready to rule that the NHL has the rights to the Hamiltob market and if the Coyotes are moved Balsillie will have to compensate the league for loss of anexpansion opportunity. The city of Glendal pressed Baum to consider legal claims and costs that woulfd accompany a move to That could offset an offer as lowas $140 milliomn by parties wanting to keep the team in Arizona, city representativess said.
Glendale officials said they would make a clain for as muchas $500 million if the team breaks its lease at the city-owned Arena. Arena concessionaire Aramark Corp. also could make a claim. Moyes and Balsillie’ss attorneys argued that a leass claim is subject to variou s monetary caps and that the courg can discharge lease terms and penaltied in order to maximizethe team’s value for Moyes said a decision could come Wednesday and has urgefd the court to hold an auction sale for the hockety team on June 22. The NHL and Glendale say the sale shoulde be put off until August and the league said it will financed the Coyotes into next season ifneed be.
Glendale attorneys also pressed Baum to find out how much monegy Moyes may have taken out of the They point to the fact the Coyotes spenfd money leasing private office space at Westgate City Center instead of usintarena offices. Moyes spokesmahn Steve Roman saidthe city’s speculation that Moyes is profiting from that arrangement is false. Moyes and Westgate developer Steve Ellman splitjoint assets, including the in 2006 with Moyes taking over as team owner. The Coyotes have lost more than $300 milliob since moving to Phoenix from Winnipegin 1996.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Study: CFOs foresee job cuts and credit woes through '09 - Washington Business Journal:
The quarterly Duke University/CFp Magazine Global Business Outlook Survehasked 1,309 CFOs worldwide about their expectations for the economy. Their answer paint a gloomy picture for the rest ofthe * CFOs in the U.S. and Europe expected employment to shrinkjby 5.5 percent, with the unemployment rate in the U.S. seen risingh to perhaps as high as 12 percent in the next 12 Employment in Asia is expected to recedeby 1.
2 “Presumably, government programs will offset some of these but even the most optimistic governmenyt forecasts would reduce the losses by only 2 million,” said Campbelk Harvey, founding director of the survey and internationao business professor at Duke’s Fuqua School of “We’re facing the possibility of another 4 million lost jobs.” * U.S. and European CFOs foreseew capital spending plunging by more than10 percent. In Asia, CFOs anticipatew a 3 percent decline. * Six in 10 U.S. companie covered by the survey reported having trouble finding credif or acquiring credit at areasonable rate.
Among those firms encounteringcreditf impediments, 42 percent say the credit markets have gotten worse this year, while 23 percent say conditions have * Weak consumer demand and the credi markets ranked as the top two external concerns among U.S. chief financial officers, with the federal government’s policies coming in Among internal concerns, CFOs are losing the most sleeo over their inability to plan due toeconomic uncertainty, managinfg their companies’ capital and liquidity, and maintaining employeed morale.
Despite all the negative indicators, a majority of the CFOs in the Unitec States and Asia reported being more optimistif this quarter than they were theprevious quarter. That was not the case in where only 30 percent of the CFOs said they were more compared to the 31 percent who said they wereless optimistic. “Ou r survey carries an important message: Don’t put too much weightg on the ‘soft’ data like consume r confidence. Recovery requires sustained and such confidence is forged by strongereconomiv fundamentals,” Harvey said.
“The economic fundamentals –- employment, capitaol spending, the cost of credit – are stilll fundamentally troubling.” To see the complete surveyt results, go to the official Web site, .
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
GSA selects Smartronix for work - Washington Business Journal:
million task order to to make improvementsa tothe government’s stimulus-tracking Web site The agency, acting on behalf of the Recoverhy Accountability and Transparency Board responsiblwe for spending oversight under the American Reinvestmenr and Recovery Act, granted the awarfd late Wednesday. Hollywood, Md.-basedf Smartronix, with offices in Arlington, Chantilly and Stafford, Va., will performn work on the federal Web sitethroughh Jan. 31, 2010, according to the awardr notification posted to the Web There are 58 other contractors that hold spotes on the Alliant government wideacquisition contract. Undee the new task order Smartronix will be redesignintg and hosting aversion 2.
