Friday, December 31, 2010

Lumiere stops recognizing warring union, affecting 750 workers - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Lawyers representing managementat -ownef Lumiere sent letters Thursday to representatives of Local 74 and its , announcing a withdrawal of recognitiobn of Local 74. “The union has evince d a lack of continuitof representation, altering the identity of the bargaining representative and establishing a fundamental change in the bargaininy representatives,” DLA Piper lawyers representing Lumiere wrots to Dave Morton of Unitre HERE Local 74 and Noel Beasleh of Workers United.
Lumiere started receiving competing claimds about which union was representing its kitchen andhousekeepinh workers, creating confusion about the officiapl union representation, said Todd general manager and vice president at “Our hope was that the unions would be able to work this out amongs t themselves,” he said. “We’re tryingt to stay out of the middlee of thesecompeting unions.” He said Lumier notified workers Thursday of the company’s decision to not recognizee the union.
As a Local 74 filed unfair labor practic e charges with the National LabordRelations Board, said Morton, the organizing directoer for Local 74, who calledx Pinnacle's actions "unlawful" and "ludicrous." “This has been nothingh more than an attempt by (Pinnacled Chairman and CEO) Dan Lee and the heads of Pinnaclwe Entertainment to be anti-union,” he said. Mortonh said the union would consider picketintbut hasn't made any decisionsz yet. When asked about the possibility of a striks orother action, Georgew said: “We would hope that would not be the especially in this type of economy. That’s not the way we woul d like to proceed.
” If thers is a strike, Lumiere has a right to replaced any workers who walk offthe job, according to Mack a Lumiere spokesman. Unite HERE was formecd in 2004when Unite, a garment workers and Hotel Employees and Restaurantr Employees Union joined forces. But the marriage wasn’t a happyg one, with garment workers claiming that the newleadership didn’r care about their needs, leading to a lot of disgruntler workers nationwide. So in March, some workerx defected to createWorkerx United, which has been competing with Unite HERE to represenyt workers nationwide ever since. Local 74 voted in Marc h to leave Unite HERE to becom a part ofWorkers United, Morton said.
Workerxs United is now affiliatedx withlabor giant, . Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. (NYSE: PNK) is base d in Las Vegas.

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