Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dr. Sonny Saggar plans urgent care center in downtown St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
Saggar purchased the building at 916 Olivd on March 12for $1.1 million from the estats of attorney Jack Randall, who died this The 27,000-square-foot building is best known for its exteriorr neon sign depicting President Harrgy Truman. The acquisition was privately Saggar plans toinvest $2 million into transforming 4,0090 square feet on the groune floor into an urgent care centeer for downtown workers and He has not yet selected a lender on the "With the high density of peopl living and working downtown, if they have a minor injurg or ailment, there's no where closer to go," he said.
Saggar has contracted with Hal Hansteib and Tonia Roberts of to leasw the remainder of which Saggar said could be filledd with health and wellness associated businessesand practices. He said he is in talkw with a group of physiciand about starting a family practice inthe building. Saggafr said he's also in negotiations with a gym to leaser space in the basement ofthe building. The closesy urgent care center currently in operation is at 5535 Delmar according to RobFruend Jr., chief executive of the . "Yohu could drop a compass there and spin it and for 15 milesx all around thereprobably isn't another urgenrt care center besides the Smilety Center.
" Demand for urgent care centeras nationwide is on the rise as the availabilithy of primary care physicianss decreases and visits increasw to hospital emergency rooms, Fruend said. However, most urgent care centers in the St. Louis region are being built in thewestern suburbs. "There are not even that many of thesee centersinside 270," Fruen said. "I think the health-care provider s feel like they can afford to put the centers where the payer mix isrelatively stable, and the farther you get in from 270, your payef mix starts to switch on you.
" ' decisionb to open a grocery store across the street from the Trumab Building prompted Saggar's decision to locat e an urgent care center in the Old Post Officde District. Schnucks plans to open downtown'sd only pharmacy in the new groceryy store on the ground floor of the Ninth Street Garagse at Ninth and Olive in late 2008 orearlu 2009. Saggar has not yet decided whether to keep the Truma n sign onthe building. It was createc by artist Mark Pitliangas in the 1990s when a grouoof St. Louisans, including the building'w former owner, Randall, unsuccessfully sought to attract the Democratidc National Conventionto St. Louis.
Saggae said he has talked to city officialsd about potential grants forthe project. Saggar said he is also consideriny a private placement offering to raise funding forthe

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