0 of the Work to be done will likely include updatesd and changes to the site’s user interface, information architecture and designj engineering, as outlined by the Recovery Accountability and Transparenchy Board. GSA issued it's solicitationb for a vendor to make these functionall updates to the site early in The company, which provides network operations, cyber security and softwares development services, is a GSA Alliant contract holder, whicuh was required for eligibility to bid on the Smartronix employees about 550 people in the Germany, Japan, Korea and the Philippines.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Tactical switch pays dividends for Sinclair, Canada - Globe and Mail
Globe and Mail | Tactical switch pays dividends for Sinclair, Canada Globe and Mail Tweaking the offence to allow striker Christine Sinclair more versatility, plus defining the role of each player fuelled the Canadian women's soccer team's drive to claiming a spot at this summer's Olympic Games in London. The changes introduced by new ... |
Friday, January 27, 2012
Chase ups business focus - Portland Business Journal:
Gone are the brightly colored signsproclaimingy “Whoo hoo!” at every replaced by Chase’s more somber emphasies on strength and stability throughh its “The Way Forward” campaign. Underpinninf the marketing shiftis Chase’s effort to aggressively expanc in areas that WaMu largely ignored. In an interviewq with the Portland Business newly hired Pacific Northwest Chairwoman Phyllis Campbelloutline Chase’s Oregon strategy — which will resultf in new midsize business services, additional wealtb management offerings, cuts to charitable giving and a more stais approach to branch-based banking. Campbell, who was president of U.S.
Bank in Washingtomn from 1991 to 2003, left the nonprofit Seattl Foundation in April tojoin Chase. She now traveld regularly from Chase’s Seattle office to Portland to meet with the fledginfg commercialbusiness team.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sprint Nextel sets opening-weekend sales records with Palm Pre - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
That’s roughly 50,000 to 100,000 phones, analysts Sprint launched the Palm Pre on breaking first-day and first-weekend sales records for a Sprin t (NYSE: S) device, the company said in a though it gave no More than 150,000 applications were downloaded from phone-maked ’s (Nasdaq: PALM) App Catalog on Saturday, according to a Mondayt blog entry on the Palm Web “Sprint is a very different company than it was 12 months Sprint CEO Dan Hesse said in the release.
“Palm Pre is the coming-our party for the new Sales in the first two days probablytexceeded 50,000 phones, compared with 146,000 for the first iPhone, which debuted in analyst Paul Coster said in a Mondah note about Palm. Sales probably were limited by manufacturingy capacity constraintsor Palm’s balancd sheet, he said. Althougu Sprint analysts predicted stronf sales this year and upgrades by Sprint some doubted that the Pre could help Sprint pull many customers from largercompetitors (NYSE: T) and . Sprint, the No. 3 wirelessa carrier, has about 49 million analyst John Hodulik predicted that Sprint wouldsell 1.
6 millionn Pre phones this year, which with cannibalization and 70 percenft upgrades could mean the addition of 330,00o incremental gross subscribers. Analyst Christopher Larsen with labeled the phonrethe “first true competitor to the iPhone.” “We believe its weekenr launch was a success, but that the buzz and excitement was well short of the initial launch of the he said in a Monday The Pre has created plentyh of buzz in the past several months, though Palm and Sprinr kept the device under The touch-screen smartphone features a slide-out keyboard and a new operatingg system, webOS, that has the capacity for functionw such as integrating contactw and calendars from multiple locations and operating multiplde applications simultaneously.
Sprint hasn’t revealed how long it has the exclusivw on the phone but has confirmedthat it’s at leas through the end of the year. Two days afterd the Pre launch, AAPL) and AT&T said the new iPhone 3G S would launcn June 19for $199 with a two-year service contract. Prices of the curren iPhone 3G have been cutto $99 with the The Pre sells for $200 after a $100 mail-i rebate and with a two-year service contract. Sprinyt said its Simply Everything which offersunlimited voice, data and saves customers $1,200 or more compared with similar plans by competitors. Sprint has been orchestrating a turnaround, attempting to reverser several quarters ofcustomer losses.
The company lost about 4.1 millioh contract subscriberslast year. Spring ranks No. 1 on the Kansasd City BusinessJournal ’s list of the area’d top public companies.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Privacy study shows Google
Using trackers called “web third parties collect user data from many popular web and sites often allow even though their privacy policies saythey don’t sharde user data with others. “Web bugs from Googlee and its subsidiaries were found on 92 of the top 100 Web sitews and 88 percent of theapproximately 400,000 uniquew domains examined in the study,” the authors Sites with the most web bugs were for blogginbg — blogspot and typepad were No. 1 and No. 2 on the list in and blogger was No. 4. Google itself was No. 3. Ashkan Soltani, Travis Pinnick and Joshua Gomez ofthe university’w information school wrote the study, published Monday.
They analyzed privach policies posted on web sites and found loopholes used by many site operator to allow third parties to still collect data on whoviewx pages. They also found, for that although web sites may reassure visitorzthat “we don’t share data with thirr parties,” those third parties don’t include a company’s affiliates Google (NASDAQ: GOOG), for example, has 137 subsidiarhy businesses.
“The law on affiliate sharing generally is more than that on sharing user data with thirdxparty companies, the report Companies controlling the top 50 busiesyt web sites had an average of 297 affiliates each, meaninhg they could share user data with a lot of otherf companies. Popular site , for is owned by New York’s (NASDAQ: NWS), which has more than 1,50 subsidiaries. (NYSE: BAC) in Charlotte has more than 2,300 “Users do not know and cannot learn the full ranger of affiliates with which websitexs mayshare information,” the report Though many Internet usersw are familiar with “cookies” used to study their surfing they are less familiar with so-called “web which can’t be cleared out of a web since they are part of a web site’s HTML Since the web bugs are created directlyh by third parties, their use doesn’t strictly count as of data by the web site’s though users concerned about privacyh may be u nimpressed by this “We believe that this practices contravenes users’ expectations; it makes little senses to disclaim formal information but allow functionally equivalent tracking with third the report said.
Who's in chargd of privacy? Although surveys of Internet users show peopleare “veryh concerned about privacy and do not want websitesd to collect and share theie personal information without permission,” sifting through privacyg policies is not It would take 200 hours a year for a typicalk person to read the privacy policiesz of all the web site they visit, for example. Thus “users have no practical way of knowinfg with whom their data willbe shared.” On the polic y front, the report finds “no one knowsx who is in charge of protectinbg privacy” in the United States.
Peoplwe can complain to the Federal Trade Commission andotheer agencies, but even the FTC’s “principles for behaviora l tracking make no mention of any enforcement or A low number of complaints to variousa agencies means consumers don’t really know where to complain, the report said. The FTC looksx at online privacy more in termsof “harms” done to the report said, rather than also in termss of control over personal information, which is what most userse care about. The report makes several suggestiondsfor improvement, including more aggressive actio by the FTC to protect onlinew privacy.
It also calls for clearer privac y policies onweb sites, written so that average userzs can understand them. ’s (NASDAQ: ADBE) privacy policy, for when analyzed for readability, was written at an equivalent grade levelof 17.29. The average privacyg policy in the study was written at a grade leveloof 13.83. The full study can be found .
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Former Scotts chief dies at 72 - Business First of Columbus:
The Marysville-based company said Charles who served as chairman and CEO from 1996to 2001, died this weekenxd after an extended illness. Berger, the compan y said, retired after leading Scotts while it doubledf in size and made key strategic including the acquisition of the Orthop business and the launch of its ScottsLawnServices operation. “In our rich, 140-yead history, Chuck was one of our greatesr leaders, someone who helped us chart a new courswe and is largely responsible for the companhy as itexists today,” CEO Jim Hagedorh said in a statement. Hagedorn took over as CEO upon Berger’e retirement.
Before arriving at Scotts, Berger spenty more than three decadesat (NYSE:HNZ), where he managed the ketchul brand and served in several executiver posts, the company A father of three, Berger maintained homes with his wife Jane in New York Sands Point, N.Y., and Fla.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Milwaukee minority firm counsels $1.5B Wisconsin bond sale - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Milwaukee firm served as underwriter’s counsekl to a syndicate led by , New York in the sale of $1.5 billion of Series A Wisconsin General Fund Annual Appropriations Proceeds from the bond sale will be appliedx tothe state’s budget deficit. For the first quarterf of 2009, Gonzalez Saggio Harlan was rankedthe seventh-largest bond underwriter’s counseol in the nation based on the dollar value of the The firm is ranked fourt h in Wisconsin and Illinois.
“Oue role as sole underwriter’s counsel in the Wisconsin bond coupled with our national andregionap ranked, affirm the hard work we’vs done to win the confidence of bond issuersz and underwriters,” said Jerry Gonzalez, the managing partnere of the firm. The Gonzalez law firm is expandiny its expertise to include Build America Bonds that have been created as part of the AmericanRecovery & Reinvestmenty Act to reduce municipal borrowing costs.
Monday, January 16, 2012
An auction was to have begu n at9 a.m. Friday, a week after the bankruptr discount retailer was sold to an affiliateof Men’sd Wearhouse (NYSE:MW) in a bidding war that lastecd several hours. Limited and formal objections tothat $67 million deal have since been filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, prompting a judge to send the chain back for auctio n again. Among those objecting to the sale isCrow Acquisitions, the company that was first in line to buy Filene’ds assets. The company in a filingf this week claimedthe Men’s Wearhouse transaction didn’tr follow bidding procedures and described the auctiob itself as “a travesty.
” Crow claimed that Men’s Wearhouse originally said it had no interest in buying Filene’s assets throughj an outright sale, but as part of a reorganization. Crowhn said Men’s Wearhouse later swooped in with a bid that was filede after acourt deadline. The new auction was to have begunh at9 a.m. A hearing following the auction is scheduleddfor 12:30 p.m., according to court Filene’s Basement sought protection from creditorse in May in Delaware bankruptcy months after closing several stores. Columbus-based Retailp Ventures Inc. (NYSE: RVI), whicbh maintains a majority stake in discount shoe retailerDSW Inc. sold the chain this year to FB IIAcquisitionb Corp.
, a new entity owned by liquidation and turnaround firm Buxbaumn Group.